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acquiescence, 59 , 67 , 69 , 73 ;

and tactics, 80

Aeneas, 103 , 192 n. 24

Aers, David, 131

Agwisance, King, of Ireland (in MD ), 22

Alberti, Leon Battista, 178 n. 20

Alcidale, Mount (in FQ ), 96

Alfonso I d'Este (duke of Ferrara), 62 , 75 , 77

Alfonso II d'Este (duke of Ferrara), 110

allegory: commonplace nature of moral, 6 ;

of constraints of social ideology, 25 ;

of custom, 177 n. 6;

in Dante, 120 ;

of discord, 171 n. 25;

interpretation of, 5 , 84 ;

of love, 17 , 33 , 40 , 51 , 53 , 91 , 133 , 153 n. 21, 162 n. 23, 169 n. 20;

of marriage, 5 , 17 , 146 n. 6;

of social change, 24 , 187 n. 3

Amadis of Gaul , 112 , 139

Andreas Capellanus, 15

Andrewes, Lancelot, 110

Angelica: in OF , 157 n. 38;

in OI , 40 , 42 -43, 52 -53, 56 , 160 n. 12, 171 n.25

Antaeus, 54

anthropology, xv , 25 -26, 40 , 53 , 109 , 155 n. 30, 165 n. 3, 181 n. 8

anxiety, produced by social manners, 16

Apuleius (The Golden Ass ), 160 n. 12

Aquinas, Thomas, 7 , 114

Ariosto, Ludovico, xiii -xv, 58 -80;

and Cinque Canti , 171 n. 25;

"custom of the castle" (in OF ), xv , 57 , 62 , 67 , 168 n. 20;

and Orlando Furioso , 16 , 57 , 61 , 104 , 112 , 157 n. 38, 160 n. 16;

personality of, 60 , 63 , 76 , 78 ;

Satires , 60 -61

Aristotle, 114 ;

and natural law, 7 ;

Poetics , 14 ;

tragedy, definition of, 119

Artegall, Sir (in FQ ), 62 , 85 -86, 132 -133, 175 n. 3

Arthur, King, 9 , 23 , 34 , 99 , 190 n. 2;

and chivalry, 131 ;

his court's values, xiv ;

his father's custom, 6 ;

as Prince Arthur in FQ , 85 , 98 -103, 175 n. 3, 180 nn. 32,33,34;

and Round Table, 18 ;

and royal power, 146 n. 6;

and wheel of fortune, 33

Ascoli, Albert, 77 , 166 n. 7, 174 n. 49

asteismus , 98 , 103

Atreus, House of, 45

Auerbach, Erich (Mimesis ), 36

Augustine, Saint, 111

Avery, Bruce, 180 n. 30


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