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Waiting at the Church (1906), 14 , 322 , 347 -49

Waiting at the Church (with Vesta Victoria, 1907), 396 , 397

Walton and Slavin (1894), 62

Wand Dance, Pueblo Indians (1897), 108

Wanted: A Dog (Biograph, 1905), 226


War Correspondents (1898), 127 -28, 130 -31

Washing Gold on 20 Above Hunker, Klondike (1899), 144

Watermelon Contest . See Watermelon Eating Contest

Watermelon Eating Contest (1896; alternative title: Watermelon Contest ), 69 , 313

The Watermelon Patch (1905), 226 , 312 -14, 313 , 329

Way Down East (Griffith, 1920), 294

Weary Willie and the Gardener (1901), 180

Weary Willie Kidnaps a Child (1904), 314

"Weary Willie" Kisses the Bride . See Nervy Nat Kisses the Bride

Western Bad Man Shooting Up Saloon (1905), 323

What Demoralized the Barber Shop (1897), 113 -14, 114 , 507 n.18

What Happened in the Tunnel (1903), 253 , 262 , 262 -63, 264 , 287

What Happened on Twenty-Third Street, New York City (1901), 179

What Happened to Jane (1912), 464

When Reuben Comes to Town (1908), 422 -23

Where is My Wandering Boy To-night? (1908), 447

Whirlpool Rapids, Niagara Falls (Eidoloscope, 1896), 86

The "White Caps " (1905), 27 , 302 , 302 -3, 305 , 307 , 309 , 329 , 392 , 530 n.14

White Horse Rapids (1899), 144

White Wings on Review (1903), 241

The Whole Dam Family and the Dam Dog (1905), 317 -19, 319 , 324 , 330

Why Bridget Stopped Drinking (1901), 172

Why Mr. Nation Wants a Divorce (1901), 163

Why Mrs. Jones Got a Divorce (1900), 148

The Widow and the Only Man (Biograph, 1904), 277

Wifey's Mistake (1904), 267

Wifey's Strategy (1908), 423

Wild Bill's Defeat (Defender, 1910), 459 -60

Willie's First Smoke (Vitagraph, 1898-1899), 143

Winter Straw Ride (1906), 322

Wreck of the Battleship "Maine " (1898), 128 , 129 , 129 , 486

The Wrestling Dog (1894), 42 -43.

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