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Farnham, Thomas J., 175

Farrer, Claire, 81

Feuerbach, Ludwig, 38

Fictive kinship, 5 ;

as basis for trade in southwestern Plains, 14 , 21 -22, 28 , 30 -31, 35 -36, 109 -111, 155 -159, 204 -207;

rituals of, 74 , 138 ;

role of in traditional societies, 28 -29, 222

Field, Matthew, 96 , 175

Fitzhugh, William, 28

Fitzpatrick, Thomas, 102 , 125 , 224 , 228

Fleming, Hugh B., 228 , 229

Fletcher, Alice C., 109

Forsyth, John Robert, 97

Fort George, 94

Fort Jackson, 96 , 203

Fort Laramie: treaty talks with Plains Indians, 227 -228


Fort Lupron, 174 .

Fort Mann, 225

Fort Pierre, 96

Fort St. Vrain, 94

Fort Union, 96 , 172

Foucault, Michel: The Archaeology of Knowledge , 56 -57, 59 ;

on culture of discipline, 166 -167, 175 , 193 , 218 , 291n 13;

definition of discourse, 290n 40

Fox, 230

Fraternal organizations, 50 , 210 , 211 ;

functions of, 213 -214;

in nineteenth century U.S., 211 -212, 216 ;

origins of, 213

Frazier, James: The Golden Bough , 25 -26

Freud, Sigmund: and connection between archaeology and meaning, 60 ;

The Future of an Illusion,49

Frontier: alienation on, 2 , 7 ;

concept of, 3 , 6 ;

danger of, 217

Fugitive ritual, 23 , 72 , 144 , 247 , 283 ;

counting coup as, 72 -73

Functionalism, 44

Furst, Peter, 140

Fur trade: American entry. into, 115 -117;

cessation of U.S. factory system, 116 , 118 ;

Spanish efforts in, 113 -115

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