Babitt, Almon W., 230
Baker, Bob, 255
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 190
Barclay, Alexander, 174 ., 186 , 275
Barclay's Fort, 174 ,
Barlow-Sanderson Overland Mail and Express Company, 258
Barthes, Roland, 178
Battle of Glorietta Pass, 233 -234
Battle of Washita, 243
Bent, Charles, 7 , 92 , 125 , 161 ;
appointment as governor of New Mexico Territory, 15 , 287n 20;
assassination by Mexican revolutionaries, 15 , 125 ;
personality, 208 -210;
political contacts, 207 , 214 , 220 ;
portrait of, 209 ;
role in overthrow of Mexican government, 185 , 186 , 207 , 219
Bent, Charles (son of William), 237 , 238 , 240 , 244
marriage to Cheyenne woman, 206
Bent, George (son of William), 231 -232, 237 -238, 239 , 240 -241, 244 , 307n 24
Bent, Julia (Guerrier), 237 , 238 , 240 , 244 , 254 ., 276 -277
Bent, Juliannah, 254
Bent, Robert, 56 , 92 , 124 , 171 , 186
Bent, Robert (son of William), 238
Bent, Silas Sr., 204 .
Bent, William, 7 , 92 , 185 , 230 ;
abandonment of Bent's Old Fort, 16 , 125 -126, 195 -196, 226 -227;
attack on Shoshoni, 123 -124, 206 ;
construction of Bent's New Fort, 93 , 126 , 228 ;
death, 243 ;
defense of Native American population, 8 ;
family background, 204 ;
kinship ties with Plains Indians, 204 -207;
marriage to Owl Woman, 14 , 123 , 206 ;
marriage to Yellow Woman, 206 ;
photograph of, 205 ;
removal of children from Southwest, 237
Bent & St. Vrain Company, 27 ;
agreement with American Fur Company, 96 , 155 , 203 ;
"Big Man" culture, 220 -221;
buffalo robe trade, 115 , 117 ;
disruption of activities after Mexican War, 125 -126;
financial success, 102 , 172 ;
formation of partnership, 92 , 215 ;
map of trading empire, 95 ;
peacemaking efforts between Plains tribes, 124 -125;
relationship with Cheyenne and Arapaho, 122 -125;
smaller trading posts, 94 , 155 ;
social networks as circuits of power, 198 ;
ties to fraternal organizations, 210 , 214 ;
trading strategy, 93 -94
Bentham, Jeremy, 79 ;
panopticon, 167 -170
Benton, Thomas Hart, 161 , 185 , 186 , 224
Bent's New Fort (Big Timbers), 93 , 126 , 228
Bent's Old Fort, 27 -28;
advancement of federal agenda, 30 , 185 ;
aerial view of excavated foundation, 100 ;
axis mundi of, 207 ;
as calcified ritual, 90 ;
calumet ceremony at, 138 ;
cholera epidemic, 195 -196, 223 , 226 ;
class hierarchy, 90 , 172 -174, 177 ;
design and construction, 96 -101, 171 ;
dimensions, 96 -98;
drawing of, 91 ;
earthenware used, 178 -182, 303n 39, 304n 57;
eating arrangements, 177 -178, 182 -183;
eating implements, 184 -185;
effect on balance of power in southwestern Plains, 7 , 15 ;
establishment of fictive kinship relations with Europeans, 29 , 31 ;
establishment of fictive kinship relations with Native Americans, 29 , 30 -31;
establishment of trade alliances with Native Americans, 11 , 20 , 28 , 30 ;
firearms at, 149 ;
gambling at, 176 ;
"Golden Years," 185 -186;
location of, 11 ;
map of location, 12 ;
as model of modern ideology., 90 , 162 , 252 -253;
modern reconstruction of, 32 -33, 57 ;
as panopticon, 30 , 170 -175, 185 , 188 -189, 195 ;
persistence of ritual in modern form, 32 , 253 ;
plan view of first level, 98 ;
plan view of second level, 99 ;
pollution, 194 -195;
renovation of in early 1840s, 186 ;
rituals associated with, 22 , 30 , 173 , 194 , 253 , 281 ;
role in new ideology), of New Mexico Territory, 20 , 253 ;
salaries of personnel, 172 -173;
tea servings, 181 -182;
topography, 2 ;
trade goods, 154 -155;
trading area, 14 ;
trash deposits, 191 -193, 194 -195, 303n 39, 304n 57;
zaguan , 173
Bent's Old Fort Historical Association, 268 ;
page from sales catalog, 270
Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site, 186 , 253 ;
designation as, 259 , 309n 17;
ethnically diverse staff of, 266 ;
general management plan (GMP), 265 , 267 , 268 ;
local input to interpretation, 266 -268;
perpetuation of panopticism, 256 ;
planning process for, 261 -265;
portrayal of minority. group roles in interpretive program, 274 -276;
reenactment of historic events, 254 -256, 257 -258, 268 -277;
visitor characteristics, 274 ;
year of representation, 263
Bernard Pratte and Company, 199
Berne, Eric, 248 -249
Berthrong, Donald, 67 , 228 , 234
Big Horn Medicine Wheel, 278 -279;
illustrated, 43
Big Timbers (Bent's New Fort), 93 , 126 , 228
Billington, Ray Allen, 106 , 127
Black Elk, 283
Blackfoot: myths of the horse, 150 -151
Boggs, Lilbum, 254
Boggs, William, 175
Bourdieu, Pierre, 53 -35,183 -184, 282
Bowen, Murray, 83
Branch, Alexander, 203
Branch, Louisa (St. Vrain), 203
Brandon, William, 85 ;
Quivira , 105
Brulé Sioux, 229
Buffalo robes: as currency in trade relations, 155 -156
The Builder,210
Bull Hump, 206
Burley, David, 151 -152
Burshears, Buck, 272