Preferred Citation: Fehér, Ferenc, editor. The French Revolution and the Birth of Modernity. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  1990.



Pacification, 58

Paine, T., 187

Pamphlets, 88 , 252

Parallel legal systems, 178

Paret, P., 28 n. 21, 29 n.45

Paris, 53 , 92 , 97 , 120

Parlements, 178

Pas-de-Calais, 55 -56

Patriotic party, 90

Payan, Claude, 189

Péthion, pamphlets by, 252 , 254

Pétion, Jerome, 88

Petty-bourgeoise, 154

Phenomenology (Hegel), 233 , 266

Philosophy, German, 222

Philosophy, of history, 8 -9

Philosophy of History (Hegel), 224 , 229 , 233 -234

Philosophy of Right (Hegel), 266

Physiocrats, 127

Plassey plunder, 120

Police, creation of, 54

Political fundamentalism, defined, 191

Political interpretation, of French Revolution, 5 , 117

Political science, creation of, 127

Political state, as savage state, 135


fundamentalism in, 191

sacrilizing of, 193

Saint-Just and, 135 -136, 144

Tocqueville and, 274

See also specific persons, issues

Popular justice, 165

Popular resistance, 57

Popular sovereignty, 182 -183

Pornography, 71 , 80

Posthistoire, 3 , 10

Postmodernity, 3

Prisons, 157 -158


categories of, 77

common good and, 81

definition of, 71

elitist sensibility and, 73

feminized, 71

green and, 74 , 76

married life and, 74 , 76

nationalism and, 82 , 84 , 92

secularized, 71

women and, 72

Professionals, 52

Proletariat, definition of, 39

Property, 75 , 86 , 94

Protestant reformation, 123 , 224 , 265


Public sphere, 94

architecture and, 72

categories of, 77

civic harmony and, 74

elitist sensibility and, 73

nationalism and, 82 -84, 93

public good, 69 -101, 96 -98

public life, 71 , 71 , 72

secularized, 72

Punitive reforms, 95


Preferred Citation: Fehér, Ferenc, editor. The French Revolution and the Birth of Modernity. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  1990.