Opera in Seventeenth-Century Venice

  Editorial Procedure

 expand section1— Far recitare un'opera a Venezia :  Origins and Sources
 expand section2— Dramma per musica :  The Question of Genre
 expand section3— Da rappresentare in musica :  The Rise of Commercial Opera
  4— La finta pazza :  Mirror of an Audience
 expand section5— All'immortalità del nome di Venetia :  The Serenissima on Stage
 expand section6— La nausea di chi ascolta :  The Consequences of Success
 expand section7— I compositori scenici :  Librettist and Composer
 expand section8— I più canori cigni e le suavissime sirene :  The Singers
 collapse section9— Gran dicerie e canzonette :  Recitative and Aria
 The Florentine Background
 Venetian Conservatism
 Monteverdi and His Collaborators
 Busenello and Cavalli
 Cavalli and Faustini
 Cavalli and Cicognini
 Cicognini's Legacy
 expand section10— Il diletto :  Aria, Drama, and the Emergence of Formal Conventions
 expand section11— Le convenienze teatrali :  The Conventions of Dramma Per Musica
 expand section12— Il lamento :  The Fusion of Music and Drama
 expand section13— Il ritorno d'Orfeo :  The Decline of a Tradition

  Appendix I—  Librettos
  Appendix II—  Treatises, Critical and Historical Accounts
 expand sectionAppendix III—  Correspondence and Documents
  Musical Examples
 expand sectionIndex

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