Coronations |
Preface |
Introduction Coronation Studies—Past, Present, and Future |
One Hincmar of Reims on King-making: The Evidence of the Annals of St. Bertin, 861–882 |
Two Inaugural Aspects of French Royal Ceremonials |
• | Coronation |
• | Funeral |
• | Entrée |
• | Lit De Justice |
Three A Coronation Program for the Age of Saint Louis: The Ordo of 1250 |
Four The Manuscript of the Ordo of 1250 and Its Illuminations |
Five Copies in Context: The Coronation of Charles V in His Grandes Chroniques de France |
Six The Medieval Entry Ceremony at Paris |
Seven A Note on Viking Age Inaugurations |
Eight Coronation and Coronation Ordines in Medieval Scandinavia |
Nine Gesture in the Coronation Ceremonies of Medieval Poland |
Ten The Ordo for the Coronation of King Roger II of Sicily: An Example of Dating from Internal Evidence |
Eleven Papal Coronations in Avignon |
Twelve The Origins and Descent of the Fourth Recension of the English Coronation |
Thirteen "The Wonderfull Spectacle" the Civic Progress of Elizabeth I and the Troublesome Coronation |
Fourteen "Continuity" versus "Change": Historians and English Coronations of the Medieval and Early Modern Periods |
Notes |
Contributors |
General Index |
Index of Manuscripts |