Preferred Citation: Comer, Douglas C. Ritual Ground: Bent's Old Fort, World Formation, and the Annexation of the Southwest. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1996 1996.



Taos, 15 , 102 , 111 , 119

Tariff of Abominations, 190

Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 302n 16

Taylorism, 170

Tecumseh, 147

Tenkswatawa, 147

Terra incognita , 4 -5

Thede, Steve, 266 , 267

Thomas, David Hurst, 105

Thompson, Enid, 185 , 196

Thorson, George, 96 -97

Thorton, Daniel, 259

Tillich, Paul The Courage to Be , 38

Time: modern obsession with, 40 -41;

in traditional societies, 41 -43

Tobacco: role in trading ritual, 74 , 110 , 112 , 129 , 138 ;

use by Native Americans, 138 -140

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 32 , 197

Trade: in alcohol, 140 -142;

Anglo-American practices, 28 -29, 144 ;

between Anglos and New Mexicans, 117 -119;

as basis for fictive kinship in southwestern Plains, 14 , 21 -22, 28 , 30 -31, 35 -36, 109 -111, 155 -159, 204 -207;

buffalo robes as currency in, 155 -156;

between Europeans and Native Americans, 11 , 13 , 103 -105;

in fur, 113 -115, 115 -117, 118 ;

prehistoric networks in southwestern Plains, 102 -103, 109 ;

ritual aspects of, 132 , 142 ;

role of tobacco in, 74 , 110 , 112 , 129 , 138

Trade goods, 298n 4;

beads, 153 ;

at Bent's Old Fort, 154 -155;

firearms, 147 -150;

horses, 150 -151;

meaning of, 130 -132, 145 , 147 , 153 -154;

mirrors, 145 -147;

peace medals, 144 -145;

and poststructuralism, 132 -133;

and Prentice's concept of wealth, 133 -135;

wakan ("medicine"), 157

Traditional societies: alteration by contact with modern cultures, 25 ;

ancestor worship in, 23 -24;

astronomical devices in, 41 -43;

and celestial archetypes, 35 , 36 ;

defined, 287n 31;

function of ritual in, 43 -44;

ontology, 36 ;

role of fictive kinship relations in, 28 -29, 222 ;

theories of exchange in, 135 -136, 137 , 142 ;

theories of wealth in, 133 -136

Transitional societies, 53 -55

Treaty of Fort Laramie, 227

Treaty of Fort Wise, 232

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 7 , 16 ;

effect on United States boundaries, 16 -17

Treaty of Medicine Lodge, 243

Trenholm, Virginia Cole, 109

Trobriand: and ritual exchange, 136 -137

Tuan, Yi-Fu, 29 -30, 45 , 283

Turley, Simeon, 119

Turner, Frederick Jackson, 3 , 6 , 86

Turner, Victor, 32 , 64 , 80 , 213 ;

The Anthropology of Performance , 71


Preferred Citation: Comer, Douglas C. Ritual Ground: Bent's Old Fort, World Formation, and the Annexation of the Southwest. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1996 1996.