Preferred Citation: Harrison, Cynthia. On Account of Sex: The Politics of Women's Issues, 1945-1968. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1988 1988.


7 The PCSW Versus the ERA

1. Esther Peterson Recorded Interview by Ronald J. Grele, 18 May 1966, p. 23, Recorded Interview by Ann M. Campbell, 20 January 1970, pp. 55-57, JFKL; Oral History Program; Interview with Esther Peterson, 10 June 1978 (Washington, D.C.); Eva vB. Hansl to Edith Green, 6 January 1961, in folder "Working Widows," box 61-11, Edith Green papers, OHS; Eva vB. Hansl et al. to John F. Kennedy, 20 January 1961, in folder "PCSW background 1961," box "PCSW #1," Esther Peterson papers, SL; Transcript, Katherine P. Ellickson Oral History Interview, 15 December 1974, p. 27, ALUA; Katherine P. Ellickson, ''The President's Commission on the Status of Women: Its Formation, Functioning, and Contribution," January 1976, ALUA; Telephone interview with Arthur Goldberg, 17 September 1985 (Washington, D.C.).

2. Kathryn McHale to Harry S. Truman, 10 May 1948 (summarized by William D. Hassett), file 120, box 534, HSTL.

3. Arthur M. Hill to the President, 29 June 1948, file 120, box 534, HSTL.

4. Althea Hottel to the President, 15 September 1950, file 120, box 534, HSTL.

5. National Manpower Council, Womanpower: A Statement by the National Manpower Council with Chapters by the Council Staff (New York: Columbia University Press, 1957), 6.

6. Alice K. Leopold to the Undersecretary, 15 April 1957, and "Summary of Comments by Miss Leopold and Mrs. Wickens on Recommendation Contained in the National Manpower Council's Report on Womanpower" (draft), 17 April 1957, in folder "Women," box 5, RG 174 (Cass), NA; Labor Advisory Committee, minutes of meeting, 13 November 1953, in folder "1-1-8-1 work materials for Advisory Committee," box 942, RG 86, NA.

7. Secretary of Labor to the Undersecretary, 29 March 1957, in folder "1957 Women's Bureau, General," box 193, RG 174 (Mitchell), NA; Aryness Joy Wickens to the Undersecretary, 29 March 1957 [n.b., there are two memos with this date, both of which are cited].

8. Eva vB. Hansl to Edith Green, 6 January 1961, in folder "Working Widows," box 61-11, Edith Green papers, OHS; Eva vB. Hansl et al. to John F. Kennedy, 20 January 1961, in folder "PCSW background 1961," box "PCSW #1," Esther Peterson papers, SL; Telephone interview with Arthur Goldberg, 17 September 1985 (Washington, D.C.); Transcript, Caroline Ware Oral History Interview, 27, 28, 29 January 1982, pp. 138ff., SL; Dollie Robinson to Esther Peterson, 31 March 1961, in folder "PCSW, Background 1951," box "PCSW #1,'' Esther Peterson papers, SL.

9. Washington Post , 13 February 1962.

10. Notes on meeting concerning plans for the President's Commission on the Status of Women, 20 December 1961, folder 91-17, Katherine P. Ellickson papers, ALUA; Current Status (bulletin of the PCSW), November 1962, PCSW papers (Washington, D. C.); Katherine Ellickson, "Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt's Contribution to the Status of Women, 1962," Ellickson file, Eleanor Roosevelt papers, FDRL; Herbert Parmet, JFK: The Presidency of John F. Kennedy (New York: Dial Press, 1983), 35-36; William E. Leuchtenburg, In the Shadow of FDR: From Harry Truman to Ronald Reagan (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1983), 71-81, 88-89, 92-96, 100-103.

11. Frances Ambursen to Esther Peterson, 6 September 1961, in folder "PCSW members," box "PCSW #1," Esther Peterson papers, SL; Esther Peterson, Recorded Interview by Ann M. Campbell, 20 January 1970, pp. 57-60, JFKL Oral History Program.

12. President's Commission on the Status of Women, American Women , (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1963), 85; Marguerite Rawalt, A History of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc. , vol. 2: 1944-1960 (Washington, D.C.: NFBPWC, 1969), p. 4; Susan Becker, "An Intellectual History of the National Woman's Party, 1920-1941," (Ph.D. diss., Case Western Reserve University, 1975), 251-252. For a discussion of the way in which administrations control presidential commissions by the selection of members, see Thomas R. Wolanin, Presidential Advisory Commissions: Truman to Nixon (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1975), 75-81. The complete list of commission participants can be found in Appendix 3.

13. Executive Order 10980, 14 December 1961, 3 C.F.R. (1959-1963), 500-501 (text in Appendix 2).

14. Goldberg to John F. Kennedy, 13 December 1961, and White House, press release, 14 December 1961, in black looseleaf notebook, box 4644, Eleanor Roosevelt papers, FDRL.

15. Esther Peterson to Myer Feldman, 12 March 1963, in folder "Final Report Materials, Hilton," PCSW papers (Washington, D.C.).

16. U.S. President, Public Papers of the President of the United States (Washington, D.C.: Office of the Federal Register , National Archives and Records Service, 1961-), John F. Kennedy, 12 February 1962, item 43.

17. Transcript, "Prospects of Mankind #10" (23 May 1962), in folder "Mrs. Roosevelt--Prospects of Mankind," and President's Commission on the Status of Women, Committee on New and Expanded Services, transcript of the meeting of 24 January, 1963 Washington, D.C., PCSW papers (Washington, D.C.); Telephone interview with Esther Peterson, 4 October 1974 (Washington, D.C.); Washington Post , 13 February 1962; Esther Peterson to Myer Feldman, 12 March 1963, in folder "Final Report Materials, Hilton," PCSW papers (Washington, D.C.); Arthur Goldberg to Timothy J. Reardon, 18 January 1962, in folder "1962 Commission PCSW (Jan.-March)," box 29, RG 174 (Goldberg), NA; Interview with Catherine East, 6 July 1978 (Arlington, Va.); President's Commission on the Status of Women, minutes of the fourth meeting, 1-2 October, 1962, in folder "PCSW report meeting, December 15, 1962," Peterson papers (in Peterson's possession).

18. "Proposed guidelines on subcommittees," PCSW Doc. 11, 8 February 1962, in folder "Commission meeting, February 12-13, 1962," PCSW papers (Washington, D.C.); President's Commission on the Status of Women, minutes of the first meeting, 12-13 February, 1962, PCSW Doc. 18, box 4644, Eleanor Roosevelt papers, FDRL; Staff meeting, 17 December 1962, folder 93-13, Katherine P. Ellickson papers, ALUA. A full list of committee members can be found in Appendix 3.

19. John F. Kennedy to Alma Lutz, 11 February 1957, in folder "Equal Rights Amendment, December 5, 1956-January 28, 1958," box 690, Prepresidential papers, JFKL.

20. John F. Kennedy to Adele E. Moroney, 5 February 1958, in folder "Equal Rights Amendment, February 4, 1958-June 5, 1958," box 690, Prepresidential papers, JFKL.

21. John F. Kennedy memorandum, 22 June 1960, reel 106, NWP papers (microfilm ed.).

22. "Advance platform hearings of the Democratic National Committee," 27 June 1960, and "Statement of Mrs. Esther Peterson," 7 July 1960, in folder "ERA 1960-61," box "Women,'' Esther Peterson papers, SL.

Peterson later asserted that the views she expressed on protective labor legislation reflected the convictions of the AFL-CIO. Her own opinion, she said, was that the labor legislation that applied exclusively to women was no longer appropriate. Catherine East, who worked with Esther Peterson on the President's Commission on the Status of Women, supports this contention (Telephone interview with Esther Peterson, 23 September 1981 [Washington, D.C.]; Telephone interview with Catherine East, 31 July 1981, [Arlington, Va.]).

23. "Hearing on Equal Rights for Women plank in the Democratic Platform," National Democratic Convention, Los Angeles, California, 11-17 July, 1960, and "Mr. Chairman and fellow members of the Platform Committee," [7 July 1960], reel 106, NWP papers (microfilm ed.).

24. The Republicans continued to support the ERA in their platform, despite Peterson's testimony. Marjorie Longwell to Alice Paul (telegram), 7 July 1960, 13 July 1960, Emma Newton to Mary Sinclair Crawford, 24 August 1960, "Plank on Equality for Women in the Republican Platform, adopted in Chicago, Illinois July, 1960," Emma Guffey Miller to Clara Wolf, 16 February 1961, and Marjorie Longwell to Alice Paul (telegram), 13 July 1960, reel 106, NWP papers (microfilm ed.); Emma Guffey Miller to Joseph Clark, 28 October 1963, folder 73, and Emma Guffey Miller to Clare B. Williams, 17 August 1960, folder 66, box 4, Emma Guffey Miller papers, SL; AFLCIO, Industrial Union Division, press release, 20 July 1960, and "Statement of Mrs. Esther Peterson," 21 July 1960, in folder "ERA, 1960-61," box ''Women," Esther Peterson papers, SL; Julia Thompson et al. to Walter Reuther, 25 July 1960, in folder "1960 Misc. Correspondence,'' box "Political (Dem. campaigns)," Esther Peterson papers, SL; Carl Hayden to B. Kay Walters, 28 November 1960, folder 4, box 268, Carl Hayden papers, Arizona State University; Donald B. Johnson (ed.), National Party Platforms , 2 vols. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1978), 2:583, 589, 610, 614.

25. Marion Sayward to Walter Martin, 5 August 1960, and Marion Sayward to Marjorie Longwell, 9 August 1960, reel 106, NWP papers (microfilm ed.).

26. Herbert Klein to Emma Guffey Miller and Perle Mesta, 1 September 1960, and "Statement by the Vice President on the Equal Rights Amendment," 2 September 1960, reel 106, NWP papers (microfilm ed.); Los Angeles Times , 3 September 1960, in folder "ERA Special re: NWP, 1960," box "Women," Esther Peterson papers, SL.

27. Emma Guffey Miller to John Kennedy, 3 September 1960, folder 67, box 4, Emma Guffey Miller papers, SL.

28. "Letter from Kennedy to Emma Guffey Miller (Women's [ sic ] Party)," 28 September 1960," in folder "ERA Special re: NWP, 1960," box "Women," Esther Peterson papers, SL.

29. John Kennedy to Emma Guffey Miller, 28 September 1960, reel 106, (microfilm ed.) NWP papers; John Kennedy to Emma Guffey Miller, 28 September 1960 (typed copy with handwritten amendments), in folder "ERA Special re: NWP, 1960," bos "Women," Esther Peterson papers, SL; John Kennedy to Emma Guffey Miller, 7 October 1960, and Mary Kennedy to Emma Guffey Miller, 12 October 1960, reel 106, NWP papers (microfilm ed.).

30. Emma Guffey Miller to John Kennedy (telegram), 11 December 1960, Miller to Victoria Gilbert (telegram), 11 December 1960, and Miller to William Green, 14 December 1960, reel 106, NWP papers (microfilm ed.).

31. Washington Post , 16 April 1961, in folder "ERA newspapers clippings," Women's Bureau, DOL (Washington, D.C.).

32. Miller pretended not to notice the discrepancy between Kennedy's amended campaign letter and Goldberg's response in May 1961. Emma Guffey Miller to Mrs. Forrest, 18 April 1961, and Arthur Goldberg to Marjorie Longwell, 4 May 1961, reel 106, NWP papers (microfilm ed.); Esther Peterson to Myer Feldman, 12 May 1961, in folder "ERA, 1960-61," box "Women," Esther Peterson papers, SL.

33. National Woman's party, minutes of meeting, 16 September 1961, reel 115, NWP papers (microfilm ed.).

34. Emma Guffey Miller to Esther [?], 25 September 1961, reel 107, NWP papers (microfilm ed.); U.S. Congress, House, "Equal Rights for Women," 87th Cong., 1st sess., 30 August 1961, Congressional Record 107: 17644; Morag Simchak to Esther Peterson, 25 September 1961, in folder "PCSW, background, 1961," box "PCSW #1," Esther Peterson papers, SL; Emma Guffey Miller to James Eastland, 20 October 1961, S. J. Res. 142, Bill Files, Committee on the Judiciary, Records of the U.S. Senate, RG 46, NA.

35. Esther Peterson to Clara Dunn, 5 April 1961, and Eva vB. Hansl to Edith Green, 14 April 1961, in folder "Pending file--Equal pay for equal work," box 61-11, Edith Green papers, OHS; "Need for a commission on the status of women," 1 May 1961, and Katherine Ellickson to Esther Peterson, 5 May 1961, in folder "PCSW background 1961," box "PCSW #1,'' Esther Peterson papers, SL; ''February 28 [1961] discussion with trade union women." folder 90-31, Katherine P. Ellickson papers, ALUA.

36. Mildred Barber to Esther Peterson, 21 March 1961, in folder "PCSW background 1961," box "PCSW #1," Esther Peterson papers, SL.

37. Esther Peterson to Myer Feldman, 6 June 1961 (plus attachments), in folder "PCSW background 1961," box "PCSW #1," Esther Peterson papers, SL; Draft, Secretary of Labor to the President, 17 July 1961 (plus attachments), folder FG 737, box 206, WHCF, JFKL.

38. "Statement by Esther Peterson," folder 91-12, Katherine P. Ellickson papers, ALUA; Arthur Goldberg to John Kennedy, 13 December 1961, and White House, press release, 14 December 1961, in black looseleaf notebook, box 4644, Eleanor Roosevelt papers, FDRL; Executive Order 10908, 14 December 1961, 3 C.F.R. (1959-1963), 500-501; Alice Morrison to Esther Peterson, 10 October 1963, in folder "Briefing 3," box "PCSW #1," Esther Peterson papers, SL.

39. Caroline Davis to Esther Peterson, 15 December 1961, in folder "Peterson's letters," PCSW papers (Washington, D.C.); Katherine Peden to Viola Hymes, 29 December 1961, in folder "PCSW alphabetical (Liaison Federal Government) (1 of 3)," BPW Archives (Washington, D.C.).

40. Washington Post , 26 December 1961.

41. Christian Science Monitor , 15 December 1961. Interview with Evelyn Harrison, 12 September 1978 (Washington, D.C.).

42. Emanuel Celler, press release, 15 December 1961, and Arthur Goldberg to Emanuel Celler, 15 December 1961, in folder "H. J. Res. 92-87 (1) Legal Status of Women 3," box 408, Emanuel Celler papers, LC.

43. Emma Guffey Miller to Elizabeth Conkey, 15 December 1961, reel 107, NWP papers (microfilm ed.).

44. Alice Paul to Mary Seebach, 27 December 1961, and Miller to Richard Lester, 28 March 1962, reel 107, NWP papers (microfilm ed.).

45. Arthur Goldberg to Emanuel Celler, 6 February 1962, in folder "LL-2-2 Judiciary 1962," box 69, RG 174 (Goldberg), NA; Draft letter, Special Assistant to the President, National Federation of Business and Professional Woman's Clubs, n.d. [early 1962], in folder "ERA 1962," box "Women," Esther Peterson papers, SL; Estes Kefauver to Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, 14 February 1962, attached to Esther Peterson to Katherine Ellickson, 27 February 1962, in folder "PCSW Correspondence with Congress and Cabinet,'' box "PCSW #1,'' Esther Peterson papers, SL; Carl Hayden, draft letter, n.d., folder 3, box 268, Carl Hayden papers, Arizona State University; "Summary of H.J. Res. 55--complete to February 11, 1963," in folder "ERA, 1963 sponsors," box 50, Katherine St. George papers, Cornell University; Estes Kefauver to Emanuel Celler, 18 March 1963 (and handwritten notes), in folder "Legislative file, H.J. Res. 92-87(1), Legal Status of Women no. 1," box 408, Emanuel Celler papers, LC.

46. Eva Parshalle to Emma Guffey Miller, March 1962, reel 107, NWP papers (microfilm ed.).

47. See folders "Potential members--Lists" (1) and (2), 90-21 and 90-22, Katherine P. Ellickson papers, ALUA; "Recommended list of people to be considered for members of the President's Commission on Women in American Democracy," Elizabeth Carpenter to Esther Peterson, 18 August 1961, Frances Ambursen to Esther Peterson, 6 September 1961, and [untitled lists], 3 August 1961, in folder "PCSW members," box "PCSW #1," Esther Peterson papers, SL.

The commission chairman, Eleanor Roosevelt had opposed the Equal Rights Amendment until the 1950s, when she withdrew her objection. She never became an advocate of it, but in May 1962 she told the Lucy Stone League: "Many of us opposed the amendment because we felt it would do away with protection in the labor field. Now with unionization, there is no reason why you shouldn't have it if you want it." By the time the Commission took up the issue, in October 1962, the former first lady had fallen ill. She never participated in any of the Commission discussions on the ERA ( New York Times , 6 May 1962).

48. The National Woman's party reciprocated Green's enmity; Alice Paul described Green as "probably the greatest opponent of the Equal Rights Amendment on the Commission next to Mrs. Peterson" (Alice Paul to Marjorie Longwell, 2 April 1962, reel 107, NWP papers [microfilm ed.]). Emma Guffey Miller to Katie Louchheim, 26 February 1962, in folder "Department of State, Letters of Congratulations, M-Z, 1962," box C17, Katie S. Louchheim papers, LC; Genevieve Blatt to Emma Guffey Miller, 27 March 1962, Emma Guffey Miller to John Kennedy (draft), n.d., folder 69, and Alice Paul to Emma Guffey Miller, 18 July 1963, folder 72, box 4, Emma Guffey Miller papers, SL; Stephen Shulman to T. J. Reardon, Jr., 12 March 1962 (plus attachments), in folder "Civil and Political Rights--correspondence, March-December 1962'' box "PCSW #2,'' Esther Peterson papers, SL; Emma Guffey Miller to John Kennedy, 26 April 1963, and Esther Peterson to Claude Desautels, n.d., attached to draft of letter to Emma Guffey Miller, 7 May 1963, in folder "White House/PCSW, 1963-66," box "Political (Dem. campaigns)," Esther Peterson papers, SL.

49. Emma Guffey Miller to Elizabeth Stanton, 1 February 1963, reel 108, NWP papers (microfilm ed.).

50. Nina Horton Avery to Emma Guffey Miller, 13 July 1963, Nina Horton Avery to Lee White, 15 July 1963, and Lee White to Nina Horton Avery, 12 August 1963, reel 108, NWP papers (microfilm ed.); Esther Peterson to Lee White, 7 August 1963, attached to Nina Horton Avery to Lee White, 13 September 1963, folder HU3, box 374, WHCF, JFKL. For a fuller discussion of the character of the National Woman's party, see Leila Rupp and Verta Taylor, Survival in the Doldrums: The American Women's Rights Movement, 1945 to the 1960s (New York: Oxford University Press, 1987).

51. Esther Peterson to Daniel Patrick Moynihan, 3 April 1963, in folder "ERA, 1963," box "Women," Esther Peterson papers, SL.

52. Esther Peterson to Mary F. Anderson, 24 June 1963, in folder "Commission materials, folder 2," box 1, PCSW papers, JFKL.

53. President's Commission on the Status of Women, transcript of the meeting of 12 February 1962, Washington, D.C., pp. 51-53, PCSW papers (Washington, D.C.).

54. Rough draft, "Political and Civil Status," in folder "Biographies, Members of Committee, Civil and Political Rights," CPR papers, PCSW.

55. PCSW, American Woman , 77-78; Interview with Marguerite Rawalt, 9 November 1984 (Arlington, Va.).

56. "Court decisions determining the validity of laws which distinguish on the basis of sex," n.d., Doc. II-9, CPR papers, PCSW; see folder "Inquire Replies," PCSW papers (Washington, D.C.); see folder "Jury Compositions (CPR)," CPR papers, PCSW; ''Information paper on civil and political rights of women,'' 5 February 1962, Doc. II-2, PCSW papers; Committee on Civil and Political Rights, minutes of first meeting, 28 May 1962, in folder "Materials used at May 28, 1962 meeting," CPR papers, PCSW; "Summary, matters dealt with by Political and Civil Rights Committee, meeting of May 28, 1962," Doc. II-4, PCSW papers (Washington, D.C.); Committee on Civil and Political Rights, "Report of meeting held August 24, 1962," Doc. II-8, PCSW papers (Washington, D.C.); "Summary of Activities, Political and Civil Rights Committee, October 1-2, 1962," Doc. II-7, PCSW papers (Washington, D.C.); Telephone interview with Pauli Murray, 12 November 1981 (Baltimore, Md.).

The committee decided not to discuss birth control laws. When Pauli Murray raised the issue, Florence Murray, a Rhode Island judge, warned: "You are walking right into the face of something that will kill this commission off" (Committee on Civil and Political Rights, transcript of the meeting of 28 May 1962, pp. 147-149, CPR papers, PCSW).

57. Committee on Civil and Political Rights, transcript of the meeting of 24 August 1962, pp. 81-83, CPR papers, PCSW. The "Brandeis brief," written by Josephine Goldmark and Louis Brandeis, was submitted to the Supreme Court in the 1908 case of Muller v. Oregon (208 U.S. 412). It devoted eighty-seven pages to anecdotal data culled primarily from reports of factory inspectors and testimony of witnesses before legislative investigating committees to show that long hours of work in factories and laundries resulted in ill health of women workers and their children. Brandeis argued that women suffered more from such conditions than men did because of their physical characteristics and that sexual differences justified legislation restricting the hours women could work. The Supreme Court agreed, validating state labor legislation for women for the first time. William A. Chafe, The American Woman: Her Changing Social, Economic, and Political Roles, 1920-1970 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1972), 128; Judith Baer, The Chains of Protection: The Judicial Response to Women's Labor Legislation (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1978), 57-67; "Draft memorandum of applicability of the Fourteenth Amendment to state statutes and administrative or executive practices which distinguish on the basis of sex," 24 August 1962, CPR papers, PCSW.

58. Katherine Ellickson to Pauli Murray, 4 October 1962, in folder "Pauli Murray--Correspondence," PCSW papers (Washington, D.C.); Pauli Murray to Katherine Ellickson, 13 October 1962, Pauli Murray papers, SL.

59. "A proposal to reexamine the applicability of the fourteenth amendment to state laws and practices which discriminate on the basis of sex per se," December 1962, Doc. II-20, PCSW papers (Washington, D.C.). Marguerite Rawalt deeply resented Peterson's failure to let her know of her plans to ask Murray to make a presentation (Interview with Marguerite Rawalt, 9 November 1984 [Arlington, Va.]).

60. Esther Peterson to Pauli Murray, 11 November 1963, in folder "Pauli Murray--Correspondence," PCSW papers (Washington, D.C.).

61. See, for example, Mary Eastwood to Emma Guffey Miller, 8 February 1963, in folder "General Correspondence, Civil and Political Rights Committee," PCSW papers (Washington, D.C.).

62. Pauli Murray to Edith Green, 24 February 1963, in box "Misc. Box A," Edith Green papers, OHS.

63. Anna Rose Hawkes to Mary Eastwood, 26 February 1963 (plus attachments), in folder "Materials used at March 8-9, 1963 meeting," CPR papers, PCSW.

64. "Statement of Mrs. Samuel Brown before the Committee on Civil and Political Rights of the President's Commission on the Status of Women," 8 March 1963, Doc. II-35, PCSW papers (Washington, D.C.).

65. Margery Leonard to Emma Guffey Miller, 16 February 1963, reel 108, NWP papers (microfilm ed.).

66. Miriam Holden to Anita Pollitzer, 16 February 1963, reel 108, NWP papers (microfilm ed.).

67. Committee on Civil and Political Rights, transcript of meeting, 8 March 1963, pp. 1-130, CPR papers, PCSW.

68. Mrs. Joseph McCarthy to Edith Green, 5 March 1963, in folder "Materials used at March 8-9, 1963 meeting," CPR papers, PCSW. The ACLU later supported Murray's plan enthusiastically (Dorothy Kenyon to Board of Directors, 28 March 1963, in folder "Equal Rights--Civil and Political Rights," PCSW papers [Washington, D.C.]).

69. Committee on Civil and Political Rights, transcript of the meeting of 8 March 1963, p. 43, CPR papers, PCSW.

70. Ibid., 183-184.

71. Ibid., 125, 146, 180-187.

72. Ibid., 193-194.

73. Ibid., 194-199.

74. Pauli Murray to Edith Green et al., 12 March 1963, in folder "White House, President's Commission on the Status of Women," box 63-2, Edith Green papers, OHS; "Tentative draft recommendation on protection of the rights of women under the Constitution," n.d. [19 March 1963], Doc. II-42, PCSW papers (Washington, D.C.); Judith Patterson, Be Somebody: A Biography of Marguerite Rawalt (Austin, Tex.: Eakin Press, 1986), 142.

75. Committee on Civil and Political Rights, transcript of the meeting of 5 April 1963, pp. 75-120, box 14, PCSW papers, JFKL; Patterson, Be Somebody , 143.

76. President's Commission on the Status of Women, transcript of the meeting of 23 April 1963, Washington, D.C., p. 151, PSCW papers (Washington, D.C.).

77. Ibid., 23 April 1963, pp. 151-194, 24 April 1963, p. 343.

78. Ibid., 23 April 1963, pp. 151-194, 24 April 1963, p. 343; President's Commission on the Status of Women, Revised draft no. 1, Recommendation 4, attached to Katherine Ellickson to Norbert Schlei, 18 April 1963, in folder "Recommendations, Civil and Political Rights Committee," CPR papers, PCSW.

79. President's Commission on the Status of Women, transcript of the meeting of 24 April 1963, Washington, D.C., pp. 460-462, PCSW papers (Washington, D.C.).

80. Ibid., 23 April 1963, pp. 80-83, 94-96, 125-136, 143-181 (see esp. 178-180), 190-195.

81. PCSW, American Women , 44-45.

82. Esther Peterson to Carl Hayden, 10 October 1963, folder 3, box 268, Carl Hayden papers, Arizona State University.

83. "Statement by the National Woman's Party with regard to the report just issued by the President's Commission on the Status of Women," [October 1963], reel 108, NWP papers (microfilm ed.); "Reports by the President's Commission on the Status of Women, analysis of the report by the National Woman's Party," n.d., reel 108, NWP papers. The NWP had itself tried in the past to finance test cases of this sort (Susan D. Becker, "An Intellectual History of the National Woman's Party, 1920-1941," [Ph.D. diss., Case Western Reserve University, 1975], 154).

84. Rupp and Taylor, Survival in the Doldrums , 438.

85. Alice Paul to Mary Kennedy, 23 October 1963, reel 108, NWP papers (microfilm ed.).

86. Carl Hayden to Hazel Harvey Quaid, 18 October 1963, reel 108, NWP papers (microfilm ed.).

87. Alice Paul to Mary Kennedy, 23 October 1963, reel 108, NWP papers (microfilm ed.).

88. Alice Paul to Carl Hayden, 30 October 1963, and Marjorie Greenbie to Emma Guffey Miller, 14 November 1963, reel 108, NWP papers (microfilm ed.); untitled minutes of meeting, 6 November 1963, in folder "General Correspondence, Civil and Political Rights Committee," PCSW papers (Washington, D.C.).

89. PCSW, American Women , 45.


Preferred Citation: Harrison, Cynthia. On Account of Sex: The Politics of Women's Issues, 1945-1968. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1988 1988.