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Sources of Illustrations

Photo Alinari: figs. 28, 53a, 160.

American School of Classical Studies, Kenchreai Excavations: fig. 77.

Photo Anderson: figs. 74, 90, 93.

Archäologisches Institut, Göttingen: figs. 45, 62, 75 (photos S. Eckhardt).

Austrian Archaeological Institute, Ephesos Excavation: fig. 174.

J. Balty: fig. 168.

Photo L. Beyer (Weimar): fig. 2.

J. Deckers: figs. 159a, 159b, 163.

Photo Despatin/Gobell: fig. 1.

Photo G. Fittschen-Badura: figs. 44b, 106, 113, 114, 118, 121a, 129, 133.

Forschungsarchiv für römische Plastik (Cologne): figs. 25, 41.

Fototeca Unione at the American Academy in Rome: fig. 65.

German Archaeological Institute (Athens): figs. 77, 82, 100, 116, 117, 137, 171 (photos G. Hellner).

German Archaeological Institute (Berlin): figs. 101, 103.

German Archaeological Institute (Cairo): fig, 91.

German Archaeological Institute (Istanbul): figs. 32, 170 (photos P. Steyer).

German Archaeological Institute (Rome): figs. 8, 21, 30, 36, 37, 80, 81, 83, 84, 110, 131, 142, 146–52, 162, 164.

Hirmer Photo Archive (Munich): figs. 22, 157, 161, 165.

G. Koch: fig. 145.

Kommission zur Erforschung des antiken Städtewesens at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences: fig. 102 (photo V. Brinkmann).

Photo Marburg: fig. 29.

Münzkabinett Berlin (H. D. Schultz): figs. 86b, 87.

Münzkabinett der Stadt Winterthur (H.-M. von Känel): figs. 86a, 86c, 86d, 88a–c.


Museum für Abgüsse Klassischer Bildwerke (Munich), Archive: figs. 4, 6, 15, 33, 70, 98.

D. Pandermalis: figs. 123–25.

R. R. R. Smith: figs. 168, 169, 176.

Author's photo archive: figs. 52, 85b.

The following are museum photos kindly provided by those museums named in the captions:

figs. 7, 9 (photo Kaufmann), 10, 11, 12 (photo J. Selsing), 13, 14, 16, 18, 24 (photo H. Koppermann), 27, 38 (photo H. Koppermann), 43, 44a, 44c, 44d, 47, 48, 50, 63, 66, 71, 72a, 72b, 78, 79, 89, 95, 96 (photo C. Koppermann), 97, 99, 104, 105, 107, 108, 115, 119, 120, 121-22 (see p.362 n.35), 127, 132, 134, 135, 144, 154 (photo D. Widmer), 155, 158, 173 (photo C. Koppermann), 178.

Photos of casts were provided by:

Museum für Abgüsse Klassischer Bildwerke (Munich), photos of casts in the museum's collection, by H. Glöckler unless otherwise indicated: figs. 5, 17, 26, 35, 39a, 39b, 40, 46 (photo C. Koppermann), 53a, 53b, 54 (reconstruction by S. Bertolin), 55, 57, 69 (photo C. Koppermann), 94.

The following are reproduced from the sources indicated:

fig. 3: Max Klinger, exh. cat. (Hildesheim, 1984) 6.

fig. 19: Schefold 1943, fig. 79.

fig. 20: Ansigter, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (Copenhagen, 1989) fig. 56.

fig. 22: P. R. Franke and M. Hirmer, Die griechische Münze (Munich, 1964) pl. 15.

fig. 23: F. Winter and E. Pernice, Hellenistische Kunst in Pompeji, vol. 5 (Berlin, 1932), p. 49.

figs. 31, 34: Diepolder 1931, pls. 23 and 45.2.

fig. 49: E. Rosenbaum, A Catalogue of Cyrenaican Portrait Sculpture (London, 1960) pl. 7.1.

fig. 51: Enc. Photogr. de l'Art II, TEL Paris, Louvre (Paris, 1936) 186a.

fig. 60: Richter II, fig. 1121.

fig. 73: ABr 619.

fig. 85a: Antike Plastik 4 (1965), pl. 28.

fig. 92: Villa Albani I, pl. 270.

fig. 109: F. Baratte, Le trésor d'orfèvrerie romaine de Boscoreale (Paris, 1986) 65.

fig. 112: AJA 46 (1942) pl. 11.


fig. 126: Richter III, fig. 2033.

fig. 128: ABr 438.

fig. 130: ABr 440.

fig. 131: R. Bianchi-Bandinelli, Rom: Zentrum der Macht (Munich, 1970) fig. 318.

fig. 136: Richter III, fig. 2037.

fig. 138: Baratte-Metzger 1985, 30.

fig. 140: Blanck 1992, 70.

fig. 141: E. Rosenbaum, A Catalogue of Cyrenaican Portrait Sculpture (London, 1960) pl. 45.1.

fig. 143: R. Delbrück, Antike Porträts (Bonn, 1912) pl. 14.

figs. 153a–d: Wegner 1966, nos. 31, 79, 81, 127.

fig. 156: Amedick 1991, pl. 39.1.

fig. 166: H. Forsyth and K. Weitzmann, The Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai (Ann Arbor, 1973) 1: pl. 103.

fig. 172: Ostia VI (Rome, 1969), pl. 56.

fig. 175: reproduced from a photo at the Warburg Institute, London.

fig. 177: K. Weitzmann, Spätantike und frühchristliche Buchmalerei (Munich, 1977) 33.


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