Mirages of Transition

67 occurrences of lizares
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 expand section1  Introduction  Why, Where, and How Many?

12collapse sectionI  CRISIS AND REALIGNMENT, 1780–1855
 collapse section2  From the "Andean Space" to the Export Funnel
 Azángaro's Integration into the Commercial Circuits of Colonial Peru
 The Late Colonial Crises of Southern Peru's Commercial Circuits
 The Rise of the Wool Export Commercial Circuit after Independence
 The Commercial System until Mid-century
 expand section3  Colonialism Adrift
12expand section4  The Oligarchization of Liberal Visions

30collapse sectionII  THE WOOL EXPORT CYCLE,  1855–1920
 expand section5  The Symbiosis of Exports and Regional Trade
23expand section6  The Avalanche of Hacienda Expansion
3expand section7  Communities, the State, and Peasant Solidarity
1expand section8  Gamonales, Colonos, and Capitalists
3expand section9  Conclusion Gamonales Aren't Forever

14expand sectionNotes
 expand sectionGLOSSARY
5expand sectionBIBLIOGRAPHY
6expand sectionINDEX

67 occurrences of lizares
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