Preferred Citation: Zanker, Paul. The Mask of Socrates: The Image of the Intellectual in Antiquity. Berkeley, Calif:  University of California Press,  c1995 1995.



Mantle, 24 , 33 , 102 , 106 , 114 , 129 , 143 , 214 , 229 -30, 232 , 247 , 266 -67, 273 -74, 276 , 278 , 282 , 284 , 290 , 325 , 335

draped over shoulder of nude torso, 24 , 28

see also Himation

Marcus Aurelius, 110 , 222 (fig. 119), 224 , 226 , 252 , 254 , 279

Meditations , 242 , 274

Marcus Cornelius, 253 (fig. 138)

Marrou, H.-I., 268 , 272 , 279 , 296

Marsyas, 34

Maximus of Ephesus, 309

Medea, 86

Meiggs, Russell, 316

Melchizedek, 306

Menander, 13 , 62 , 77 -85, 79 -83(figs. 45-47), 123 , 136 , 137 (fig. 74), 139 -43, 150 , 157 , 168 , 214 , 321 -22, 323 (fig. 175), 324 , 337

Metrodorus, 114 , 116 (fig. 63), 118 -19, 121 (fig. 67), 122 , 123 -25, 127

Mikythos, 19 -20

Miltiades, 63 -65, 64 (fig. 36), 68

Mithridates, dedicant of statue of Plato, 38 , 69

Mnesiepes, 162

Moschion, 143

Moses, 306

Muse(s), 18 , 159 , 253 , 268 , 269 (fig. 144), 271 -72, 271 -273(figs. 146-47), 274 -76, 277 -278(figs. 149-50), 281 -84, 281 -283(figs. 152-53), 286 , 292 , 327 -30, 329 (fig. 178), 386 n2

Musonius Rufus, 111 , 258 -59, 287 -88



Preferred Citation: Zanker, Paul. The Mask of Socrates: The Image of the Intellectual in Antiquity. Berkeley, Calif:  University of California Press,  c1995 1995.