Preferred Citation: Rosand, Ellen. Opera in Seventeenth-Century Venice: The Creation of a Genre. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1991 1991.



Valeri or di Valerio, Anna, 102 n

Varchi, Benedetto, 40 n

Vaumorière, Pierre d'Ortigue de, 32 n, 331 n.

See also Le Mercure galant

Vendramin, Paolo, 46 n, 53 n, 57 -58, 79 , 206 .

See also Adone ; Francesco Manelli

Veneregelosa , 43 , 60 , 88 n, 101 , 103 -4, 107 , 117 n, figs. 17, 19, 22, 23.

See also Bartolini; Sacrati; Torelli

Venetia edificata , 128 -32.

See also Giulio Strozzi

Venice: allusions to, in librettos, 140 -43, 144 , 146 , 147 n, 151 , 153 ;

calendar of celebrations in, I, 13 , 25 ;

foundation of, 12 , 112 -13, 125 , 132 , 137 -38;

myth of, 11 -13, 104 , 107 ;

in opera, 95 -96, 100 -101, 104 , 126 -43;

and Rome compared, 2 -3, 100 -101, 126 , 128 , 133 -34, 138 , 139 n, 141 , 151 , 152

Venier, Domenico, 127

Venturi, Anna, 225 -26, 238

Veremonda l'amazzone di Aragona , 157 , 158 n, 160 n, 201 , 209 , 377 n.

See also Cavalli; Giulio Strozzi; Luigi Zorzisto

Verisimilitude: and aria, 277 -78, 319 -21;

in Badoaro, 250 ;

in Cavalli, 258 , 260 ;

in Cicognini, 271 -72, 275 , 276 ;

and closed form, 245 -46, 247 -48, 257 ;

in duet, 335 ;

in Faustini, 173 , 261 , 262 ;

in La finta pazza , 117 -20;

in L'incoronazione di Poppea , 256 ;

and madness, 347 ;

as a problem in opera, 44 -45, 49 , 52 , 60 , 249 , 398 , 404 ;

and reci-


Verisimilitude (continued )

tative, 39 , 244 , 246 ;

and refrain, 262 , 296 -97, 304 ;

in Sbarra, 277 -79;

and soliloquy, 264 , 272 ;

in song, 333

Verse structure: in lament, 364 ;

in mad scenes, 350 , 353 , 354 , 359 ;

and rustic comedy, 344 -46;

and the Underworld or irrational, 324 , 342 -44, 346 ;

universal meaning of, 344 ;

"versi misurati " for aria, 173 , 248 , 250 , 276 , 280 n, 281 , 325 ;

versi sciolti for recitative, 173 , 201 , 245 , 248 , 255 , 257 , 265 , 276 , 281 ;

versi sdruccioli , 258 , 324 , 343 , 364 .

See also Text setting

Verso, Antonio Il, 362 n

Vespasiano , 320 n.

See also Corradi; Pallavicino

Virgil, 36 , 43 , 60 , 61 , 64 , 123 n, 176 , 387 n, 388

Virgolette , 18 n, 207 , 208 .

See also Rehearsals

Virtù de' strali d'Amore, La , 2 n, 88 n, 170 n, 194 , 234 n;

text and music, 287 -88, 299 -300, 330 n, 336 -37, 342 n, 343 n, 498-99, 511 , 579 -83.

See also Cavalli; Giovanni Faustini

Vittori, Loreto, 370 n

Vivaldi, Antonio, 204 n


Preferred Citation: Rosand, Ellen. Opera in Seventeenth-Century Venice: The Creation of a Genre. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1991 1991.