Radcliff-Brown, A. R., 222
Radin, Paul: Primitive Man as a Philosopher , 280
Rappaport, Roy A.: Pigs for the Ancestors , 220
Religion: evangelicalism, 6 -7, 49 , 253 , 271 ;
and ideology, 246 -247, 256 -257;
irreducibility of, 50 -51;
ritual attraction of, 6 -7
Richmond, Harry, 239
Ritual, 22 , 23 , 60 , 247 , 253 ;
attraction of for alienated, 6 -7;
basis for, 23 -24;
and ceramics, 151 -152;
degraded, 144 ;
and caring, 184 ;
as expression of nostalgia, 24 -25;
and fictive kinship, 74 , 138 ;
fugitive, 23 , 72 -73, 144 , 247 , 283 ;
function in traditional societies, 43 -45;
and ideology, 247 ;
importance to world construction, 49 -55, 85 , 281 -282;
and material culture, 164 -166, 186 -189;
and mythology, 70 , 71 , 138 , 257 ;
and neoteny, 24 ;
nonverbal aspects of, 23 , 71 , 257 ;
persistence of in modern environment, 32 , 44 -45, 49 -51, 197 -198, 253 , 281 -282, 283 ;
phases of as defined by
Turner, 80 -81;
and reconfiguration of symbol, 25 , 27 ;
as reenactment of ancestors' actions, 24 , 138 ;
and replication of primordial states, 138 , 257 ;
as return to paradise, 63 -64, 82 -83;
role in affirming relationships, 138 ;
role in transformation of Southwest, 247 ;
shaping of material world, 29 ;
of summer solstice, 81 ;
transformation of chaos through, 24
Ritual exchange: associated with Bent's Old Fort, 22 , 30 , 173 , 194 , 253 , 281 ;
nature of among Plains Indians, 21 -22, 28 , 109 -111, 129 -130, 142 -143, 155 , 222 ;
in Trobriand, 136 -137
Robidoux, Antoine, 121
Roe, Frank Gilbert: The Indian and the Horse , 9 , 150
Romantic love: as watershed between traditional and modern societies, 52 -53
Ruxton, George F., 175