Preferred Citation: Zanker, Paul. The Mask of Socrates: The Image of the Intellectual in Antiquity. Berkeley, Calif:  University of California Press,  c1995 1995.



Tabula Iliaca, 195 , 195 (fig. 104)

Tacitus (emperor), 279

Teiresias, 18

Tertullian, 299

Theatre of Dionysus in Athens, 43 , 65 , 78

prohedria , 118 , 119 (fig. 65)

Theios aner , 261 , 263 , 266 , 300 -301, 309 , 311 , 318 (fig. 172), 340

Themistocles, 20 , 63

Theodectes, 68

Theodosius, 302 , 310

Theon of Smyrna, 240 , 241 (fig. 133), 242 , 245

Theophrastus, 71 , 72 (fig. 43), 75 , 96 , 221

Thersites, 32

Thrasea Paetus, 258 -59

Thucydides, 57 , 65 , 71 , 72 (fig. 42)

Timarchus (sculptor), 78

Timokrates, 258


statues of the three great tragedians in Theatre of Dionysus, 43 -57, 65 , 71 , 83 , 146 , 354 n34

Trajan, 217 -18, 259

Trimalchio, 206 , 256

Tryphe , 81 , 136 , 140 , 180

Tyche of Antioch, 36


Preferred Citation: Zanker, Paul. The Mask of Socrates: The Image of the Intellectual in Antiquity. Berkeley, Calif:  University of California Press,  c1995 1995.