Preferred Citation: Roelker, Nancy Lyman. One King, One Faith: The Parlement of Paris and the Religious Reformations of the Sixteenth Century. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1996.



Rabelais, François:

caricature of judges, 155 ;

on family, 128 ;

on marriage, 125 , 126

Radouant, René:

on character of Du Vair, 354 , 406 ;

on duc de Mayenne, 376 -77;

on Harlay, 344 , 345 , 436 ;

on Mary Stuart's funeral oration, 353 ;

on rehabilitation of Parlement, 435 ;

on speeches of Du Vair, 382 , 383

Ramus, Pierre, 110 ;

influence on Loisel, 29 , 31 ;

influence on Pasquier, 27

Rancher, Antoine, 447 , 449 n

Ranke, 325

Rapin, Nicolas, 428 n

Ravaillac, François, 456

Le rayonnement (cultural leadership), 163

Real Presence. See Eucharist

Rebours, Claude, 107

Rebuffi, 64 , 322

Recherches de la France (Pasquier), 27 , 65 , 86 , 108 , 227 ;

manuscripts of, 119

Recidivism, 205


"magisterial," 203 -4;

parlementaire opposition to, 229 n;

"radical," 204 n

Reformers, religious. See Religious reformers

Regalia, ceremonial, 72 , 76

Regicide, 145


comparison with Mémoires-Journaux , 483 ;

of Conciergerie, 313 ;

function of, 484

Registers of Parlement, 2 -3, 180 , 218 , 220 , 288 ;

Protestants in, 3 ;

purge of, 434 ;

secret, 269 , 311

Regnard, Florent, 268 n;

on commission to Catherine de Médicis, 268 n, 269


choice in, 165 -66;

as cohesive force, 163 -64;

controversial literature of, 103 -4;

effect on political alignment, 419 ;

exploitation of, 142 ;

importance to monarchy, 63 -64, 417 -18;

L'Estoile on, 158 , 167 -68;

ostentation in, 165 , 244 , 271 -72, 277 ;

robin attitude toward, 157 -58, 165 -66;

role in state, 426

Religious dissenters:

challenges to Gallican tradition, 172 -75, 185 ;

François I's toleration of, 182 , 205 ;

parlementaire response to, 175 -77, 187 ;

robin attitude toward, 381

Religious reformers, 172 -75;

exile of, 193 , 205 ;

sympathy of gens du robe for, 262 ;

Valois attitude toward, 189 -92

Religious services, Protestant:

Bèze's performance of, 258 ;

gens du roi at, 266 ;

at Paris, 232 , 251 , 261 , 270 ;

at Pré-aux-Clercs, 233 , 254 , 255 ;

prohibition of, 268

Religious toleration:

early advocates of, 477 ;

edicts of, 30 , 176 , 326 ;

failure of, 249 -58;

by François I, 182 , 205 ;

Henri IV's policy of, 450 ;

humanists' acceptance of, 469 ;

L'Hôpital on, 310 ;

in Paris, 228 ;

Parlement's treatment of, 19 -20, 194 -96, 210 -11, 230 , 233 -34, 477 ;

policy of Catherine de Médicis, 23 , 175 , 240 , 249 -58, 275 -76, 287 , 300 , 309 , 326 , 450 ;

resistance of Estates to, 325 n;

threat to French constitution, 477 , 481 .

See also Edict of Nantes (1598-99)

Religious unrest, 261 ;

L'Hôpital on, 251 -52;

in Paris, 268 -73, 276 , 431 ;

parlementaire protest of, 250 , 251

Remission of crimes, 148

Renaudot, Théophraste, 133

Residences, of parlementaires, 149 -50

Resignatio in favorem , 8 , 41 , 82 , 300

Retz, duchesse de, 122

Reuchlin, Johannes, 15 , 113

Reulos, Michel, 31 , 65 -66;

on praticiens , 154

Rice, Eugene, 95 -96

Richelieu, cardinal, 77 , 112

Richet, Denis, 9 ;

on elites, 340 , 419 ;

on family, 121 ;

on French Reformed Church, 228 ;

on matrimony, 54 ;

on Pierre (I) Séguier, 21 ;

on robins , 41 -42, 51

Ripault, Christophe, 447 , 448 n

Rivault de Fleurance, David, 129

Robertet, Florimond, 9 , 43

Robins :

access to benefices, 52 ;

antagonism with nobility, 130 n;

attitude toward law and order, 134 ;

attitude toward Paris League, 341 ;

autonomy among, 56 -57, 121 ;

avenues of advancement for, 44 -48;

banishment by Henri IV, 439 ;

book collections of, 99 -104;

bourgeois, 461 ;

Burgundian, 461 ;

in circle of Pasquier, 33 ;

class distinctions among, 128 -29;

clients of, 122 ;

at Council of Trent, 299 ;



Robins (continued )

for nobility, 50 , 51 , 128 -29, 144 ;

education of, 92 ;

exemption from taxation, 52 ;

goals of, 50 ;

historians among, 29 ;

in Holy League, 324 ;

immigrants to Paris, 41 -45;

intellectual pursuits of, 95 , 473 ;

interest in history, 112 ;

jusqu'au-boutistes among, 340 ;

long-range planning of, 51 , 53 ;

Parisian, 40 -42, 151 ;

in Paris League, 461 , 480 ;

politique , 464 ;

predominance in Parlement, 8 ;

pride in heredity, 153 ;

privileges of, 52 -53;

Protestant, 219 , 261 -62;

religious attitudes of, 157 -58, 165 -66, 167 , 175 , 244 -48, 381 , 461 , 464 , 480 ;

response to religious dissent, 175 -77;

satirization of, 155 ;

spiritual life of, 165 ;

upward mobility of, 54 , 133 -34;

value of royal service for, 49 -50;

vices attributed to, 156 .

See also Elites, robins; Gens de robe ; Lawyers

Robiquet, Paul, 483

Roches, Catherine des, 127

Roger, François, 200

Rogier family, 44

Rohan, Pierre de (maréchal de Gié), 13

Rohan family, 258

Roillart, Louis, 203

Roman law:

Bartholomé Faye's work on, 25 ;

in book collections, 100 ;

contrast with customary law, 65 ;

increase in authority of, 24 ;

influence on French law, 106 -7;

Le Caron's work on, 32 ;

parlementaire interest in, 105 .

See also Customary law; Fundamental law

Roman senate, 66 , 105 , 157

Rome, sack of (1527), 201

Romier, Lucien, 250 , 265 , 428 ;

on civil wars, 273 -74

Ronsard, Pierre de, 56 , 108 ;

epitaph for Marie Brachet, 126

Rose, Guillaume (bishop of Senlis), 394 , 404 ;

in Satyre Ménippée , 427

Rostaing, Tristan de, 265

Rouen' crime in, 144 , 145 ;

heresy cases in, 208 , 211 ;

siege of, 283 .

See also Parlement of Rouen

Rouillard, Jacques, 268

Roussel, Gerard, 200 , 203

Royal domain. Charles VII's expansion of, 43 ;

inalienability of, 61 , 63 , 79 ;

Parlement's role in, 68

Roye, Éléonore (princess de Condé), 284

Ruellé, Pierre, 447 , 448 n

Ruzé, Jean, 270

Ruzé, Pierre, 254

Ruzé family, 44 ;

humanist education of, 96


Preferred Citation: Roelker, Nancy Lyman. One King, One Faith: The Parlement of Paris and the Religious Reformations of the Sixteenth Century. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1996.