Gabelle : administration of, 132 ;
exemption from, 52
Gaillard, Michel (seigneur de Longjumeau), 254 , 255
Gallican Church. See Catholic Church, Gallican
alliance with Huguenots, 185 ;
beliefs on absolution, 412 ;
and control of Church, 88 -91;
controversy of 1591, 393 -98;
Du Moulin's defense of, 306 -7;
effect of Concordat of Bologna on, 178 ;
as expression of nationalism, 91 ;
institutional, 457 ;
internationalism of, 457 -58, 459 ;
Jacques Faye's defense of, 348 -49, 458 , 460 ;
of Lizet, 16 ;
nationalistic elements of, 458 ;
and neo-Stoicism, 109 ;
parlementaire defense of, 1 , 20 , 60 , 67 , 80 , 88 , 174 , 195 , 302 , 459 -61;
Pasquier's defense of, 29 ;
of Pierre Pithou, 31 ;
pluralism of, 459 ;
of politiques , 471 ;
scholarship on, 456 -60;
Victor Martin on, 456 .
See also Catholic Church, Gallican
Gallicanism, episcopal, 88 ;
definition of, 20 n;
of parlementaires, 89 -91
Gallicanism, royal, 20 n, 88 , 89 ;
Jacques Faye and, 26
Gallican liberties, 88 -91, 164 , 300 -301, 305 ;
effect of Trent decrees on, 183 , 184 , 222 , 228 -301, 304 , 450 ;
under Henri IV, 477 ;
Powis on, 457
Ganay, Jeanne de, 13
Ganay family:
humanist education of, 96 ;
immigration to Paris, 43
Garrison-Estèbe, Janine, 261
Gastine brothers, 313
Gauls: monasteries of, 162 ;
rivalry with Franks, 115 , 130
Gayant, Louis:
in Chambre Ardente, 218 ;
and Edict of January, 266 , 267 n;
in negotiations with Condé, 279 , 280 ;
in trial of parlementaires, 237 ;
and tumult of St-Médard, 260
Geisendorf, Paul, 118 , 119 , 483
Gelosi (troupe of comedians), 322
Genealogy, French, 139
General Council of the Union, 377
Geneva, Reformed Church in, 204 , 227
Gens de robe :
access to high office, 461 ;
family alliances among, 26 ;
mentalité of, 4 ;
profession of faith for, 268 ;
prominent families of, 14 , 43 -45;
rapprochement with old nobility, 36 ;
supporters of Catherine de Médicis among, 278 ;
sympathy for reform, 262 . See also Robins
Gens du roi :
in Chambre Ardente, 218 ;
on Concordat of Bologna, 179 ;
on divisions
within Parlement, 234 ;
dwellings of, 149 n;
and Edict of January, 269 ;
and Edict of Nantes, 444 , 445 ;
at Fontainebleau consultations, 303 ;
of Henri II, 230 -31;
Loisel on, 137 ;
at Protestant services, 266 ;
and qualification for Parlement, 83 ;
in Tumult of St-Médard, 259
Gentil, René, 203
Gentillet, Innocent: Anti-Machiavel , 62 n
Georges, cardinal d'Amboise, 9 , 15
German states:
François's alliance with, 182 ;
religious dissent in, 175 ;
wars of religion in, 226
Gerson, Jean, 476
Gié, maréchal de, 46
Giesey, Ralph, 51 ;
on family, 121 ;
on funeral ceremonies, 75 ;
on propres , 53 ;
on Salic law, 63 n;
on venality, 82
Gillot, Jean, 428 n
Gondi, Pierre de (bishop of Paris), 244 , 342 ;
on Trent decrees, 442
Gondi family, 44
Gontaut, Charles de (sieur de Biron), 141 -42, 359
Gonzaga family, 44
Gonzague, Louis de (duc de Nevers). See Nevers, Louis de Gonzague (duc de)
Goubert, 130 -31
Gouberville, Gilles de, 128 , 155 ;
seigneurial life of, 150 -51
Goulas, Marie, 29
under Henri II, 209 ;
life members of, 35 ;
renovation of, 70 ;
royal attendance at, 71 ;
treatment of heresy in, 211 , 294 ;
ultra-Catholics in, 234
Grand Conseil, 70 ;
execution of Pacification of Amboise, 285 ;
Lizet's speech at, 180 ;
Louise de Savoie's evocation of, 72 , 84 , 198 ;
origin of, 86
Le Grand Moisonneur (almanac), 142
Les grands. See Nobility
Grands jours (circuit courts): Antoine Loisel on, 29 -30;
parlementaires on, 48 ;
Pasquier on, 27 ;
Grassin, Pierre, 218
Le gratin. See Elites, robin
Greed, L'Estoile on, 131 , 132 , 143
Greek language, teaching of, 97
Greffiers , 151 ;
under Henri IV, 438
Gregory XIII (pope), and enforcement of Trent decrees, 346
Gregory XIV (pope), excommunication of supporters of Henri IV, 394 -97, 414 , 426
Gregory, Saint, 171
Grieu, Gaston de, 267 n
Groslot, Jean, 230
Grotius, Hugo, 111
Group de Meaux :
execution of members, 182 , 212 ;
interrogation by Parlement, 198
Guarinus (preacher), 427
Guérin, lawyer, 213
Guillart, André (sieur du Mortier), 14 , 284 ;
arrest of, 313 -14;
career of, 17 -18;
dispatches of, 136 ;
as spokesman of Parlement, 16 ;
Guillart, Charles, 12 , 177 , 292 ;
in Berquin case, 199 , 200 -201, 202 ;
on constitutional process, 180 , 406 ;
at lit de justice (1527), 70 -71, 84 ;
as mainstream spokesman, 14 , 74 , 195 ;
opposition to venality, 77 ;
remonstrance to Louise de Savoie, 197
Guillart, Louis, 292
Guillart family, 14 ;
immigration to Paris, 44
Guise, François de (cardinal):
assassination of, 79 , 174 , 187 , 300 , 371 , 372 -74, 377 ;
L'Hôpital's eulogy of, 240
Guise, Henri (duc de):
and Achille de Hat-lay, 363 ;
assassination of, 79 , 174 , 187 , 283 , 284 , 371 , 372 -74, 377 ;
in battle of Auneau, 351 , 354 ;
in Day of the Barricades, 358 -59, 361 ;
funeral services for, 283 n;
leadership of Paris League, 338 ;
massacre of Huguenots, 270 ;
Parisian supporters of, 270 , 276 ;
Pasquier on, 372 -73;
at pourparler de Paris , 256 ;
preparation for Day of Barricades, 356 , 357 ;
replacement of royal officers, 363 , 364 ;
seizure of Châlons, 336 ;
on Trent decrees, 369 -70;
visit to Paris (1585), 342
Guise, princesses of, 432
Guise-Lorraine faction, 12 , 469 ;
alliance with Diane de Poitiers, 220 ;
alliance with papacy, 227 ;
alliance with Spain, 185 , 227 , 367 ;
benefices of, 280 ;
cardinal de Lorraine's leadership of, 231 , 334 ;
Guise-Lorraine faction (continued )
Catherine de Médicis's opposition to, 242 ;
and Conspiracy of Amboise, 239 ;
control of government, 274 ;
control over Parlement, 221 ;
and duc d'Alençon, 324 ;
and Estates General, 85 ;
fall of, 276 ;
under François II, 238 ;
and François Olivier, 18 ;
goals of, 331 ;
grievances against Henri III, 336 ;
Huguenot opposition to, 239 -40;
independence of Sixteen from, 387 ;
leadership of Holy League, 174 , 187 , 334 ;
Lizet and, 220 ;
at mercuriale of June (1559), 236 ;
Parisian support of, 277 ;
during Paris League rebellion, 332 ;
parlementaire view of, 274 ;
patronage of Pasquier, 27 ;
policy of inquisition, 241 ;
propaganda of, 22 ;
and recall of Henri IV, 335