Without the encouragement, criticism, and advice of Tom Habinek, this book would probably not have come to publication, and I am very grateful to him for seeing the potential and diagnosing the problems of an earlier version with his customary generosity and acuity. The three anonymous readers for the press all had important criticisms and observations to make, and I have benefited greatly from their careful readings. My colleagues in the Classics program at UC San Diego read versions of several chapters and made valuable comments; Page duBois, in particular, has provided inspiration and encouragement at all stages of my work on Catullus. Micaela Janan, Michael Putnam, Amy Richlin, Dan Selden, and Marilyn Skinner—great Catullans all—have stimulated my thinking about this author either in conversation, through their work, or both.
At the University of California Press, Mary Lamprech supportively shepherded this book through the many stages from submission to publication, and Scott Norton edited the manuscript with incredible thoroughness and care. My thanks to them both. If errors remain, they are my own fault.
Chapter 2 appeared in an earlier version as "Catullus and the Reader: The Erotics of Poetry" in Arethusa 25 (1992) and is reprinted here by kind permission.