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Eight— The Jew As Witch: Displaced Aggression and the Myth of the Santo Niño de La Guardia

1. Brian Levak, The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe (New York: Long-man, 1987), 126. Women who attempt to make themselves sexually attractive are called "ministers of the devil" in Pedro Galindo, Parte segunda del directorio de penitentes y practica de una buena y prudente confesion (Madrid: Antonio de Zafra, 1686), 518. [BACK]

2. Gaspar Navarro, Tribunal de la supersticion ladina (Huesca: Pedro Bluson, 1631) ffs. 52-55v, 56v-57. [BACK]

3. Levak, The Witch-Hunt, 180. [BACK]

4. Gustav Henningsen, The Witches' Advocate: Basque Witchcraft and the Spanish Inquisition (Reno: University of Nevada Press, 1980), 62-70, 108-117, 217-220. [BACK]

5. Leon Poliakov, The History of Anti-Semitism, 4 vols. (New York: The Vanguard Press, 1973), 2:151.

6. Ibid., 154. [BACK]

5. Leon Poliakov, The History of Anti-Semitism, 4 vols. (New York: The Vanguard Press, 1973), 2:151.

6. Ibid., 154. [BACK]

7. Henry Charles Lea, A History of the Inquisition of Spain, 4 vols. (New York: Macmillan, 1906), 1:149-150. [BACK]

8. Fidel Fita, "La verdad sobre el martirio del santo niño de la Guardia, o sea el proceso y quema (16 noviembre 1491) del judio Juce Franco en Avila," Boletin de la Real Academia de la Historia, XI (julio-setiembre, 1887): 135. [BACK]

9. Joshua Trachtenberg, The Devil and the Jews (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1983), 130-131. [BACK]

10. Guiseppe Divina, Storia del beato Simone de Trento, 2 vols. (Trento: Artigianelli, 1902), 1:286-287.

11. Ibid., 302. [BACK]

10. Guiseppe Divina, Storia del beato Simone de Trento, 2 vols. (Trento: Artigianelli, 1902), 1:286-287.

11. Ibid., 302. [BACK]

12. Trachtenberg, The Devil, 151; Divina, Storia, 301. [BACK]

13. Divina, Storia, 302-303.

14. Ibid., 231-233.

15. Ibid., 234.

16. Ibid., 372, 380. [BACK]

13. Divina, Storia, 302-303.

14. Ibid., 231-233.

15. Ibid., 234.

16. Ibid., 372, 380. [BACK]

13. Divina, Storia, 302-303.

14. Ibid., 231-233.

15. Ibid., 234.

16. Ibid., 372, 380. [BACK]

13. Divina, Storia, 302-303.

14. Ibid., 231-233.

15. Ibid., 234.

16. Ibid., 372, 380. [BACK]

17. Fray Juan López, Tercera parte de la historia general del Santo Domingo y de su orden de predicadores (Valladolid: Francisco Fernández de Córdoba, 1613), 276-277. break [BACK]

18. Fita, "La verdad," 52.

19. Ibid., 65.

20. Ibid., 55.

21. Ibid., 104. [BACK]

18. Fita, "La verdad," 52.

19. Ibid., 65.

20. Ibid., 55.

21. Ibid., 104. [BACK]

18. Fita, "La verdad," 52.

19. Ibid., 65.

20. Ibid., 55.

21. Ibid., 104. [BACK]

18. Fita, "La verdad," 52.

19. Ibid., 65.

20. Ibid., 55.

21. Ibid., 104. [BACK]

22. Trachtenberg, The Devil, 145. [BACK]

23. Fita, "La verdad," 139.

24. Ibid., 141. [BACK]

23. Fita, "La verdad," 139.

24. Ibid., 141. [BACK]

25. Sebastián de Nieva Calvo, El niño inocente; hijo de Toledo y martyr en La Guardia (Toledo: Juan Ruiz de Pareda, 1628), 78-79, 83v.

26. Ibid., 126v-128. [BACK]

25. Sebastián de Nieva Calvo, El niño inocente; hijo de Toledo y martyr en La Guardia (Toledo: Juan Ruiz de Pareda, 1628), 78-79, 83v.

26. Ibid., 126v-128. [BACK]

27. Antonio de Guzmán, Historia del inocente trinatario el Santo Niño de la Guardia (Madrid: Diego López Abad, 1720), 186-188. [BACK]

28. Fray Francisco de Torrejoncillo, Centenella contra judios, Fray Diego Gavilán Vela, trans. (Madrid: Vda. Melchor Alegre, 1680), 132. [BACK]

29. Henry Kamen, Inquisition and Society in Spain (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1985), 118-120. [BACK]

30. James Boyajain, Portuguese Bankers at the Court of Spain 1626-1650 (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1983), 118. [BACK]

31. Geoffrey Parker, Philip II (London: Hutchinson, 1978), 193. [BACK]

32. Kamen, Inquisition and Society, 211.

33. Ibid., 213-214. [BACK]

32. Kamen, Inquisition and Society, 211.

33. Ibid., 213-214. [BACK]

34. Archivo Histórico Nacional, Inquisition, 19 June 1588, libro 937, 74-75v. [BACK]

35. Leon Poliakov, The History of Anti-Semitism From the Time of Christ to the Court Jews, Richard Howard, trans. (New York: The Vanguard Press, 1976), 174.

36. Ibid., 189. [BACK]

35. Leon Poliakov, The History of Anti-Semitism From the Time of Christ to the Court Jews, Richard Howard, trans. (New York: The Vanguard Press, 1976), 174.

36. Ibid., 189. [BACK]

37. H. C. Erik Midelfort, Witch Hunting in Southwestern Germany, 1562-1684 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1972). break [BACK]

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