National Park Service: environmental impact statement (EIS), 265 ;
general management plans (GMPs), 265 -265;
reconstructions, 261 -262
Native Americans: and alcohol use, 140 -142;
early trade with Europeans, 103 -105;
effects of participating in trade, 150 -131;
formation and loss of shared humanity with Europeans, 221 -223, 251 -252;
meaning of trade objects to, 132 ;
role of tobacco in rituals, 138 -140;
susceptibility to European disease, 104 -105;
tradition of shamanistic ecstasy, 140 , 141 -142;
use of beads, 153 . See also Plains Indians; specific tribes
Navajo: change in relations with Mexico, 120 ;
Navajo sing, 82
Neoteny, human, 23 , 83 , 170 , 249 ;
and ancestor veneration, 23 , 83 , 164 , 246 -247, 281 -282;
and ritual, 24
New Guinea: "Big Man" system, 84 , 220
New Mexico Territory, 55 ;
adoption of culture of modernity, 18 -19, 128 , 219 , 252 ;
destruction of existing social order, 128 -129;
effect of Native Americans on colonization, 9 -11;
U.S. attempts to secure, 223 -232;
welcome of trade with Americans, 117 -119;
withdrawal of Mexican army, 15 , 160 -162
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1 , 38 , 163 , 178
Nihilism, 37 -58
Nineteenth century: breakdown of value and belief systems, 217 ;
fraternal organizations, 211 -212, 216 ;
struggle for identity in, 215 , 217
Nobel, John, 1 -2
Nostalgia: for Native American culture among Anglo Americans, 85 -88;
for paradise, 63 -64, 82 -83, 84 -85;
for past worlds, 39 -40;
ritual as expression of, 24 -25