Eleven— The Inquisition and the Crypto-Jewish Community in Colonial New Spain and New Mexico
1. The term crypto-Jew refers to those baptized as Catholic Christians and living outwardly as such, but secretly practicing Judaic rites and customs. While the terms converso and New Christian strictly should refer to those Jews who actually converted to Catholicism, it will be extended for the purposes of this paper to the descendants of the original conversos, who lived as crypto-Jews.
2. Richard E. Greenleaf, The Mexican Inquisition of the Sixteenth Century (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1969), 81; Seymour B. Liebman, The Jews in New Spain: Faith, Flame and the Inquisition (Coral Gables, Fla.: University of Miami Press, 1970), 123, 130.
3. Liebman, The Jews in New Spain, 135, 151, 184.
4. No attempt is made here to detail the events surrounding the campaign of the Mexican Inquisition against the Carvajals. For an elaboration on this continue
period see: Liebman, The Jews in New Spain, chaps. 7 and 8; Martin Cohen, The Martyr (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1973); Alfonso Toro, La familia Carvajal (Mexico City: Editorial Patria, 1944); Seymour B. Liebman, The Enlightened: The Writings of Luis de Carvajal, El Mozo (Coral Gables, Fla.: University of Miami Press, 1967); Greenleaf, Mexican Inquisition, 169-171.
5. Jonathan Israel, Race, Class and Politics in Colonial Mexico (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1975), 20-30.
6. Based on the discursos de la vida of those crypto-Jews arrested by the Inquisition in the 1640s, 82 percent of the converso immigrants settled initially in Mexico City, 11 percent in Veracruz, and the remaining 7 percent scattered about the viceroyalty.
7. Archivo General de la Nación (Mexico) (hereafter AGN), Inquisición, tomo 418, expediente 1, "Proceso y causa criminal contra Manuel de Acosta" (1643), 156-170.
8. AGN, Inq., tomo 403, exp. 1, "Proceso y causa criminal contra Pedro de Espinosa" (1642), 81-85.
9. AGN, Inq., tomo 381, exp. 5, "Borrador de la relación de las causas que se han despachado desde principio de año de 1634 hasta fin del año de 1635." The relación de causa of Simón Montero describes the burial of Francisca Núñez.
10. AGN, Inq., tomo 497, exp. 8, "Proceso y causa criminal contra Duarte Castaño," 133-138; AGN, Inq., tomo 395, exp. 3, "Proceso y causa criminal contra Melchor Rodríguez López" (1642); AGN, Inq., tomo 409, exp. 1, "Proceso y causa criminal contra Pedro Fernández de Castro" (1642), 521v; Liebman, The Jews in New Spain, 76.
11. AGN, Inq., tomo 489, 84-85, "Traslado del papel que remitió a este Santo Oficio el Sr. Obispo Don Juan de Palafox y Mendoza . . ."; AGN, Inq., tomo 489, 97, Cédula of Philip IV, issued 7 January 1641; AGN, Inq., tomo 489, 114, "Papeles del Sr. Virrey Conde de Salvatierra acerca del donativo de los Portugueses . . ." (1643). This document contains a partial accounting of the donativo collected from crypto-Jews in New Spain; AGN, "Reales Cédulas expedidas en relación a los Portugueses . . ." (1642); Archivo General de Indias (Sevilla), Contratación, legajo 102B, "Ante los oidores de la Contratación . . . en Cádiz y Sevilla para embargar perteneciente a portugueses que venia en los galeones y flotas del aquel año; varios autos y diligencias" (1641-42). A total of 332,629 pesos worth of goods sent from New Spain to Portuguese merchants in Seville was embargoed in compliance with a royal order of 17 June 1641.
12. Biblioteca Nacional (Mexico), MSS. 12054, 281, 287v.
13. Archivo Histórico Nacional (Madrid), Inquisición, legajo 1054, "Cartas originales del Tribunal de Mexico para el Consejo."
14. AGN, Inq., Lote Riva Palacio, tomo 48, exp. 2, "Libro donde se sientan todos los presos . . . desde trece de julio de 1642 . . ." (1647?). Data are also extracted from the procesos of judaizantes contained in the AGN.
15. It is difficult to estimate how many of the judaizantes reconciled by the Inquisition remained in New Spain, as the records pertaining to the compliance continue
of the sentences of exile are unavailable and only those reconciliados who relapsed into Judaizing were recorded by the Holy Office. An examination of civil and criminal records for Mexico City revealed several reconciliados picking up their businesses where they had left off years earlier, apparently suffering neither full confiscation of their estates nor exile.
16. John Francis Bannon, The Spanish Borderlands Frontier, 1513-1821 (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1970), 32-33; Cohen, The Martyr, 104.
17. George P. Hammond and Agapito Rey, The Rediscovery of New Mexico, 1580-1594: The Explorations of Chamuscado, Espejo, Castaño de Sosa, Morlete, and Leyva de Bonilla and Humaña (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1966), 28-39.
18. Cohen, The Martyr, 103-104.
19. Hammond and Rey, Rediscovery, 245-320; Liebman, The Inquisitors and the Jews in the New World: Summaries of Procesos, 1500-1810, and Bibliographical Guide (Coral Gables, Fla.: University of Miami Press, 1974).
20. Hammond and Rey, Oñate, Colonizer of New Mexico (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1953), 1:286-301; Liebman, The Inquisitors and the Jews .
21. France Scholes, Troublous Times in New Mexico, 1659-1670 (Albuquerque: Historical Society of New Mexico, 1942); AGN, Inquisición, tomo 583, exp. 3, "Proceso y causa criminal contra El Sargento Mayor Francisco Gómez . . . por sospechoso de delitos del judaismo . . ." (1661).
22. Clevy Lloyd Strout, "The Resettlement of Santa Fe, 1695: The Newly Found Muster Roll," New Mexico Historical Review, 53, no. 3 (July 1978): 261-270.
23. Archives of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Baptisms, Mission of Isleta, Reel 5, frames 227 and 229. break