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Two Inaugural Aspects of French Royal Ceremonials

1. R. A. Jackson, Vive le Roi! A History of the French Coronation from Charles V to Charles X (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1984); also in French as Vivat Rex (Strasbourg, 1984). [BACK]

2. Percy E. Schramm, Der König von Frankreich (Weimar, 1960) 1:97-103; Robert Holtzmann, Französische Verfassungsgeschichte (Munich, 1910), 112-113. [BACK]

3. Schramm, Frankreich 1: 104-111. [BACK]

4. Ibid., 1: 226. [BACK]

5. Ralph E. Giesey, The Royal Funeral Ceremony in Renaissance France (Geneva, 1960; reprinted 1984), 41-50. [BACK]

6. Ibid., 125-144. [BACK]

7. Ibid., 105-124. [BACK]

8. See the chapter ''Le Roi est mort! Vive le Duc!" in my forthcoming monograph, Le Cérémonial royal en France à l'époque de la Renaissance (Editions de l'Ecole des Hautes Études Sciences Sociales, Paris, 1987), where the Lorraine and other ducal rituals of mis au tombeau are compared with the French royal custom. [BACK]

8. See the chapter ''Le Roi est mort! Vive le Duc!" in my forthcoming monograph, Le Cérémonial royal en France à l'époque de la Renaissance (Editions de l'Ecole des Hautes Études Sciences Sociales, Paris, 1987), where the Lorraine and other ducal rituals of mis au tombeau are compared with the French royal custom. [BACK]

10. I draw freely in this section upon the new work by Lawrence M. Bryant. The King and the City in the Parisian Royal Entry Ceremony (Geneva, 1986). [BACK]

11. See, e.g., my Juristic Basis of Dynastic Right to the Throne (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 51, part 5; Philadelphia, 1961), 18. [BACK]

12. Sarah Hanley, The Lit de Justice of the Kings of France (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1983), 127-133. [BACK]

13. Ibid., 160-172. [BACK]

14. Ibid., 231-253. [BACK]

15. This is stated explicitly in the title of a contemporary pamphlet: Les cérémonies et ordre tenu au sacre et couronnement de la royne Marie de Médicis, Royne de France et de Navarre . . . Ensemble la mort du roy & Comme Monsieur le Dauphin a esté declaré Roy, et la Royne Régente par la Cour de Parlement (S.1., 1610) B.N. Lb 35 . 870; see p. 13 for some details. [BACK]

16. See my Royal Funeral , 122-124, 190-192; also "The Presidente of Parlement at the Royal Funeral," Sixteenth-Century Journal , VII (1976): 25-34. [BACK]

17. Jackson, Vive le Roi , 131-154; Hanley, Lit de Justice , 254-280. [BACK]

18. Jackson, Vive le Roi , esp. 145. [BACK]

19. Nicolas Bergier, Le Bouquet Royal, ou le parterre des riches inventions qui servy a l'Entrée du Roy Louis le Juste en sa Ville de Reims (Reims, 1637), 54-57. [BACK]

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