Magoffin, James, 15 , 161 -162
Magoffin, Samuel, 161
Magoffin, Susan Shelby: Down the Santa ire Trail and Into New Mexico,161 , 175 -176, 183 , 275
Malinowski, Bronislaw: Argonauts of the Western Pacific,136 -137
Mandan, 111
Manifest Destiny, 17 , 224 , 260
Männerbunde, 216
Marcy, William L., 162
Market economy: role of wealth in, 28
Martinez, Padre, 16 , 185 , 212
Marx, Karl, 38
Masons, 31 , 210 , 211 , 212 , 213 , 214
Material culture, 163 ;
and meaning, 164 -166;
ritualistic use of by modernizing societies, 186 -189
on exchange in traditional societies, 135 -136, 137 , 142 ;
The Gift, 135
Maya: concern with numbers and time, 43 , 45 ;
observation apparatus, 42 -43
McKinney, Thomas L., 144
Mechanical solidarity, 137 , 166 , 291n 13
Medicine pole (Sun Dance pole), 25 -26, 65 , 68 , 71 , 73 -74
Medicine wheels, 41 , 278 -280;
Mescalero Apache, 81
Metaphor, 163
Metis, 151 -152
comparison to Vietnam War, 20 ;
in New Mexico Territory, 15 , 18 , 160 -162
Mexico: indepcndence from Spain, 13 , 117 ;
relations with Plains Indians after independence, 120 -122;
revolt against
American occupation of New Mexico territory, 15 -16;
and Santa Fe Trail trade, 117 -119
Midewiwin, 64
Miller, Daniel: Material Culture and Mass Consumption,28
Milner, George R, 156
Miniconjous Sioux, 228 -229
Minnitaree: Treaty. of Fort Laramie, 227 -228
Missouri Company, 109
Missouri Fur Company, 13
Mitchell, D. D., 227
Modernism: debunking of myths, 6 , 281
Modernity: adoption of in New Mexico Territory, 18 -19, 128 , 219 , 252 ;
Bent's Old Fort as model of, 90 , 162 , 252 -253;
culture of, 166 ;
Sun Dance as response to alienation of, 78 -82
Modern societies: attempts to reclaim identity in, 45 ;
burden of, 45 ;
construction of reality in, 36 -37;
defined, 287n 31;
distinction between religion and ideology, 246 -247, 256 -257;
history as mythology in, 260 -261;
ideological basis in capitalism and individualism, 163 ;
obsession with time, 40 -41;
power of, 53 ;
relation to traditional societies, 77 ;
ritual in, 32 , 45 -49, 49 -51,197 -198, 281 -282, 283 ;
ritual use of material culture, 186 -189;
and romantic love, 52 -53;
surrogate royalty in, 24
Mooney, James, 74
Moore, Craig, 276
Moore, Jackson W., 191
Moore, R. M., 243
Mwali, 136
Mythology, 24 ;
of American creation, 3 ;
history as, 260 -261;
as realm of sacred, 36 ;