Ritual Ground


 collapse sectionChapter 1  Hearts and Minds
 Frontiers, Alienation, and the Alien
 Bent's Old Fort and the Cultural Landscape of the Southwestern Plains
 Beyond History:  Cultural Dynamics and the Human Past
 Culture and Identity:  The Formation of New Worlds
 collapse sectionChapter 2  Realms of Meaning
 The World in Traditional and Modern Terms
 Reconciling Traditional and Modem Realms of Meaning
 The Transformation of Time
 Function and Meaning
 Individualism and Identity.
 Ubiquitous Mechanisms in World Construction
 Archaeology and Meaning
 collapse sectionChapter 3  Nostalgia for Paradise
 The Sun Dance
 Ethnographic Treatments of the Sun Dance
 The Medium Is the Message:  A Phenomenological Analysis
 Change: The "Pure Products of America Go Crazy"
 The Golden Age
 collapse sectionChapter 4  Castle on the Plains
 New Relationships
 Bent & St. Vrain Company
 Position, Strategy, and Execution
 Prehistoric Trade Between Pueblos and Nomadic Groups
 The Proto-Historic Period
 Ideology and the Europeans
 The Cheyenne and Arapaho
 The Native American "Wild Card"
 American Entry into the Southwestern Fur Trade
 Mexican Independence
 Mexican Independence and Native American Relations
 The Preeminence of Bent & St. Vrain Company
 After the Mexican War
 collapse sectionChapter 5  Ritual Trade
 Sentiment and Conquest
 The Meaning of Trade Goods
 An Examination of Some Representative Treatments of Trade Goods
 Native American Trade Goods at Bent's Old Fort
 collapse sectionChapter 6  Bent's Old Fort as the New World
 Ideology and the Establishment of Political Hegemony
 Nonspoken Definitions and Redefinitions of the World
 Industrialization and the Landscape
 collapse sectionChapter 7  Circuits of Power
 Modern Ends Through Traditional Means
 Extending Kinship
 Kinship Ties to Native Americans
 Secret Societies
 collapse sectionChapter 8  Victory and Defeat
 The Demise of Bent's Old Fort
 Securing New Mexico
 1849: The Gold Rush
 Defending the Southwest from Confederate Invasion
 Red Rebels as Red Devils: Allies to Enemies
 Sand Creek
 After Sand Creek: The End of Ritual
 collapse sectionEpilogue  Modern Ritual at Bent's Old Fort
 Ideology and Ritual
 Independence Day
 Ritual and Interpretation
 The Planning Process
 Local Input to Interpretation
 The Reenactments
 Ritual Ground

 collapse sectionNotes
 Chapter 1 Hearts and Minds
 Chapter 2 Realms of Meaning
 Chapter 3 Nostalgia for Paradise
 Chapter 4 Castle on the Plains
 Chapter 5 Ritual Trade
 Chapter 6 Bent's Old Fort as the New World
 Chapter 7 Circuits of Power
 Chapter 8 Victory and Defeat
 Epilogue Modern Ritual at Bent's Old Fort
 collapse sectionIndex

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