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I. B. Dam and the Whole Dam Family (Lubin, 1904), 310

Ice-Boat Racing at Red Bank, N.J . (1901), 161

Ice Skating in Central Park, N.Y . (1904), 267

If You Had a Wife Like This (Biograph, 1907), 355

Indian Scalping Scene (1895), 56

Indian War Council (1894), 50

Ingomar (1908), 403

Inter-Collegiate Athletic Association Championships, 1904 (1904), 275

Inter-Collegiate Regatta—Poughkeepsie, New York, 1904 (1904), 275

In the Bishop's Carriage (Famous Players, 1913), 468 , 468 -69

Inventor Edison Sketched by "World" Artist . See Edison Drawn by "World" Artist

Irish Way of Discussing Politics (1896), 69

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