Catullan Provocations


 expand sectionIntroduction
 expand sectionChapter 1  The Collection and Its Author
 expand sectionChapter 2  Catullus and the Reader  The Erotics of Poetry
 expand sectionChapter 3  Obscenity Figures
 expand sectionChapter 4  Urbanity  The Poetry of Exclusion
 expand sectionChapter 5  The Wronged Lover and the Poet's Isolation
 expand sectionChapter 6  Gazing at the Golden Age  Belatedness and Mastery in Catullus 64
 expand sectionChapter 7  The Ruse of the Victim  Poems 10 and 11
 expand sectionChapter 8  The Death of a Brother  Displacement and Expression
  Chapter 9  Between Men  Catullan Literature

 expand sectionNotes
 expand sectionGeneral Index
  Index of Catullun Poems Cited

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