The Mask of Socrates |
Acknowledgments |
I. Introduction: Image, Space, and Social Values |
II. The Intellectual as Good Citizen |
1 | III. The Rigors of Thinking |
IV. In the Shadow of the Ancients |
• | The Old Singer |
• | A Peasant-Poet |
• | Invented Faces |
• | The Cult of Poets |
• | The Divine Homer |
• | Hellenistic Kings and Archaic Poets |
• | The Retrospective Philosopher Portrait: Socrates, Antisthenes, and Diogenes |
• | The "Gentrification" of the Philosopher Portrait: Carneades and Poseidonius |
• | The "Intellectualization" of the Citizen Portrait |
• | Man the Reader: Paradigm for a New Age |
V. Hadrian's Beard |
1 | VI. The Cult of Learning Transfigured |
Epilogue Ancient Philosophers and the Modern Intellectual |
Abbreviations of Frequently Cited Works |
2 | Notes |
Sources of Illustrations |
Bibliography |
General Index |
Index Locorum |
1 | Museum Index |