Sac, 230
Sacco, Cathy, 263
Safer, Jane, 134
Sahlins, Marshall, 28 , 298n15
Said, Edward W.: Culture and Imperialism , 290n40
Sand Creek Massacre, 8 , 16 , 31 , 56 , 233 , 238 -241;
rupture of relations between Anglos and Native Americans, 241 , 242 , 244
Santa Anna, 210
Santa Fe Trail, 18 ;
attempts to pacify by U.S. government, 223 , 224 -225
Santa Fe Trail Association, 265
Saussure, Ferdinand de, 132
Schama, Simon: Landscape and Memory , 26
Schlesier, Karl, 64 , 65 , 66 , 72 , 77
Scoyen, Eivind, 259
Secret societies, 215 -216
Sennett, Richard: Flesh and Stone , 27
Sentiment, 49 , 68 , 137 , 152 , 289 n 19, 291n 13
Sepulveda, Juan Gines de, 107
Service, Elman, 298n 15
Shamanism: and psychotropic drug use, 140 ;
in Siberian, 71 -72;
and tobacco use, 139
Sheridan, Philip Henry, 8 , 243
Sheridan Lake, 8
Treaty of Fort Laramie, 227 -228
Simpson, George, 177
Sioux, 14 ;
Brulé, 229 ;
intertribal conflict of 1850s, 230 ;
Miniconjous, 228 -229;
Oglala, 280 -281;
Treaty of Fort Laramie, 227 -228;
Wounded Knee, 31
Six Civilized Tribes, 236
Skinner, Quentin, 167
Slater, Milo H., 149
Smith, Jack, 240
Smith, Peg-leg, 102
"Smoking over," 110 , 112 , 129 , 138
Sociology: and colonialism, 51 -52
Socrates, 38
Soulava , 136
Soule, Silas S., 242
South, Stanley, 182
Southwestern Plains: Civil War in, 233 -234;
cultural transformation of ("world formation"), 1 , 16 -22, 221 , 247 ;
defined, 285n 2;
effect of Bent's Old Fort on balance of power, 7 , 15 ;
fictive kinship as basis for trade in, 14 , 21 -22, 28 , 30 -31, 35 -36, 109 -111, 155 -159, 204 -207;
formation of high-grid, low-group society, 22 ;
gold rush, 231 -232;
landscape, 1 ;
panopticism and secret societies, 217 -218;
prehistoric trade networks, 102 -103;
role of cultural hegemony in annexation of, 249 -250;
role of value and belief systems in annexation, 251See also New Mexico Territory
Spanish: attempt to increase fur trade with Plains Indians, 113 -114;
introduction of horse to plains, 9 ;
motivations for occupation of New World, 105 -107;
resistance to American encroachment in Southwest, 11 -13, 112 -113
Spradley, James, 70
Stanford, Dennis, 65
St. Vrain, Ceran, 7 , 16 , 28 , 92 , 161 , 172 ;
acquisition of Mexican citizenship, 119 , 160 , 200 ;
activities after dissolution of Bent & St. Vrain, 126 ;
and Bernard Pratte and Company, 199 -200;
dissolution of Bent & St. Vrain, 93 , 125 ;
entry into partnership with Charles Bent, 202 ;
family history, 141 , 198 -199;
St. Vrain, Ceran, (continued)
203 ;
portrait of, 201 ;
ties to prominent traders, 202 -203;
as U.S. Consul at Santa Fe, 202
St. Vrain, Felicite, 172
St. Vrain, Jacques Marcellin Ceran de Hault de Lassus de, 199
St. Vrain, Marcellin, 94
St. Vrain Creek, 94
Sublette, Bill, 102
Sub-proletariat, 54 -55
Summer solstice rituals, 81
Sumner, William Vos, 230
Sun Dance, 64 -66, 138 , 279 ;
camp, 76 ;
center pole (medicine pole), 25 -26, 65 , 68 , 71 , 73 -74;
Cheyenne version, 66 -70, 292n 14;
and counting coup, 72 -73;
ethnographic treatments of, 66 -70;
individualistic orientation, 65 ;
liminality in, 81 -82;
phenomenological analysis of, 71 -76;
photograph of, 75 ;
as response to alienation of modernity, 78 -82;
ritual self-torture, 68 , 79 ;
similarities to Siberian shamanistic practices, 71 -72