

 collapse section1  Settings and Samples in African Cults of Affliction
 collapse sectionThe "Grands Rites" Of Kinshasa
 Buttressing The Lineage In Western Bantu Society
 God, Jesus, The Ancestors, And Janet In Luba Divination
 Urban Changes In Cults Of Affliction
 collapse sectionNgoma On The Swahili Coast
 A Classic Profile Of Ngoma In Sukumaland, Western Tanzania
 Ngoma Of The Land, Ngoma Of The Coast
 Ngoma Dispensaries, Fee-For-Service Ritual
 Ngoma And Islam
 Ngoma Of Healing, Ngoma Of Entertainment
 collapse sectionSangoma: Divining The Stresses Of Rapid Industrialization In North Nguni Society
 A Swazi College For Diviner-Healers
 Pengula: Divination By "Throwing The Bones"
 Ukufemba: Divination By Mediumship
 Mediumistic Trance Versus Mechanistic Technique
 collapse sectionThe Amagqira: Surviving The Townships Of South Africa
 A Case Study In Initiation To Ngoma
 collapse section2  Identifying Ngoma  Historical and Comparative Perspectives
 The Bantu Conundrum
 The Lexicon Of a Classical Sub-Saharan Therapeutics
 Instruments Of Ritual Healing As A Nonverbal Cognate Set
 collapse sectionSocial And Political Variables Of A Complex Institution
 Cults Of Affliction In Centralized And Segmentary Societies
 Unitary And Diverse Manifestations
 collapse sectionScholarly Blinders And The Ontology Of A Unique Institution
 collapse section3  Core Features in Ngoma Therapy
 Sickness And Therapeutic Initiation As A Phased Rite Of Passage
 The Diagnosis Of Misfortune
 Nosology And Spirit Fields
 The Course Through The White
 Sacrifice And Exchange
 collapse sectionThe Sufferer Becomes The Healer
 collapse section4  Doing Ngoma  The Texture of Personal Transformation
 Text And Texture In African Healing
 "Doing Ngoma": The Core Ritual Unit
 Common Songs And Personal Song In Ngoma Narrative Tradition
 The Structure Of Ngoma Therapeutic Communication
 collapse sectionOf Music and Ritual in Ngoma
 collapse section5  How Ngoma Works  Of Codes and Consciousness
 Personal Experience And Cultural Reality
 collapse sectionSpirit Logic And Therapeutic Discourse
 Spirits, A Scholarly Bugaboo?
 Healers' Views Of Ngoma Therapy
 Ngoma as Therapeutic Discourse
 From Spirit To Song-dance: Articulating Metaphors Of Difficult Experience
 collapse sectionNgoma And Specialized Knowledge
 collapse section6  How Ngoma Works  The Social Reproduction of Health
 Health And Health Indicators
 The Social Reproduction of Health
 collapse sectionProfiles Of Ngoma Social Reproduction
 Reconciling Lineage and Trade in Precolonial Kongo Society
 Saving Lives of Mothers and Infants on the Southern Savanna
 Regional Networks of the Isangoma/ Amagqira of Southern Africa
 Professional and State Control of Ngoma on the Swahili Coast

  Appendix A  Partial Listing of Guthrie's Inventory of Bantu Languages
  Appendix B  Distributions of Terms in Bantu Languages Pertaining to Therapeutic Concepts and Actions
 collapse sectionAppendix C  Instrumentation Accompanying Healing Rituals in Central and Southern Africa
 Eastern Zaire
 Southern Savanna
 East Africa
 Southeast Africa
 Southern Africa
 collapse sectionNotes
 1 Settings and Samples in African Cults of Affliction
 2 Identifying Ngoma Historical and Comparative Perspectives
 4 Doing Ngoma The Texture of Personal Transformation
 5 How Ngoma Works Of Codes and Consciousness
 6 How Ngoma Works The Social Reproduction of Health
 collapse sectionIndex

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