Caddoe: 1863 delegation to Washington, 235
Calcified ritual, 22 , 29 -30, 90
Calumet ceremony, 109 , 110 , 112 , 129 , 138 , 281
Cames, Mark C.: Secret Ritual and Manhood in Victorian America,50 , 211 , 212 , 213
Carondelet, Baron de, 13 , 109 , 113 , 199
Carroll, John A., 259
Carson, Kit, 16 , 28 , 102 , 174 -175, 182
social position in fort, 172
Catlinite, 74
Celestial archetypes: in traditional societies, 35 , 36
and ritual behavior, 151 -152;
used at Bents Old Fort, 178 -182
Chamberlain, Ike, 149
Champlain, Jean Baptiste, 13 , 116
Chaos: association with unknown, 244 -245;
transformation of through ritual, 24
Cheetham, F. T., 210 -212
Chenoweth, J. Edgar, 259
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, 190
alcohol use, 140 -141;
alliance with Arapaho, 109 ;
benefits of trade with Bent & St. Vrain, 121 ;
buffalo in culture, 74 ;
cholera epidemic among, 226 ;
contraries (Crazy Dogs), 79 ;
difficulty adopting to sedentary. life, 234 ;
disenfranchisement by Treaty of Fort Wise, 232 ;
early resistance to American traders, 11 , 13 , 116 -117;
1863 delegation to Washington, 234 -235;
embedded position in emerging modemity, 55 , 250 ;
escalating violence with U.S. military, 229 , 230 -231;
fictive kinship relation to Bent's Fort traders, 14 , 35 -36, 155 , 204 -207;
hostility toward Anglos after Sand Creek, 31 , 242 ;
inter-tribal conflict of 1850s, 229 -230;
medicine wheels, 41 , 42 , 43 ;
and meteor shower of 1833, 34 ;
middleman role in southwestern trade, 111 , 155 ;
migrations 1673-1869, 108ill ;
mythology, 35 , 71 , 292 n 14;
relocation to Oklahoma, 16 , 31 , 243 ;
ritual based on astronomical calendar, 41 -43;
Siberian ancestry, 64 , 65 , 71 -72;
starvation and disease of 1850s, 228 ;
tobacco's role in trade rituals, 74 ;
trade with Europeans, 11 ;
trade with Pueblo, 109 ;
Treaty of Fort Laramie, 227 -228. See also Sun Dance
Chivington, John M., 233 -234, 238 -240, 244
Chivington Massacre, 233
Cholera epidemic of 1849, 195 -196, 223 , 226
Chouteau, Augustc, 204
Civil War: on southwestern Plains, 233 -234
Clark, William, 140
Clinton, William, 40
Coffee, Holland, 121
Cognitive anthropology, 70 -71
Colley, S. G., 234 -235
Colonialism, 51 -52
Colorado Territory: Confederate Army invasion of, 233 ;
conflict between Anglos and Native Americans, 234 -238;
friction with federal government after Sand Creek, 241 -242
Comanche: change in relations with Mexico, 120 ;
1863 delegation to Washington, 234 -235;
horses in culture, 9 ;
hostilities with Americans after Mexican War, 125 , 223 ;
hostility toward Bent & St. Vrain, 124 -125, 171 ;
intertribal conflict of 1850s, 229 -230;
Treaty of Fort Laramie, 228
Commodities: vs. gifts, 28 , 132 . See also Trade goods
Confucianism, 45 -46
Contraries (Crazy Dogs), 79
Craigen, F. W., 149
Cronen, William: Changes in the Land,105
Crosby, Alfred, 104 .
Crow, 84 ;
intertribal conflict of 1850s, 230 ;
Treaty of Fort Laramie, 227 -228
Cultural hegemony, 308n 7;
and annexation of Southwest, 249 -250
Culture: defined, 20 -21, 282 ;
and identity, 22 -33;
of modernity, 166 ;
of shared values and beliefs, 166
Custer, George Armstrong, 243