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Hadrian, 202 , 217 -23, 217 -219(figs. 114-15), 240 , 246 , 251 -53, 259 , 267

Hahn, J., 234


effeminate hairstyle, 89

knotted on forehead, 16

long, flowing, shoulder-length, 16 , 32 , 34 , 52 , 56 , 60 , 108 , 145 , 171 , 175 -76, 220 , 248 -49, 256 -57, 260 -64, 266 , 282 , 299 -302, 306 , 311 , 325 , 340 , 352 n20, 382 n47, 385 nn81-83

short, close-cropped, 220 , 240 -42, 245 , 267 , 325

symbolic value for different schools of philosophy, 110 -13

uncombed, matted, unkempt, 36 , 111 , 130 , 133 , 150 , 168 , 170 , 175 -76, 233 -42, 247 , 256 , 262 , 273 -74, 278 , 304 , 334 , 385 n85

well-groomed, neatly-trimmed, 50 , 68 , 76 -78, 80 , 111 , 116 , 121 , 125 , 217 -18

white, 20 , 261


clasped hands, 85 -86, 107

clenched fist, 6 , 90 , 97 -98, 103 , 106

Harnack, Adlof von, 296

Heintze, Helga von, 40

Hekler, Anton, 246

Helbig, Wolfgang, 40

Heliodorus, 259

Helvidius Priscus, 259

Heraclitus, 265 , 273

Herakles, 96 , 266 , 364 n28, 364 n29

Hermarchus, 114 -15, 118 -22, 117 (fig. 64), 121 (fig. 68), 124 , 164

Hermes, 254

Hermia, C. Valerius, 254 -56, 255 (fig. 139), 276

Herodes Atticus, 235 , 243 -44, 244 (fig. 134), 250

Hesiod, 19 , 143 , 151 , 252 -53(figs. 80a-c), 157

Hierarchical structure of images, 293 , 304 , 306 , 340

Hieronymos of Rhodes, 187

Hieros aner , 284 , 297 , 300 , 307 -309, 311 , 315 -16, 319 , 394 n68

Himation or Greek mantle, 49 , 52 , 60 , 63 , 68 , 80 , 85 -86, 182 , 185 , 187 , 204 -205, 226 ,


228 , 232 , 236 , 248 , 254 , 266 , 280 ,

mantle drawn over back (of old men), 55 ,

mantle enfolding arms, 43 , 47 , 98 , 115 , 276

see also Pallium

Hipparchus, 24

Hippias of Elias, 118

Hippocrates, 155 , 156 (fig. 83), 206

Hippomachos, 54 (fig. 31)

Hipponax, 154 , 155 (fig. 82)

Hölscher, Tonio, 22

"Holy men": see Hieros aner

Holy Scriptures or Holy Writ: see Scriptures

Homer, 14 -22, 15 (fig. 9), 68 , 127 , 159 -72, 160 -61(figs. 85a-b), 164 -69(figs. 87-90), 180 , 194 -96, 195 -96(figs. 104-105), 248 , 262 , 324 -25, 326 (fig. 177), 328 , 333 , 383 n82

Horace, 125

Houdon, Jean-Antoine, 3 -4, 3 (fig. 1), 335

Hugo, Victor, 6 , 338

Hygieia, 19

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