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Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional,

mosaic from Arróniz, 288 , 390 n31

Malibu, J. P. Getty Museum (85 AA 112), portrait, 224 , fig. 122b

Marbury Hall (formerly), Menander tondo, 322

Monza, Cathedral Treasury, diptych, 328 , 368 n58, 395 n80

Munich, Antikensammlungen (2307),

amphora, 15 , fig. 10

(2414) stamnos, 28 , fig. 18

(2416) wine cooler with Sappho and Alcaeus, 25 -26, fig. 14

(202) young man, 90 -91, fig. 52

Munich, Glyptothek (273),

Homer (type A), 15 , fig. 9

Karneades, 182 -83, fig. 96

(548) Plato, 40 -43, fig. 24 , 68 , fig. 38

(429) portrait, 224 , fig. 121c

(533) sarcophagus of married couple, 281 , fig. 152

(448) Socrates (type A), 12 , fig. 6

Munich, Museum für Abgüsse Klassischer Bildwerke,

reconstructed statue of Chrysippus, 96 -102, figs. 54a-b

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