Preferred Citation: Resch, Robert Paul. Althusser and the Renewal of Marxist Social Theory. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1992 1992.



National independence movements, Third World, 354

Nationalism: French language and, 295 , 296 ;

Poulantzas and, 387 n.5

Nationalization, capitalist state and, 338 , 339 -40

National-popular state, 330 -31, 334 -38, 341 -46

Nation-state, and contemporary capitalism, 355 -56, 359

Nature: dialectics of, 20 ;

Spinoza and, 42 -43, 44 , 46 , 52 , 58 . See also Human nature

Nazis: concentration camps, 131 ;

petty bourgeois movement, 333 -34

"Negativity," Western Marxism and, 2

Neo-anarchism, 3 , 7 , 229 -30, 248 -49

Neoclassical economic theory, 10 , 373 n.4

"Neo-colonial era," 128 -29

Neo-conservatism, 358 -64 passim, 381 n.10, 382 n.6

Neo-Hegelianism, 49

Neo-liberalism, 374 n.6;

Deleuze and, 253 -54;

economism/humanism and, 74 ;

Foucault and, 253 -54;

in France, 4 ;

and global capitalism, 9 -10, 11 -12;

modernism vs., 21 ;

rationalist, 5 , 6 , 9 -10, 32 ;

science/ideology distinction and, 164 ;

Structural Marxism versus, 27

Neo-Malthusian demographic analysis, 137

Neo-Nietzschean theories, 229 -33, 383 n.7, 385 n.1

Neo-positivism, 367 -68n.7

Netherlands, transition from feudalism to capitalism in, 148

"New Historicism," 255 , 374 n.6, 384 n.4

New Left, 3 , 6 , 8 , 202

New Philosophy, 227 -33, 253 -54, 257 -58, 259 , 382 n.6

New Right, 8 , 12 , 32 , 202 , 227 -33, 364 , 391

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 6 , 7 , 232 ;

Foucault and, 236 -37, 241 , 243 , 246 , 249 , 252 , 383 n.7

Nietzschean theories: gauchisme , 3 ;

Left, 254 , 383 n.7;

neo-, 229 -33, 383 n.7, 385 n.1;

postmodern, 2 , 233 , 241

Nietzsche et philosophie (Deleuze), 230

"Nietzsche, Genealogy, History" (Foucault), 242 , 243 -44

Nights of Labor (Rancière), 382 -83n.6

"Nightwatchman" state, 315 , 356

Noblesse d'épée , 295

Noblesse de robe , 295

"Nodal points," 309 , 321 , 322 , 389

Nominalism, E. Balibar and, 374 n.6

Non-antagonism, 62 -65

Non-correspondence: E. Balibar and, 94 , 95 , 96 , 97 , 102 , 107 , 108 , 109 ;

and lineage societies, 118 -19

Non-reproduction, and structural causality, 310

Normal and the Pathological (Canguilhem), 179

Normalization, Foucault and, 234 , 246

Normandy, feudal, 135 , 137 , 141 -42

Normative literary criticism, 276 -77

Note conjointe (Péguy), 299

Le nouvel esprit scientifique (Bachelard), 178

Nove, Alec, 368 n.8

Novel: modern/realistic, 272 ;

representation and figuration in, 280 -84


Preferred Citation: Resch, Robert Paul. Althusser and the Renewal of Marxist Social Theory. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1992 1992.