Gadsden Purchase, 17
Gantt, John, 122 -123, 123 -124, 140 , 141 , 206
Garrard, Lewis H,: Wah-to-yah and the Taos Trail , 110 , 175
Gay, Peter, 60
Geertz, Clifford, 48 , 74 , 187 ;
on Christianity, 216 ;
on religion and ideology, 247 -248;
on significance of circle to Oglala Sioux, 280
Gell-Mann, Murray, 21
General management plan (GMP), 263 -265
"Gendeman's Cabin" (ceramic pattern), 180 -181
Geomancy, 75
Ghost Dance, 131
Giddens, Anthony, 52 -53, 131 ,257, 288n 7;
theory of structuration, 164 -165
Gifts: vs. commodities, 28 , 132 ;
in traditional societies, 135 -136
Gill, Frances, 134 .
Gilpin, William, 225
Gimwali , 137
Glorietta Pass, Battle of, 233 -234
Gold Rush of 1849: effect on Plains Indians, 226
Gould, Stephen Jay, 61 -62, 83
Gramsci, Antonio, 249 , 308n 7
Gratten, John L., 229
Grimsley, Thornton, 185
Grinnell, George Bird, 66 , 100 -101, 279 ;
By Cheyenne Campfires,78 -79
Gros Ventres, 142
Guerrier, Bill, 276
Guerrier, Edward, 276
Guerrier, Julia Bent (daughter of William), 237 , 238 , 240 , 244 , 254 , 276 -277