Abancay, 176
Abarca Dueñas, Mariano, 221 , 338
Abascal y Sousa, José Fernando, 50 , 122
Achaya, 14 , 81 , 141 , 147 , 271 , 277 , 340
—haciendas: Achoc, 114 ;
Huañingora, 215
Agramonte, Hermenegildo, 68
Aguardiente. See Alcohol, trade with
Aiaviri Calsina, Francisco, 89
Alcalde y recaudador de tributo , 97 , 99 , 103 , 123
Alcohol, trade with, 34 -35, 37 , 56 , 74 , 172 , 176 , 178 -79, 182 , 284 , 338
Alpacas: in haciendas, 297 ;
wool, 36 , 56 , 58 -61, 153 , 161 -67, 179 , 344 , 352 . See also Proto-industrialization; Wool; Woolens
Amanqui (kuraka family), 141
Amat y Junient, Manuel, 96
Amenábar, Antonio, 181
Ampuero, Valentín, 256 , 408 n.190
Añavile (hacienda in Cabana district), 115
Anco Turpo, Pablo, 219
Anticresis , 231 -33. See also Land
Aparicio (prefect of Puno), 52
Aparicio, Lorenzo, 189
Aparicio González, Filiberto, 189
Apolobamba, 24 , 25 , 56 , 64 , 102
Aporoma, 80
Appleby, Gordon, 177
APRA, 352
Apurimac (department), 174
Aragón, Juliana, vda. de Riquelme, 109 , 248
Arapa (district), 14 ;
crops, 19 ;
hacienda expansion, 223 -24, 239 , 277 ;
kurakas, 141 ;
population growth, 270 ;
property tax, 282 ;
trade, 72 ;
during Túpac Amaru Rebellion, 46
—haciendas: Cuturi, 337 ;
Luisa, 271 ;
Soñata, 213
Arapa (continued )
—parcialidades: Ccacsani, 25 , 213 ;
Curayllo, 215 ;
Ilata, 271 ;
Arapa (lake), 16 , 20 , 81 , 221 , 262
Arequipa (city), 13 ;
currencies in, 160 ;
factories and crafts shop, 170 , 174 , 176 ;
merchants and exporters, 38 , 51 -52, 66 -68, 70 -71, 109 , 170 , 178 -80, 182 -83, 187 -92, 334 , 343 -44, 350 -52;
migration from altiplano, 25 , 141 ;
road and railroad links, 38 , 183 -85;
trade, 20 , 44 , 49 , 53 , 69 , 74 , 334 ;
during Túpac Amaru Rebellion, 47
Arequipa (intendency or department), 58 ;
agricultural products, 168 , 176 ;
mines and minerals, 33 ;
trade, 33 -34, 41 , 51 , 56 -57, 140 ;
wool production, 59
Argentina, 71 , 152 , 157 , 189 , 202 , 315 , 321 , 351
Arguedas, José María, 1 -2
Arias Echenique, Bernardino, 227 , 240 , 339 -41, 343
Arizales, Mariano, 250
Arpita, Juan, 128
Artisans: during early republic, 139 -40;
effects of imports on, 52 ;
rural, 35 -37, 49 , 286 -87. See also Proto-industrialization
Asillo, 14 ;
church lands, 253 ;
estates, 80 ;
hacendados, 65 ;
kuraka families, 141 ;
loss of peasant lands, 99 , 224 -25, 229 ;
mines, 32 ;
peasant landholding, 89 ;
property tax, 282 -84;
repartos de bienes , 94 ;
revolt, 340 ; roads, 185 , 223 ;
settlement nucleus 134 ;
—haciendas: Anccosa, 238 ;
Posoconi, 253 -54, 256 , 344 ;
Rosaspata, 253 ;
San Francisco de Purina, 80 , 253 , 256 , 344
—parcialidades: Anansaya, 97 ;
Anoravi, 283 ;
Collana, 224 ;
Asociación Pro-Derecho Indígena, 339
Audiencia of Charcas, 40 , 48 , 83 -85, 87 , 89 , 93 -94, 96
Audiencia of Cuzco, 48
Australia, 152 -53, 157 , 158 , 189
Avila, José, 236
Ayacucho: battle of, 51 ;
town, 53
Ayamamani, Vicente, 271
Ayllu. See Indian communities
Ayuni y Camara (hacienda in Cuzco), 85 -86
Azángaro (corregimiento or province): authorities, 135 , 147 , 198 , 239 -40;
Bustamante Rebellion, 24 ;
church lands, 82 , 98 , 118 -21, 253 -58;
courts, 234 -36;
geography and ecology, 13 -20;
haciendas during early republic, 108 -15;
land tenure and settlement during colony, 79 -83;
land transactions since 1850s, 201 -12, 220 -41;
livestock population, 117 -18, 271 -72;
markets during colony, 32 -40;
repartos de bienes , 93 -94;
roads and railroads, 183 , 185 ;
society during early
republic, 137 -48;
taxes, 130 -31;
towns, 134 -36;
trade during early republic, 54 -56;
during Túpac Amaru Rebellion, 45 -46, 96 -98
Azángaro (district and town): church, 82 ;
colegio municipal , 147 ;
during early republic, 134 -35, 147 ;
kurakas, 141 ;
landholding during colony, 81 ;
population, 24 , 98 , 147 , 270 ;
town council, 187 ;
—haciendas: Caravilque, 26 ;
Cayacayani, 239 ;
Chamacca, 189 ; Lacconi, 245 ;
Parpuma, 256 ;
Pumire, 233 ;
Puscallani, 83 , 113 , 228 , 249 ;
Quichusa, 113 ;
Quimsachata, 299 ;
San Juan de Dios, 245 ;
Sollocota, 188 , 227 -28, 239 , 299 , 302 , 306 , 307 ;
Tintire, 239 ;
Upaupani, 233 ;
Vilquecunca, 238
—parcialidades: Anansaya, 83 , 89 , 249 ;
Hilahuata, 230 ;
Jallapise, 276 ;
Moroorcco, 280 ;
Tiramasa, 128 ;
Azángaro (river), 14 , 213 , 238
Bajío (Mexico), 111
Baldíos , 99 , 102. See also Land
Balenzuela, Juan, 137
Balero, Pedro, 295
Ballón, César and Victor, 306
Banco de Arequipa, 192
Banco de Perú y Londres, 192
Banco de Puno, 192
Baquijano y Carrillo, José, 91
Barreda, Carlos, 314
Barter, 41 , 58 , 188 -89. See also Exchange; Markets; Trade
Basadre, Jorge, 127
Basadre y Chocano, Modesto, 134
Bauer, Arnold, 256
Beals, Carleton, 353
Bedoya and Revie Company, 318
Begg, John, 62
Belón, Carlos, 352
Belzú, Manuel Isidoro, 57
Bertram, Geoffrey, 323 -26
Billinghurst, Guillermo, 338 , 340
Bolívar, Simón, 122 -24
Bolivia: chinchona bark production, 64 ;
Indian peasants, 277 -78;
lake steamers, 183 ;
migration to, 25 ;
mineral exports, 168 ;
political relations with Peru, 24 , 53 , 57 -58, 340 ;
separation from Peru, 48 , 51 ;
trade, 52 -53, 57 -58, 60 , 71 , 176 , 177 -78, 184 , 196 , 334 . See also High Peru
Bonilla, Heraclio, 59
Borax, 168
Borders and border disputes: between landholders, 237 , 335 -36;
between public jurisdictions, 48 , 58 . See also Haciendas; Indian communities; Land; Property rights
Boserup, Esther, 28
Braillard y Compañía, 190
Brazil, 321
Bueno, Cosme, 31
Buenos Aires (city), 41 , 44 , 46 , 48 , 50
Buenos Aires (viceroyalty). See Río de la Plata
Bulmer-Thomas, Victor, 353
Bureau of Indian Affairs, 345
Burga, Manuel, 172 , 304 , 348
Bustamante Otero, Luis, 339
Bustamante Rebellion, 24 -25
Butiler, Petronila, 233
Cabanillas, 68
—hacienda: Miraflores, 111
Cabildos de Indios , 100 , 134 -35, 147
Cáceres, Andrés Avelino, 157 , 209 , 277
Cáceres, Mariano, 137
Cacicazgos , 97 , 108 , 123 , 249
Caciques de sangre , 123 . See also Kurakas
Caja de Censos de Indios, 110
Caja de Consolidación, 110
Cajamarca, 144
Calapuja, 183
Calisays trees, 64. See also Chinchona bark
Callohuanca (kuraka family), 141 , 283
Calsina, Juan, 89
Camaná, 176
huanacos, 19 ;
vicuñas, 19.
See also Alpacas; Llamas
Caminaca, 14 , 69 , 81 , 221 , 223 -24, 270 , 338
Campomanes, Count of, 88
Canas, 35
—hacienda: Lauramarca, 346
Cangas, Gregorio de, 94
Canihua , 19
Cano Arce, Alejandro, 311
Capachica peninsula, 233
Capellanías , 120 , 258.
See also Censos
Capital: accumulation, 188 ;
for livestock estates, 192 , 315 , 316 -17, 326 -27, 350 ;
for mining, 63 ;
for trade, 180 ;
for tropical agriculture, 65.
See also Credit
Capitalism: and agrarian economy, 7 , 351 -52, 354 ;
definition of, 5 ;
transition to, 3 , 5 , 7 -8, 175 , 315 , 355 ;
and unequal development, 8
Carabaya: administrative boundaries, 48 ;
migration to and colonization of, 24 , 65 , 102 , 188 , 211 ;
mining, 32 , 62 -63, 65 -66, 80 , 168 , 185 , 227 ;
repartos de bienes , 97 ;
roads, 223 ;
rubbe companies, 185 ;
tribute lists, 131 ;
during Túpac Amaru Rebellion and Wars of Independence, 45 , 47 , 49
Carcausto (kuraka family), 141
Carcausto, Carmen, María and Sebastián, 125
Carlosvisa (kuraka family), 141
Carrascón y Sola, Francisco, 48
Cascarilla. See Chinchona bark
Caste society.
See Sociedad de castas
Castilla (province), 267
Castilla, Ramón, 127 , 130 , 132 , 145 , 277
Castresana, José Guillermo de, 190 , 294 , 299 , 301 , 318 -19
Castro, Cayetano, 137
Castro Pozo, Hildebrando, 260
Catari, Nicolás and Sebastian, 89
Catholic church: and anticlericalism, 148 ;
baptisms, marriages and funerals, 26 , 172 ;
cofradías , 266 ;
and education, 408 n.190;
and Indian labor, 276 ;
as landholder, 6 , 82 , 98 , 109 , 111 , 118 -21, 233 , 253 -58;
and state, 348.
See also Priests
See also Livestock
Caupolicán, 189
Ccori, Francisca, 265 -66
Ceja de la selva: migration to and colonization of, 24 , 65 -66;
roads, 223 ;
trade and exchange with, 33 , 56 , 140 , 179 , 188 -89, 302 .
See also Chinchona bark; Coca leaves; Gold; Rubber
Censos , 110 , 120.
See also Capellanías
Censuses, 22 -27, 36 , 140 , 145 , 147 , 274 .
See also Population
Cerro de Pasco, 42
Cerro Surupana, 14
Céspedes del Castillo, Guillermo, 44
Cevallos, Pedro de, 41
Chaco War, 25
Challuma (river), 63
Chávez Molina, Juan, 203
Chayanta, 177 -78
Chinchona bark, 58 , 61 , 64 -66, 130 , 168 , 179
Choquehuanca family, 82 -84, 97 , 108 , 248 -49.
See also Chukiwanka Ayulo, Francisco; Chuquiguanca, Manuel
Choquehuanca, Alejandro, 339
Choquehuanca, Diego (the older), 82 -83
Choquehuanca, Diego (the younger), 45 , 83 , 91 , 93 , 96 -97, 101 , 249 , 297
Choquehuanca, Gregorio, 101
Choquehuanca, José Domingo: on church landholding, 118 -20, 254 ;
and Junta Departamental, 129 ;
on population, 26 ;
on society, 107 , 113 , 135 -39, 145 , 148 , 313 ;
on starvation, 101 ;
Choquehuanca, Juana Manuela, 242 , 339
Choquehuanca, María, 84
Choquehuanca, Tiburcio, 276
Chukiwanka Ayulo, Francisco, 339
Chupa, 19 , 21 , 239 , 262 , 270 , 282 , 284 , 340
—hacienda: Caminacoya, 347
—parcialidad: Hilahuata, 338
Chuquibambilla, Granja Modelo de, 321 , 351
Chuquiguanca, Manuel, 81
Chuqisaca. See Sucre
Civil code (of 1852), 120 , 127
Clientalism, 6 , 69 , 229 -30, 315 , 332
Climate (in the altiplano), 16 -17.
See also Droughts; Microclimates
Coahuila (Mexico), 308
Coca leaves: production, 65 ;
self-provisioning by peasants, 63 , 189 , 195 ;
trade, 34 , 37 , 56 , 57 , 74 , 109 , 168 , 172 , 179 , 284 , 338
See Money
Cojata, 196
Colégio Nacional San Carlos, 246 , 322
Collpares , 16
Colonialism: Colonial order, 78 -79, 104 -5;
See also Neocolonialism
during early republic, 144 , 382 n.115;
and economic rationality, 323 -25;
incorporation into haciendas, 4 , 84 , 238 , 286 , 289 -93, 336 , 349 ;
internal stratification, 297 -98;
punishment, 304 -6;
remuneration, 85 , 297 -301, 318 -21;
resistance and revolt, 305 , 319 -23, 327 , 346 -47, 350 ;
trade, 302 ;
used as mining labor, 62 -63;
wool production, 297 .
See also Haciendas; Huacchos ; Labor; Yanaconas
Comité Pro-Derecho Indígena "Tawantinsuyo," 345 -48
Compadres , 196
Compañía Nacional de Recaudación, 279
Compañía Río Negro, 351
Composiciones de tierras , 79 , 88 , 98 -99
Comunidad. See Indian communities
Condorcanqui, José Gabriel.
See Túpac Amaru, José Gabriel
Consolidation law of 1911, 255 -56.
See also Emphyteusis
Constitucionalistas, 338
Copper, 168
Cordillera de Carabaya, 14 , 24 , 53 , 65 , 80 -81, 99 , 130 , 179 , 188 , 196 , 285
Coret, Juan Bautista, 182
See Maize, trade in
Cornejo, Manuela, vda. de Collado, 117
Corregidores , 37 -39, 44 -45, 88 , 93 -94, 97 ;
and provincial elites, 96 -97.
See also Repartos de bienes ; Surplus extraction (from the peasant economy)
Cortes of Cadiz, 122
Cossio, Matheo, 34
Costa, Joaquín, 88
Costas, José María, 180
Costilla, Geronimo de, 80 -81
Cotera, de la (Spanish merchant in Arequipa), 50 -51
Couturier, Edith, 243
Credit, 180 -82, 189 -92, 229 , 231 -32, 256 -58, 301 , 327 , 334.
See also Capital; Money
Croix, Teodoro de la, 99
Crucero Alto, 183
Cundinamarca (Colombia), 329
Custred, Glynn, 266
Bourbon reforms, 47 -48;
customs houses, 45 ;
factories and craft shops, 170 , 176 ;
hacendados, 53 , 79 , 80 , 108 ;
mint, 63 ;
Pumacahua Rebellion, 49 ;
roads and railroads to, 38 , 70 , 78 , 81 ;
trade, 20 , 32 -33, 71 , 81 , 109 , 140 , 161 ;
Túpac Amaru rebellion, 45
Cuzco (intendency, valley system or department): encomenderos and hacendados, 79 , 353 ;
Indian communities, 128 , 263 ;
politics, 58 ;
revolts, 321 ;
textile pro-
duction, 39 , 42 , 47 , 51 -54, 167 , 174 , 331 ;
trade, 16 , 33 -35, 37 , 41 , 44 , 50 -53, 56 -57, 72 , 74 -75;
Túpac Amaru Rebellion, 45 ;
Wars of Independence, 50 -51;
wool production, 59
See also Colonos ; Hacindas
Declerq, A., 308
Demócratas, 338
and regional economic development, 10 , 52
Desaguadero (town), 176 , 183 , 190
Deustua, José, 62
Deza, Bonifacio, 139
Deza, Gaspar, 117
Dirección de Censos y Obras Pías, 109
Droughts, 17 , 101 , 134 , 358 n.29
Duffield, A. J., 164
Duncan Fox and Company, 174
Dunn, William E., 169 -70
Echenique, Carlota, 227
Echenique, José Rufino, 110 , 147 , 227 , 364 n.56
Echenique, Miguel de, 227
Ecology (of the altiplano), 13 -20
Emphyteusis, 109 , 115 , 119 -20.
See also Consolidation law of 1911; Haciendas
See Fencing
Endara, José S., 250
Enganche , 25
England. See Great Britain
Enríquez, Mariano Wenceslao, 171 , 187
Enríquez, Victoria, 187
Epidemics, 21 , 24 -26, 27 , 37 , 101 , 134 , 287 , 331 .
See also Population
Escobedo, José Mariano, 68 -69, 110 , 113 , 179 -80, 253
Escobedo, Mariano de, 21 , 48 , 103 , 131
Escobedo, Ramón, 110
Essen, 170
Estación de Pucará, 183 , 185 , 187 , 190
See also Land; Peasants
Estate owners.
See Hacendados
See Estancias; Haciendas
Esteves, Carlos, 318 -19
Estévez, Manuel Ruperto, 109
Evia, José Ignacio, 129
Exchange: asymmetrical, 37 ;
reciprocal, 11 , 72 -74, 276 , 331 -32;
vertical, 33 -34.
See also Barter; Markets; Surplus extraction (from the peasant economy); Trade
Fallas de ganado , 300 -301.
See also Colonos ; Haciendas
Family descent groups, 267 -68, 273 -74, 277 , 336 .
See also Indian communities
Farr Alpaca Company, 163
Fauna (of the altiplano), 19 -20.
See also Cameloids; Cattle; Sheep
Fencing, 315 , 318 , 322 -23, 324 , 328 .
See also Haciendas
Fernández Hidalgo, Polonia, 94
Ferrocarril del Sur, 184 -85
Figueroa Obando, Felipe and Manuel, 205
See Haciendas
Fischer, Adrian, 300 -301, 306
Fisher, John, 41
Fitzgerald, E. V. K., 353
Flores Galindo, Alberto, 304 , 348
Forasteros , 21 , 88 -89, 95 , 101 -2, 123 , 130 -31, 141
Fosters (alpaca wool mill), 163
Gallegos, Adoraida, 217 , 232 , 235 , 243
Gallegos, Geronimo, 235
Gamarra, Agustín, 58 , 132 -33
Gamonales , 1 ;
and agrarian capitalism, 315 , 354 ;
and Indian communities, 293 ;
onset of, 148 ;
and peasant clients, 230 , 325 , 333 ;
and power contests, 276 -77, 336 ;
struggle against, 339 -41, 348 -49;
and violence, 236 -37, 338 , 347
Garmendia family, 174
Garmendia, Juliana, 305
Gender: among colonos , 298 , 302 ;
and land ownership, 242 , 273 ;
legal rights of women, 242 -43;
and occupations, 140
Genovese, Eugene, 305
Gibson, Enrique W., y Compañía, 187 , 190 -91, 228 , 350 , 352
Gildemeister family, 319
Gold: exports, 168 ;
mining after independence, 62 -63, 130 , 185 ;
mining during colony, 32 , 80 .
See also Precious metals
González, Ildefonso, 221
González, Josefa, 189
González Figueroa, Federico, 239 -40, 250
González Terrazas, Leonor, 239
González y Montoya, José, 99 -100
Gosselman, Carl August, 59
Grace, W. R., 174
Great Britain: exports to Peru, 51 -52;
industrial capitalism in, 7 ;
and informal neocolonialism, 3 ;
textile industry, 60 , 152 , 154 , 158 , 163 ;
wool imports from Peru, 59 -60, 157 -59, 163 -65
Great Depression: of 1873-95, 159 ;
of 1929-32, 3 , 25 , 329 , 337
Griffin, Keith, 323
Guadalajara (Mexico), 28
Guardia Civil, 349
Guirior, Manuel de, 44
Gutiérrez Cuevas, Teodomiro (Rumi Maqui), 340 -41
Hacendados, 4 ;
and coastal oligarchy, 211 -12;
during early republic, 108 -9, 114 -15;
inheritance, 108 , 241 -48, 335 , 351 , 404 nn.138, 145 ;
leading armed bands, 211 ;
political power, 239 -40;
social origins, 68 , 211 -12, 233 ;
and system of domination, 328 ;
and violence, 304 -5.
See also Clientalism; Gamonales ; Paternalism
Haciendas: administration, 293 -95, 319 , 322 ;
buying peasant products, 188 , 301 -2;
capitalization (livestock), 117 , 238 , 254 -55, 311 -12;
caseríos , 136 , 293 ; celebrations, 304 -5;
chapels, 136 ;
compared to communities, 295 ;
confiscations after independence, 110 ;
crop production, 296 ;
definition, 202 -3;
destruction in rebellions and civil wars, 47 , 97 ;
during early republic, 108 -21;
economic model, 323 -25;
efficiency, 10 -11, 85 -86, 240 , 311 -12, 322 ;
formation and growth since 1850s, 205 -12, 220 -23, 226 -41, 240 -41, 334 , 349 ;
formation during colony, 79 -80, 331 ;
frequency of sales, 251 -52, 335 ;
incorporating peasants, 4 , 238 , 286 , 289 -93, 325 , 349 ;
labor regime, 295 -306;
leases, 109 , 113 -14, 115 , 118 -19, 213 -14, 233 -34, 254 -55;
measuring their size, 214 ;
modernization, 316 -23;
productivity, 306 , 308 , 311 , 324 ;
profit optimizing, 11 , 312 -14;
revenues, 111 -13, 115 , 117 , 313 ;
size distribution, 8 , 111 -13, 203 ;
splintering, 241 , 250 -51, 335 , 351 ;
stock operations, 296 , 306 -11, 319 -20;
wool production, 167 ;
wool sales, 190.
See also Capital; Colonos ; Fencing; Land; Livestock; Sheep; Wool
Hanco, Andrés, 83
Harmsen, Guillermo, 179
Haya de la Torre, Victor Raúl, 352
High Peru: epidemics, 21 ;
roads, 38 ;
trade, 11 , 35 , 39 -41, 44 , 47 , 49 -51, 56 , 74 , 81 , 93 , 105 , 177 .
See also Bolivia
Hilacatas , 275 -76, 279 , 341 .
See also Indian communities
Hispanocca Vilca, Damaso, 219
Hobsbawm, Eric, 206
Huacchos , 297 , 309 , 318 -21, 327 .
See also Colonos ; Haciendas
Hualgayoc, 42
Huancané (province), 14 ;
Indian peasants, 276 ;
labor for mining, 62 ;
land tenure, 262 ;
livestock population, 117 -18;
trade, 180 ;
tribute lists, 131
—parcialidad: Huancho-Lima, 347
Huancané (town), 14 , 176 , 183 , 185 , 347
Huarcaya, Marta, 215
Huaricacha family, 283
Huayna Capac, 83
Iglesias, Mariano, 157
Ilave, 183
Inambari (river), 32 , 63 , 185
Incas, 11 , 87 , 276 , 340 , 342 , 347 , 348 , 355
Inca Mining Company, 185
Inclán y Valdéz, Fernando, 94
Indian communities, 4 , 9 , 10 ;
authorities of, 135 , 141 , 274 -79, 336 , 341 , 348 -49;
cajas de comunidad , 105 ;
and colonial state, 87 -88, 121 , 331 ;
crafts production in, 36 ;
crop rotation, 262 ;
developing out of finca, 250 ;
and economic cycles, 9 ;
within estates, 326 ;
internal stratification, 1 , 88 -89, 123 , 127 , 131 , 141 , 262 , 280 -88, 382 n.115;
and land during colony, 86 -90, 91 , 99 -100, 331 ;
and land during republic, 122 -24, 128 , 223 -26, 268 ;
and local authorities, 262 -63, 274 -77;
"messengers," 338 ;
moiety structure, 260 ;
population, 269 -71;
and property, 6 , 81 , 109 , 128 -29, 260 -68, 336 ;
and republican state, 127 -28, 260 -61, 275 , 277 -78, 349 ;
Indian communities (continued )
tance and revolt, 337 -43;
subdivisions and splintering, 274 , 342 ;
terminology, 259 -61.
See also Forasteros; Kurakas; Mita; Originarios ; Peasants; Tribute
Indians: changing definition of, 4 , 146 -47;
elite stereotype, 304 -5, 333 , 354 ;
"Indian problem," 338 -39;
and Peru's national identity, 2 , 345 ;
and social change, 1 -2.
See also Indian communities; Sociedad de castas ; Society
Indigenismo , 1 -2, 226 , 260 -61, 276 , 317 , 329 , 339 , 342 , 345 , 355
Indigenous Community Statute, 261
See Hacendados; Peasants
Iruri, Juan Antonio, 265
Islay, 24 , 59 , 64 , 74 , 161 , 179 , 183 .
See also Mollendo
Italy, 175
Jauja, 24
Jauregui, Agustín de, 47
Jesus María (mine in Tiquillaca district), 115
Jimenez, Michael, 329
Juan y Santacilia, Jorge, 88
Judicial system, 211 , 230 , 234 -36, 238 , 249 .
See also Indian communities
Juli, 183
Juliaca, 47 ;
as commercial center, 186 -87, 284 ;
haciendas, 308 ;
middle class, 351 ;
money exchange, 161 ;
as railroad hub, 183 , roads, 185
Junta Superior de Real Hacienda, 99
Kaerger, Karl, 308
Knight, Alan, 11
Kubler, George, 92
Kurakas , 54 ;
and communities, 83 , 92 -93, 103 ;
during early republic, 123 , 141 , 280 ;
functions for the colonial state, 91 ;
as landholders during colony, 81 -83, 90 , 93 , 331 ;
and provincial elite, 100 , 105 ;
during Túpac Amaru Rebellion, 45 -46, 96 -97.
See also Cacicazgos ; Indian communities; Peasants
La Paz (city), 12 , 38 , 45 , 46 , 49 , 57 , 182 , 184
La Plata (city).
See Sucre
La Serna, José de, 50 -51
Labor: forced, 129 -30, 275 -76;
for livestock operations, 84 -86, 290 -93, 318 -21;
unions, 321 ;
wage, 5 , 62 , 285 , 314 -15, 320 -21, 324 , 337 , 350 , 421 n.115.
See also Colonos; Mita; Yanaconas
Laikakota mines, 32
Lampa (corregimiento or province), 14 , 146 ;
industrial census, 36 ;
livestock population, 117 -18;
shifting jurisdictional borders, 48 ;
textile trades, 56 ;
trade and transport, 32 , 35 , 39 , 237 ;
lists, 131 ;
during Túpac Amaru Rebellion, 45
Land: agrarian reforms of 1820s, 122 -27, 260 , 332 ;
court and notarial proceedings, 231 ;
distribution and redistribution of, 10 , 88 , 95 ;
in the Indian communities, 86 -90, 99 -100, 260 -68, 271 , 311 ;
invasions and land grabbing, 79 , 110 , 236 -37, 315 , 335 , 346 ;
litigation, 249 ;
methodology for measuring transfers, 198 -201;
monopolization by estates, 323 -25;
precarious tenure (squatting), 102 ;
sales since 1850s, 201 -12, 251 -52, 334 -35, 343 ;
and Túpac Amaru Rebellion, 97 ;
value of, 86 , 113 -14, 212 -20, 331 .
See also Haciendas; Indian communities
Landaeta, Elena, vda. de Quiñones, 256
Langer, Erick, 58
Larecaja, 33 , 34 , 64 , 195 , 284
Large landholders. See Hacendados
Laro, 183
Larrea y Loredo, José de, 123
Latifundism, 10 , 211 , 234 , 315 , 323
Lavrín, Asunción, 243
Leguía, Augusto, 226 , 240 , 344 -46, 348 , 349 , 351
Lehman, David, 328
Lenin, V. I., 328
León Cabrera, Pio, 256 , 304 , 320
León Huarcaya, Carlos, 228
See Mandas
Liberals: and agrarian reform, 121 -23, 126 -27;
and local authorities, 129 ;
and political participation, 9 ;
vision of society, 106 , 107 -8, 137 , 145 -46, 147 -48
Lima: as center of colony, 11 ;
colonial authorities, 47 -48;
Consulado, 49 ;
import capacity, 169 ;
and loss of High Peru, 40 -41;
mule trade, 182 ;
Puñenos in Lima, 351 ;
ruling elites and politics, 211 , 277 ;
trade during colony, 37 -39;
urban primacy, 8
Limoges (France), 170
Linares, José María, 57
Lipa, Pablo and Tomás, 189
Liverpool, 157 , 159 , 189 , 343
Livestock: animal/land ratio, 268 , 271 -72;
as base of altiplano economy, 31 -32, 51 ;
capital of estates, 109 , 111 , 113 , 117 , 311 ;
chaqueo , 133 ;
and conflicts with agriculturalists in pre-hispanic America, 369 n.10;
disposition on estates, 307 -11;
effect on land distribution, 81 -82;
effects of rebellions and civil wars on, 46 -47;
populations, 86 , 95 , 117 -18, 164 , 271 -72, 311 , 377 n.44;
rustling or theft, 96 , 236 , 300 ;
trade in products, 167 , 178 , 284 .
See also Cameloids; Cattle; Haciendas; Indian communities; Peasants; Sheep; Wool
Livestock estates.
See Haciendas
Lizares, Francisco (the elder), 108 -9, 120 , 127 , 239
Lizares Montesinos, María Dolores, Augustina and Antonia, 109
Lizares Quiñones family, 233 , 240 , 347
Lizares Quiñones, Francisco, 239
Lizares Quiñones, José Angelino, 239 -40, 244 , 254 , 304 , 338 , 340
Lizares Quiñones, José María, 109 , 222 , 239 , 244 , 265
See also Livestock; Transportation
López, Felipe R., 233
López de Romaña, Eduardo, 279 , 319
Lora Cam, Jorge, 226
Lowell, 171
Lucre (obraje and wool mill in Cuzco department), 174
Luna, Luis Felipe, 271 , 337 -38
Maccagno, L., 317
Macedo family, 181
Macedo, Rufino, 58 , 120 , 253
Macedo, Simeón Rufino, 65
Macedo Ruiz, Martín Humfredo, 248
Macusani, 223
Maize, trade in, 19 , 34 , 37 , 56 , 57 , 72 , 74 , 176 , 177 , 195
Mamani, Casimira, 287
Mango, Isabel, 237
Mango, Tomás, 97
Mango Turpo family, 83 , 97 , 108
Manto mine, 62
Maranganí, 174
Mariátegui, José Carlos, 133
Markets, 10 ;
during colonial period, 32 ;
competitive, self-regulating, 5 , 71 -72, 78 , 194 ;
and currency fluctuations, 161 ;
internal or national, 175 , 177 , 178 ;
international or world, 11 , 31 , 333 ;
local or regional, 36 -37, 39 -40, 56 -58, 172 -79, 334 ;
oligopsonistic, 163 ;
regarding land, 6 , 10 , 123 -24;
weekly and annual fairs, 70 -72, 188 , 196 , 349 .
See also Barter; Exchange; Trade
Markham, Clements, 64 , 70 , 171 , 172 , 182
Martínez Alier, Juan, 273 , 297 , 323 -26
Mayordomos (of haciendas), 96 , 293 -95, 304
Meiggs, Henry, 183
—hacienda: Huacahuta, 318 .
See also Chuquibambilla, Granja Modelo de
Melgarejo, Mariano, 160
Mercantilism, 8
Mercedes , 79
Merchants: foreign or of foreign origin, 50 -51, 52 , 66 -67, 178 , 179 , 334 ;
Spanish and Peruvian, 52 -53, 56 , 67 -69, 179 , 334 ;
See also Traders
Mestas, Manuel, 69
Mestizos: during early republic, 140 , 145 -46;
and Peru's national culture, 2
Mexico, 11 , 21 , 78 , 202 , 243 , 301 , 308 , 329
Microclimates, 17
Military and police: during colonial era, 50 ;
provincial militias, 96 , 108 , 137 ;
recruitment, 24 , 25 , 101 , 132 -33;
during republic, 157
Millenarianism, 340 , 342 , 346 , 348
Miller, Simon, 329
Mina, Francisco de, 90
See Borax; Copper; Gold; Silver. See also Capital; Labor
Miranda, Pascual, 306
Mishkin, Bernard, 273
Mita , 91 -92;
for livestock estates, 84 , 86 ;
for mining, 21 , 87 , 374 n.117;
for transport, 39 ;
and tribute categories, 89 ;
during Túpac Amaru Rebellion, 46 .
See also Labor; Potosí
Mohens and Company, 60
Molina family, 294
Molina, Wenceslao, 192
Mollendo, 59 , 157 -58, 160 -61, 167 -68, 171 , 177 , 183 -84, 333 .
See also Islay
Mollinedo (Bishop of Cuzco), 81
Money: bills of exchange, 192 ;
currency exports, 61 ;
debased and other Bolivian coins, 57 , 160 -61;
exchange rates, 159 -60, 168 , 179 , 333 ;
introduction in the Andes, 7 ;
scarcity of cash, 68 , 72 , 181 , 232 .
See also Barter; Credit; Exchange
Montaña. See Ceja de la selva
Montesinos, Agapito, 307
Montesinos, Juliana, 109
Mostajo, Francisco, 276
Mostajo Yañez, Manuel Sixto, 187 -88
See Transportation
Mullisaca, Aniceto and Guillermo, 297
Mullisaca, Benito, 302
Muñani: church lands, 254 ;
community peasants, 91 , 265 ;
enganche labor, 25 ;
estates, 80 , 109 , 113 , 239 -41;
hacendados and traders, 64 , 72 , 127 ;
kuraka family lands, 249 ;
obraje , 35 ;
peasant land sales, 221 -24;
population, 271 ;
roads, 185
—haciendas: Arcopunco, 239 ;
Calla-tomasa, 239 ;
Carasupo Chico, 250 ;
Checayani, 26 , 64 , 83 , 113 , 224 , 240 , 248 ;
Huasacona, 80 , 109 , 113 , 121 , 211 , 320 , 344 ;
Muñani Chico, 109 , 113 , 239 , 240 , 244 , 265 ;
Nequeneque, 83 , 84 , 113 , 244 , 249 ;
Ocra, 254 ;
Ticani, 239 ;
Toma, 295 .
See also Picotani
—parcialidades: Carasupo Chico, 250 ;
Caroneque, 265 ;
Choquechambi, 265
Nation-state (in Peru), 11 -12
Nazarenes (convent in Cuzco), 119
Neocolonialism, 176 , 205 , 326 , 328 , 330 , 333 , 354 .
See also Colonialism
New Spain.
See Mexico
Nuñez family, 181
Obrajes , 35 , 39 , 47 , 49 -53, 60 .
See also Woolens
O'Brien, General, 62
Oca , 18
Olluco , 18
O'Phelan, Teresa, 253
Orbegoso, Luis José de, 110 , 132
Ordenanza de Intendentes, 98
Ordinance of Free Trade, 41 -42, 44 , 50
Originarios , 83 -84, 88 -89, 95 , 101 -2, 123 , 130 -31, 141 , 280 .
See also Tribute
Ortíz, Juan, 250
Oruro, 32 , 35 , 41 , 44 , 45 , 98 , 184
Oteira, Simón de, 182
Padilla, Telésforo, 182
Palazuelos, Pedro, 181
Pantigoso Chávez, José, 171
See Indian communities
Pardo, José, 279
Paredes, Juan: and inheritance, 242 , 245 , 247 ;
and land, 113 , 125 , 222 , 230 ;
and paternalism, 295 ;
Paredes, Luis, 254
Paredes, Manuel E. (senior), 171
Paredes, Mariano, 242
Paredes, Sabina, 247
Paredes Urviola, Manuel E., 25 , 219
Paternalism: 211 , 230 -31, 354 ;
in haciendas, 10 , 303 -5, 315 , 321 , 330 , 336
Paucarcolla (province), 32 , 33 , 35 , 39 , 91
Payta, 50
Peasants: assessment for taxes, 279 -80;
autonomy, 64 , 75 , 78 , 105 , 133 -34, 194 , 332 , 342 , 354 ;
community vs. colonos , 273 , 326 ;
consumption patterns, 170 -71;
control over cameloids, 163 , 167 ;
debt and dependency, 229 -31, 285 -86, 292 -93, 325 , 333 , 354 ;
and economic rationality, 323 -25;
festivities and ceremonies, 172 , 195 ;
household economy and production, 36 -38, 53 , 56 , 167 , 175 , 195 -96, 284 -85;
inheritance, 266 -67, 273 , 276 ;
kulak, 283 -84;
landholding during colony, 81 , 89 -90, 98 -99, 101 , 102 , 382 n.115;
landholding during republic, 127 , 205 -6, 271 , 281 -82, 286 , 342 , 349 ;
payments and services to authorities, 95 -96, 129 , 274 -75;
prices of land, 215 -19;
resistance and revolt, 97 , 209 , 221 , 279 , 320 , 324 , 337 -48;
trading, 56 -58, 71 -72, 101 , 140 , 177 -78, 188 -89, 195 -96, 283 -85, 334 ;
and wool traders, 193 -94;
work outside of communities, 39 , 63 , 285 .
See also Colonos ; Indian communities; Indians; Labor
Peña, José María, 179 -80
Pentland, John Barclay, 57
Peritos agrimensores , 114
Peruvian Corporation, 184 , 351 .
See also Transportation
Peruvian-Bolivian Confederation, 53 , 58
Pezuela, Joaquín de, 50
Picotani (ayllu and hacienda in Muñani district): administrators, 294 -95;
capellanía , 121 ;
colonos , 195 , 291 , 297 -302, 327 ;
during colony, 83 ;
during early republic, 113 ;
formation of estate out of ayllu, 84 ;
gation, 249 ;
modernization, 318 -20;
productivity, 307 ;
rate of return, 313 ;
woman owner, 242 ;
wool sales, 190
Piedmont (of Andes).
See Ceja de la selva
Piel, Jean, 74 -75
Piérola, Carmen, 242
Piérola, Nicolás de, 160 , 209 , 211 -12, 246 , 263 , 279 , 337
Pinedo, Andrea, 304
Pino family, 181
Platt, Tristan, 177 -78
Poblete brothers, 63
Ponce, Manuel Eleuterio, 277
Ponce de León, Francisco, 304
Pongo , 129 , 275 -76, 296 , 318 .
See also Colonos ; Indian communities
Population: birth and death rates, 26 ;
ethnic composition, 145 ;
family size among hacendados, 245 ;
of Indian communities, 269 -70;
long-term development in Azángaro, 20 -28, 86 , 349 ;
Malthusian model, 28 ;
See also Censuses; Epidemics
Porco, 32
Portobelo, 41
Potatoes, 18 .
See also Chuño
Potoni, 14 ;
alpaca wool production, 188 ;
during colony, 81 ;
hacendados, 65 ;
hacienda formation, 221 , 223 , 235 ;
population, 271 ;
—haciendas: Caiconi, 99 ;
Potosí: epidemic, 24 ;
as market, 32 , 35 , 37 , 44 , 50 -51, 71 ;
production and export of silver, 40 -42;
Protector de Indios, 90 ;
rebellions and Wars of Independence, 48 ;
road to, 38 ;
and transport business, 39
Precious metals, 61 -64.
See also Gold; Silver
Prenda pretorial.
See Anticresis
Prices: conventional, 219 , 335 ;
of livestock, 215 ;
of staple foods, 101 ;
of textiles, 134 ;
theory, 420 n.90;
of wool, 60 -61, 69 , 152 , 154 , 157 -60, 163 -64, 189 -91, 196 , 343 -44.
See also Credit; Trade
Priests: economic situation after independence, 138 -39;
and provincial elite, 96 , 100 -101, 187 , 255 .
See also Catholic church
Principales (in the Indian communities), 90 , 141 , 341 -43
Property rights: during Bourbon era, 121 , 330 ;
in capitalist economy, 5 -6;
disputed borders, 6 , 128 , 237 , 335 -36;
and gamonales , 354 ;
and land-use rights, 100 , 260 -68, 276 , 278 .
See also Land
Protector de Indios, 37 , 87 -88, 90 , 91
Proto-industrialization, 36 -37.
See also Artisans; Obrajes
Prudencio, Eusebio, 179
Puerto Acosta, 196
Pumacahua Rebellion, 49 -50
Puno (intendency and department): administration, 98 -99, 109 , 132 ;
consumption, 170 -72;
currencies circulating, 160 -61;
Puno (continued )
Junta Departamental, 129 -30;
mining after independence, 62 -64;
peasant land tenure, 263 ;
Reglamento de Minería, 129 -30;
roads and railroads, 183 -86;
shifting borders, 48 ;
during Wars of Independence, 49 -50;
Puno (town): charity, 115 ;
hacendado families, 245 -46, 351 ;
schools, 246 ;
stores, 171 ;
during Túpac Amaru rebellion, 45 , 62 , 161 , 284
Puraca family, 280
Putina (district): during colony, 80 ;
enganche labor, 25 ;
estates, 113 ;
hacendados, 211 , 219 , 221 -24, 241 , 245 , 270 , 281 , 284 , 294 , 297 ;
roads, 185 ;
settlement nucleus, 134 ;
—haciendas: Antacollo y Antaña, 205 ;
Loquicolla Chico, 215 , 245 -47;
Loquicolla Grande, 121 , 246 ;
Nuestra Señora de las Nieves de Chocallaca, 250 ;
Pachaje, 113 ;
Pampa Grande, 246 -47;
Quisuni, 117 ;
Tarucani/Sirasirani, 113 , 306
—parcialidades: Huayllapata, 283 ;
Jayuraya, 224
Putina (province), 12
Putina (river), 14
Quebrada de Ayapata, 65
Quijano, Anibal, 2
Quillabamba, 176
See Chinchonna bark
Quiñones, José Luis, 256 , 265
Quinua , 18 -19
Quiroz, Alfonso, 192
Quispe, Melchor, 264
Quispe, Pedro, 265 -66
Quispe Amanqui, Gertrudis, 25
Quispe Huarcaya, Teresa, 215
—hacienda: Ccapana, 306
Racism, 2 , 304 , 317 , 333 , 342
Raimondi, Antonio, 188
Ramírez, Juan, 49
Ramis (river), 14
Ramos, Juliana, 229
Ramos Zambrano, Augusto, 339
Reátegui, Wilson, 172
Recharte, Andrés, 198
Reducciones , 87
Repartos de bienes , 46 , 54 , 84 , 93 -97, 102 -3, 193 -94.
See also Corregidores
Ricketts y Compañía, 170 , 188 , 190 -91, 195 -96, 247
Ridged fields, 20
Rio, Manuel del, 127
Río de la Plata (viceroyalty), 33 -35, 40 , 44 , 48 , 97
Riquelme family, 120
Riquelme, José Guillermo, 227
Riquelme, Mariano, 64 , 68 , 248
Riquelme, Natalia, 248
Rivero, Francisco de, 65
Rivero, María, vda. de Velasco, 114 -15, 130
See Transportation
Rodríguez, Francisco, 195
Rodríguez, Mariano C., 188
—hacienda: Huaranca Chico, 188
Rossel y Salas, Daniel, 211
Rossello family, 240
Rossello, Victor Gregorio, 230
Ruiz, José Albino, 215 , 228 , 244 , 248
Rumi Maqui.
See Gutiérrez Cuevas, Teodomiro
Rumi Maqui Rebellion, 209 , 223 , 339 -43
Salas, Nicomedes, 239
Salas Flores, César, 237 -39
Salt, production and trade, 16 , 263 , 302
Saman, 14 ;
agriculture, 19 ;
during colony, 81 ;
land tenure after 1900, 221 , 349 ;
municipal council, 147 ;
property tax assessment, 277 ;
women as land owners, 243
—haciendas: San Juan, 221 , 349 ;
Santa Clara, 221
—parcialidad: Chejachi, 223 -24
San Antón: during colony, 81 ;
communities, 224 , 270 , 281 ;
hacendados and traders, 65 , 68 ;
hacienda expansion, 221 , 223 -24, 228 , 239 ;
land prices, 219 ;
population, 270 ;
revolts, 339 -41;
—haciendas: Atarani, 339 ;
Esmeralda, 239
—parcialidades: Hila, 219 , 224 ;
Sillota, 224 ;
Sullca, 224 ;
Supira, 219
San Antonio de Esquilache, 32
San José (district), 14 ;
during colony, 81 ;
hacienda expansion, 221 , 223 -24, 227 -28;
population, 270 ;
property taxes, 282 ;
—haciendas: Parcani, 227 -28;
Quimsacalco, 227 -28;
San José, 227 -28, 239 , 339 , 343 , 344 ;
Unión, 227
—parcialidades: Llaulli, 262 ;
San José, 262
San José (river), 228
San Marcos University, 192
San Martín (notary in Puno), 246
San Martín, José de, 109 , 122 , 129
San Román family, 181
San Román, Miguel, 133
Sánchez, Hipólito, 196
Sánchez Albornóz, Nicolás, 92 , 130
Sánchez Navarro family, 308
Sandia (province): migration to, 24 , 25 ;
peasant self-provisioning, 195 , 302 ;
rubber collection, 185 , 211 ;
trade, 188
—hacienda: Hanccoyo, 304 , 320
Sandia (town), 187
Santa, Alfonso, 94
Santa Cruz, Andrés, 53 , 58 , 110 , 160
Santa Lucía, 190
Santa Rosa, 183 , 190 , 193 , 195
Santiago de Pupuja: during colony, 80 ;
hacienda expansion, 223 , 230 ;
land tenure, 239 ;
population, 270 ;
revolts, 340 ;
Santiago de Pupuja (continued )
—haciendas: Achosita, 119 ;
Cancata, 256 ;
Checca, 352 ;
Huito, 311 ;
Llallahua and Titiri, 113 -14;
Quera, 119
—parcialidad: Mataro, 230
Santo Domingo (convent in Cuzco), 119
Santo Domingo (gold mine), 185
Sarmiento, Carlos A., 247
Sarmiento, Juan Manuel, 229
Sartiges, Etienne, comte de, 132 -33
Sata y Zubiría, Lorenzo, 47 , 96
Saul, Berrick, 159
Scott, Robert, 305
Segundas , 275 -76, 341.
See also Indian communities
Sereni, Emilio, 175
Serna, Felipe, 250
Sheep: breeds, 306 -7, 321 -22, 351 ;
disposition on estates, 85 -86, 307 ;
population, 164 , 173 , 365 n.77, 388 n.71;
reproduction, 308 -10;
trade in products, 33 -34, 81 ;
wool, 35 -36, 56 , 58 -60, 81 , 153 , 154 -60, 344 .
See also Livestock; Wool; Woolens
Sicuani, 161 , 176 , 190 , 195
Silver: depreciation, 159 -61;
economy based on, 11 , 32 -33, 39 -40, 42 -44, 353 ;
plata piña (unminted), 41 ;
production or export of, 41 , 42 , 57 , 168 , 331 -32.
See also Money; Precious metals
Sociedad de Beneficencia Pública, 110 , 253
Sociedad de castas , 2 , 134 , 136 , 145
Sociedad Ganadera del Departamento de Puno, 191 , 254 , 346
Sociedad Ganadera del Sur, 228 , 350 , 352
Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura, 308
Society: during early republic, 134 -48; polarized vision of, 4 , 8 , 146 , 203 , 330 , 333 , 354
Socorros , 103.
See also Repartos de bienes
Solorzano Terroba, Adrián, 246
Solorzano Terroba, Julio, 246 -47
Solorzano Terroba, Maria Manuela, 246
Solorzano Terroba, Mariano Casto, 245 -46
Solorzano Terroba, Natalia, 246 -47
Solorzano Toro, Natividad, 246
Soraicho, 179
South Africa, 152 -53
Spalding, Karen, 84 , 209 , 211
State and state policies: during colony, 44 -45, 79 , 85 , 87 -88, 91 -92, 97 , 101 -6, 121 -22, 331 -32;
currency reform, 160 ;
during early republic, 109 -10, 120 , 121 -27;
after 1850, 194 -95, 211 -12, 260 -61, 277 , 349 , 356 ;
investigative commissions sent to Puno, 338 , 345 , 424 n.5
Subdelegados , 97 , 100 , 103 , 110
Sucari family, 283
Surplus extraction (from the peasant economy), 37 , 40 , 90
-96, 103 , 134 , 331 -33. See also Corregidores ; Indian communities; Mita ; Tribute
Tahuantinsuyo. See Incas
Tambopata (river), 25 , 32 , 63 , 64
Tapia, José Joaquín de, 120
Tarapacá, 176
Tarucani (river), 224
assessment and lists, 111 , 115 , 131 , 139 -40, 279 -80, 376 n.25;
during colony, 4 , 32 , 37 , 44 -45, 97 , 102 , 105 , 331 ;
contribución de indígenas , 123 , 127 , 130 -32, 145 ;
contribución de predios rústicos , 195 , 277 -80;
contribución general de industrias,139 ;
contribución personal , 194 -95, 277 -78;
import and export tariffs, 169 , 179 ;
during republic, 130 -32, 279 , 337 ;
tithe collectors, 140.
See also Tribute
Taylor, Lewis, 144
Tierras realengas , 125.
See also Baldíos ; Land
Tinta (corregimiento), 45
Tirapata, 14 , 183 , 185 -87, 223
Titicaca (Lake), 9 , 13 -14, 20 , 24 , 38 , 45 , 48 , 58 , 81 , 183 -84, 221 , 262
Tiwanaku, 11
Todas las Sangres (novel by J. M. Arguedas), 1 -2
Toledo, Francisco de, 87
Toro, Emilia, 246
Toro Nafria, Francisco Adrián, 219
Torres, José Manuel, 64
Tovar family, 181
Trade: balance of, 169 ; circuits, 176 -77, 211 ;
colonial, 11 , 33 -39, 41 -44, 47 -49, 52 -53;
cycles, 151 ;
dendritic, 177 -78, 194 , 333 ;
exports, 58 -61, 151 -69, 333 , 337 , 343 -44;
imports, 42 -44, 47 , 51 -52, 169 -72;
after independence, 70 -77;
protectionism, 57 , 60 , 65 , 167 , 177 , 179 ;
triangular, 72 .
See also Barter; Exchange; Markets; Repartos de bienes
Traders, 4 ; in the early republic, 139 -41; since 1850s, 186 -97, 302 , 334 , 344
Transportation: cost of, 44 , 62 , 75 , 115 , 184 , 333 , 390 n.119;
maritime, 159 ;
mule trade, 38 , 63 , 70 , 94 , 182 ;
pack trains, 38 -39, 63 , 67 , 157 , 182 , 185 , 346 ;
railroads, 168 , 176 , 183 -85;
roads, 38 , 66 , 80 -81, 185 -86, 348 -49;
trucks, 349 .
See also Llamas
Tribute: abolition, 122 , 277 ;
abuses in collection, 91 ;
and colonial compact, 87 , 278 ;
percapita rates, 380 n.90;
recounts and lists, 21 , 27 , 83 ;
resistance against, 84 ;
rising collection in Bourbon era, 95 , 103 ;
during Túpac Amaru rebellion, 46 ;
and yanaconas , 85 .
See also Forasteros; Originarios ; Taxes
Trujillo, 122
Tschudi, Johann Jakob von, 24
Tumbes, 187
Tungasuca, 45
Túpac Amaru, Diego Cristóbal, 46 , 101
Túpac Amaru, José Gabriel, 45 -46
Túpac Amaru Rebellion, 21 , 45 -47, 83 , 89 , 96 -98, 249 , 332
Turner, I. (alpaca wool mill), 163
Turpo, Gabino and Mateo, 89 -90
Turpo Ccallasaca, Victoriana, 219
Ulloa, Antonio de, 88
Umachiri, Battle of, 50
Unanue, Hipólito, 123
United Kingdom.
See Great Britain
United States of America: and informal neocolonialism, 3 ;
sheep breeding, 308 ;
Upper Peru.
See Bolivia; High Peru
Urquiaga Echenique, José Sebastian, 188 , 207 , 227 , 244 , 273 , 299 , 302 , 314 , 343
Urubamba (town), 108
Urubamba (valley), 33
Uruguay, 152
Urviola, Andrés, 72
Urviola, Miguel de, 47
Valdéz de la Torre, Carlos, 263
Valle, Fernando del, 182
Valle, Marshal del, 101
Van Young, Eric, 28
Vargas, Diego, 250 -51
Vásquez, Norberto, 238
Vegetation (of the altiplano), 17 -19, 359 nn.33-35.
See also Canihua ; Grasses; Oca; Olluco ; Potatoes; Quinua
Velando, Manuel, 253
Velarde, Carlos, 137
Vilcanota (valley), 33 , 45 , 46
Villa Rica, Marqués de, 62
Villarán, Manuel Vicente, 339
—hacienda: Yanarico, 70
Visitas de tierras , 79
Walle, Paul, 313
War of the Pacific, 25 , 151 , 157 , 178 , 186 , 190 , 205 , 211 -12, 263 , 277
Wars of Independence, 49 -51, 101 , 108
Weddell, Hugues Algernon, 64
West Riding, 163
Wilthew (British Consul at Islay), 70
Wittmann, Tibor, 57
Wool: colonial trade, 34 , 35 , 81 ;
exports, 51 , 54 , 58 -61, 130 , 152 -67, 173 , 333 , 337 , 343 ;
production, 173 , 185 , 317 , 344 , 365 n.77, 386 n.40;
trade after independence, 67 -75, 186 , 189 -92, 302 , 353.
See also Alpacas; Sheep
Peruvian imports, 52 , 54 -56, 332 ;
Peruvian production, 35 , 47 , 54 , 157 , 167 , 174 -75, 331 ;
trade, 34 , 35 , 49 , 50 -51, 195.
See also Great Britain; United States of America
World capitalist systems approach, 5
World War I , 159 , 174 , 179 , 195 , 254 , 314 , 341 , 343
Yanaconas , 39 , 84 -85, 96 , 100 , 101 , 292.
See also Colonos
Yorkshire, 17
Yunguyo, 183
Zaa, Arturo, 246
Zea, Casimira, vda. de Hidalgo, 114
Zea, Juan Bautista, 72
Zea, Oswaldo, 203