Saint-Simon, C. H., 6 -7
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 32
Saussure, Ferdinand de: linguistics, 22 , 89 , 262 , 389 ;
psychoanalysis, 2
Schizophrenia, Deleuze & Guattari on, 232 , 253
Schmidt, Alfred, 365 n.2
Science, 158 -204;
and art, 273 ;
and crisis of Marxism, 202 -3;
and history, 25 , 32 -35, 44 , 46 , 68 , 80 -81, 94 , 158 -88 passim, 195 -96, 228 , 233 -43 passim, 266 -67, 290 ;
and ideology, 45 -46, 158 -205, 212 -13, 226 -28, 238 , 267 -68, 378 n.2, 379 n.5, 382 n.6;
and materialism, 33 -34, 160 -63, 166 , 187 , 192 , 193 ;
"natural," 42 ;
philosophy and, 42 , 45 -46, 158 -204, 227 , 233 , 242 -43, 377 -78;
and power, 169 , 227 -28, 247 -48;
pragmatism and, 81 ;
and sexuality, 248 ;
and social formations, 32 , 33 -35, 68 , 80 , 81 , 158 , 206 , 247 -48. See also Human sciences; Scientific . . .
Scientific criticism, literary, 274 -80, 287 -88, 289 -94, 302
Scientific discourse, 160 , 184 -90 passim, 205 , 212 , 262 -71 passim, 293 -94
Scientificity, "threshold of," 238- 39
Scientific practice, 227 , 243 , 267 ;
and ideology, 165 -66, 168 -69, 174 -75,
Scientific practice (continued )
182 -88, 198 -201, 203 , 382 n.6;
relative autonomy of, 182 -88, 205 , 382 n.6;
Spinoza and, 52
Scientific realism, 45 -46, 377 -78n.1;
genealogy and, 243 -44;
historicism and, 48 ;
Laclau and, 386 n.2;
postmodernism and, 201 -2;
theoreticism and, 161 -63, 195
"Seigneural" lineages, 124
Seigneurial class, feudal, 131 -56 passim, 377 n.15
negative/positive, 310
Self-sustaining societies, 111 , 112 , 115 , 116 , 120 , 125 , 128
Semantics: Macherey and Balibar and, 306 ;
Pêcheux and, 262 . See also Language
Semiology, 2 , 89 , 277 -78. See also Linguistics
Serfdom, dissolution of, 151 , 152 -53
Sexuality, Foucault and, 246 , 248 , 254 -55
Sheridan, Alan, 383 n.7
Shklovskii, Viktor B., 270 -71
Similitude, Foucault and, 235
"Sixth Thesis on Feuerbach" (Marx), 170
Slavery: habitus and, 220 ;
in lineage societies, 116 , 126 -27
Smith, Steven, 381 n.10
Social agents: empiricism and, 200 ;
and habitus, 72 ;
hermeneutics and, 174 -75, 200 ;
and social class, 389 . See also Human agent
Social body: Deleuze & Guattari on, 231 -32;
Foucault and, 251
"Social categories," of Poulantzas, 326
Social class, 367 n.7, 388 -90;
vs. economic class, 317 -18, 323 -27;
"interest" vs. "position," 334 ;
masses and, 72 ;
struggles, 327 -29. See also Class
Social contradictions, 207 , 208 , 257 , 371 n.2
Social Darwinism, 11 , 32 , 48
Social formations, 33 -82, 158 , 172 , 371 n.2;
capitalist, 73 , 319 -56, 386 -87n.4;
contradiction and, 57 -65, 268 , 325 ;
dominance in, 39 , 52 -57, 60 , 62 -64, 109 -10;
feudal, 150 -56;
Foucault and, 239 -40, 247 -48, 258 ;
Godelier and, 55 -56, 58 , 375 n.8;
Hindess & Hirst and, 102 -4;
historical materialism and, 198 , 203 ;
and human subjects, 69 -70;
ideology and, 206 , 217 , 221 -22;
instances of, 36 -40, 41 , 52 -57, 67 -68, 83 , 87 -88, 314 -15;
in lineage societies, 112 -31;
linear causality and, 47 ;
and mode of production, 39 -42, 53 -54, 67 -68, 84 -131 passim, 135 , 150 -57, 319 -22, 371 n.2;
modes of determination and, 310 -11, 318 ;
open, 198 ;
science and, 32 , 33 -35, 68 , 80 , 81 , 158 , 206 , 247 -48;
Structural Marxism and, 23 -27, 35 -39, 41 -42, 98 -99, 157 ;
subordination in, 39 , 52 -57, 62 -63, 88 , 109 -10;
as totality of instances, 36 -39, 41 ;
and transition from feudalism to capitalism, 135 ;
uneven development of, 38 , 40 , 51 , 57 , 60 -68, 77 , 79 , 91 -109 passim, 325 ;
as wholes, 38 -39, 51 , 57 , 60 -67, 79 , 81 -82, 91 , 95 , 102 , 319 -25 passim
Socialism, 105 ;
and command economy, 5 , 14 -17;
and crisis of Marxism, 202 -3;
and democracy, 14 , 29 -32, 76 , 366 n.4, 370 n.13;
and economism, 73 , 74 , 75 -76;
"feasible," 368 n.8;
humanism and, 68 , 73 , 74 , 75 -76;
ideology and, 225 ;
oligarchic dictatorships of, 5 , 14 ;
"in one country," 14 -15;
pragmatism and, 65 ;
transition to, 366 n.4
Socialist Party (PS), 4
Social relations, 69 ;
capitalism and, 172 , 324 -34;
economism/humanism and, 73 -74;
of equivalence, 213 ;
Hindess & Hirst and, 102 -4;
in lineage societies, 112 , 117 , 121 ;
Poulantzas on, 324 -28;
and power, 257 -58;
of production, 87 ;
and social structures, 36 , 41 , 55 -56, 62 ;
as subjects of history, 71 -72. See also Class; Power
Social science: crisis in Marxism and, 203 ;
hermeneutics and, 200 ;
humanism in, 68 ;
modernism and, 21 -22. See also Anthropology; History
"Social space," 313 , 325 -26, 328 -29
Social structures: and class struggle, 312 ;
Hindess & Hirst and, 102 ;
"micro-analyses" of, 81 ;
and mode of production, 88 , 157 ;
rationalism on, 98 ;
and social relations, 36 , 41 , 55 -56, 62 ;
structural causality and, 51 -52, 309 . See also Social formations
Social subjectivity: capitalist state and, 315 -17, 339 ;
and class subjects, 313 -14, 317 ;
and ideology, 159 , 205 -59, 381 -83;
interpellation of, 71 -72, 159 ,
208 -17 passim, 221 -25, 304 , 315 -17, 324 , 381 n.2;
nationalization and, 339
Social theory: contemporary fashions in, 5 -10. See also Post-Marxist theories; Postmodernism; Structural Marxism
Society: "civil," 214 ;
"crisis of," 139 ;
social formations and, 371 n.2. See also Social . . .
Sociological functionalism, 90
South Africa, "tribal reserve" system, 129
Sovereignty: "parcelized," 150 -51, 153 , 154 , 155 ;
"public," 153
Soviet Union, 368 -69n.9;
command economies in, 14 ;
communism in, 4 ;
and humanism, 68 , 73 , 74 , 75 ;
and totalitarianism, 17 . See also Bolshevism
Space: "social," 313,325 -26, 328 -29;
transformation of, 339 -40, 350 , 359
Spinoza, Benedict de, 50 , 57 -60, 371 -72n.3;
and dialectical materialism, 45 , 162 ;
E. Balibar and, 97 -98;
experientia vaga of, 381 n.1;
materialist rationalism of, 42 -46, 52 , 58 , 59 -60, 68 , 176 ;
reading and, 176 ;
religion and, 46
Sprinker, Michael, 383 n.1
"Stagflation," 138
Stalin, Joseph, 14 -15, 73 , 75 , 368 n.9
Stalinism, 16 -17, 111 , 202 , 366 n.4, 378 n.4;
AS "deviation," 75 ;
State: absolutist, 142 , 150 -56;
apparatuses, 214 -15, 331 -46;
authoritarian, 360 -64;
bureaucracy, 154 , 335 , 344 -46, 362 , 378 n.4;
capitalist, see Capitalist state; class, 317 -18, 331 -32, 358 -60;
democratic, 334 -41;
and economy, 311 -22, 329 -34, 357 , 361 , 362 -63, 387 n.4;
feudal, 153 -56;
interventionist, 356 -60, 361 , 362 -63;
nationalpopular, 330 -31, 334 -38, 341 -46;
organization, 341 -46;
post-revolutionary, 366 n.4;
Poulantzas and, 255 -59, 319 -60 passim;
violence monopoly of, 153 , 155 , 318 , 337 -38;
welfare, 12 , 353 , 357 , 359 . See also State powe
State capitalism, 75 -76, 372 n.8
Statements, Foucault and, 238 , 239 , 241
State power: E. Balibar and, 366 n.4;
ideological apparatuses and, 213 -16, 222 , 382 n.5;
Moloch, 253 ;
and monopoly capitalism, 357 , 359 ;
Poulantzas and, 257 , 321 , 327 , 331 -41, 342 ;
and state apparatuses, 214 -15, 331 -46;
Structural Marxism and, 256
State, Power, Socialism (Poulantzas), 256 -57, 309 , 334 -39, 341 , 346
Statism, authoritarian, 360 -64
Stedman Jones, Gareth, 226 -27
Stern, Steven J., 376 n.12
Stoianovich, Traian, 367 n.5
Stranger (Camus), 297 , 299 , 300
Strike, in France (1968), 4
Structural causality, 33 -82, 158 , 197 -98;
and Darstellung , 49 -52;
ideological state apparatuses and, 215 ;
and knowledge/power, 243 ;
and mode of production, 92 , 93 -94, 98 , 104 , 110 ;
modes of determination within, 309 -14;
overdetermination and, 62 ;
Poulantzas and, 385 n.1;
and uneven development, 51 , 57 , 60 -68, 77 , 79 , 91 , 92
Structural-functional historicism, 2
Structuralism: Foucault and, 22 , 23 , 233 ;
high, 233 ;
and literary criticism, 277 -78;
Marxist anthropology and, 111 ;
vs. Structural Marxism, 89 -90, 98 , 373 -74n.5;
and synchrony/diachrony opposition, 92 , 98
Structural limitation, 309 , 310 , 311 , 312 , 315
Structural Marxism, 1 , 2 -5, 29 -30, 159 -60, 225 , 310 -11, 368 -69n.9;
anthropology, 85 -86, 111 -31, 374 -75n.8;
and class struggle, 23 -29, 31 , 35 -42, 98 -99;
and combinations, 89 -90, 91 -92, 93 -94;
and contradiction, 24 , 35 -36, 37 , 57 , 98 ;
and economic determination, 23 -29, 31 , 35 -42, 83 ;
and Eurocommunism, 2 , 3 -4, 366 -67n.4;
and exploitation, 28 , 29 , 85 -86;
and Fordism, 12 ;
Foucault and, 25 , 229 , 242 -49, 255 -56, 385 n.1;
Hegel criticized by, 58 ;
Hindess & Hirst and, 99 , 102 ;
and history, 24 -25, 33 -35, 71 , 81 -82, 90 -91, 244 ;
and ideological apparatuses, 215 , 227 ;
and interpellation, 215 , 248 -49;
and language/literature, 261 , 262 , 269 -77, 284 -85, 384 -85nn.2,4;
and mode of production, 83 -91 passim, 99 , 111 , 131 , 157 , 373 n.3, 387 n.7;
and modernism, 18 ,
Structural Marxism (continued )
22 -29;
and PCF, 2 , 3 -4, 366 -67n.4;
and politics, 24 , 29 , 308 , 309 , 342 , 390 -91;
post-Marxist theory and, 2 , 370 n.13;
vs. postmodernism, 27 , 29 , 31 , 201 -2, 229 ;
and power, 25 , 26 , 29 , 255 -56, 308 ;
and primitive societies, 85 -86, 111 -31, 373 n.4;
and realism, 25 , 33 -34, 311 ;
and science/ideology, 164 , 227 ;
and social formations, 23 -27, 35 -39, 41 -42, 98 -99, 157 ;
and "state capitalist" ruling class, 75 -76;
vs. Structuralism, 89 -90, 98 , 373 -74n.5;
and transition from feudalism to capitalism, 131 , 135 , 376 n.14;
and urbanization, 388 n.9. See also Structural causality
Structure: contradiction subordinate to, 96 -97;
in dominance, 52 -57, 88 , 222 -23. See also Social structures; Structural . . .
Subject: Absolute, 210 , 212 , 213 ;
Descartes and, 47 ;
discursive practice and, 263 -68, 269 ;
empirical, 196 ;
history as process without, 67 -72, 171 , 215 ;
ideology and, 184 , 205 -59, 304 ;
knowledge as practice without, 194 -201;
of labor, 120 -21;
Leibniz and, 47 ;
philosophical, 196 ;
scientific, 196 . See also Social subjectivity
Subjectivism: on class, 322 -23;
historicism and, 49 ;
Lenin and, 20 ;
pragmatism and, 19 ;
Structural Marxism and, 17
Subjectivist pragmatism, 19
Subjectivity. See Social subjectivity; Subject
Subordination: of class practices, 325 -26;
in discursive practice, 265 ;
in feudal societies, 145 , 154 ;
in lineage societies, 113 , 118 , 125 ;
and mode of production, 109 -10, 113 , 118 , 125 , 145 , 154 ;
in social formations, 39 , 52 -57, 62 -63, 88 , 109 -10
"Substantivists," 373 n.4, 377 n.16
"Superstructure," 172 , 182 , 206 , 208 , 213
"Supranationalization," 355 , 359
Surplus value, 172 ;
capitalist state and, 329 , 350 ;
economism and, 73 ;
imperialism and, 129 ;
in lineage societies, 117 -18;
and productive vs. unproductive labor, 389 -90
Symbolic: interpellation and, 210 -12;
Symbolic capital, 11 , 216 -21
"Symptomatic" reading, of Capital , 174 -78
Synchrony, in mode of production, 92 -98