Preferred Citation: Fehér, Ferenc, editor. The French Revolution and the Birth of Modernity. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  1990.



D'Allard laws, 88 -89

Danton, George Jacques, 76 , 158 , 204

Dantonistes, 93

David, Natalie Z., 170 n

Davis, N. Z., 9 , 170 n.33

Dawson, Phillip, 66

De Broglie, Prince, 112

Declaration of Independence, 225

Declaration of the Rights of Man, 76 , 225

De la Force du Government (Constant), 94

De la Gorce, 174

De la Nature (Saint-Just), 134

De Maistre, J., 1

Democracy, 19 , 203 , 210 -212, 273 -274

Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 220 , 240 , 255 , 258 , 259

Démocratie dirigée, 189

Departments, creation of, 53

Dérapage, concept of, 46

Desmoulins, Camille, 88 -89, 148

Desmoulins, Lucile, 148

Destutt de Tracy, 202

Determinists, 242 , 247 -248

Dezamy, on Saint-Just, 133

Diamond Necklace affair, 76

Diderot, D., 189

Directory, 54 , 98

Direct rule. See Centralization

Doyle, William, 28 n.20, 28 n.23

Dreyfus Affair, 104

Dunn, John, 30 , 115 n.7

Duport, Adrien, 114



Preferred Citation: Fehér, Ferenc, editor. The French Revolution and the Birth of Modernity. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  1990.