Gauzlin, abbot of St. Denis, 21
Geertz, Clifford, 10 , 15 n.35, 47
Gennep, Arnold van, 10 , 52 , 55
Genoa, 102
George III (of Hanover), king of England, 242 -243
George V, king of England, 5
George VI, king of England, 243
Holy Roman Empire, 3 ;
Second Reich (1871), 3
Gerson, Jean, 110
gestures, 7 , 8 , 9 , 63 , 152 -164 passim
Giesebrecht, Wilhelm, 3
Gieysztor, Aleksander, 7
Gilles de Rome, 98
gloves (papal, royal), 189
Godefroy, Thedore, and Denis, 11 n.12, 47
Goldberg, Jonathan, 223
Gospel-reading, royal, 135 -136 passim, 137 , 141 , 142
"school of," 5
Gottschalk, monk in Orbais, 25
grand chamberlain of France, 50 , 66
Grandes Chroniques de France , 72 -87; passim
Gregory X, pope, 181 , 183 .: See also ordo of Gregory X
Gregory XI, pope, 184
Gregory XII, pope, 187
Gustavus Wasa, king of Sweden, 139