Chapter Thirteen Europe Up, Asia Down
1. Graebner, New Isolationism , 27. [BACK]
2. Bailey, Diplomatic History , 800. [BACK]
3. "Town Meeting," January 6, 1948. Transcripts of town meetings were published by the Town Hall, Inc., of Columbus, Ohio. This transcript was volume 13, number 37. This broadcast was also monitored by the Soviets, who castigated Lattimore over Radio Moscow as an opponent of communism; FBI/OL, 647. [BACK]
4. Blind transcript in CFR Archives, the first paragraph of which reads, "The discussion group on Japan held its third meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 27, 1948, at the Harold Pratt House."
5. Ibid. [BACK]
4. Blind transcript in CFR Archives, the first paragraph of which reads, "The discussion group on Japan held its third meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 27, 1948, at the Harold Pratt House."
5. Ibid. [BACK]
6. See discussion of the reversal of occupation policy in Schonberger, Aftermath of War ; Bowen, Innocence Is Not Enough , 152-58; and Schaller, American Occupation of Japan , chap. 2. [BACK]
10. Goodman, The Committee , 226. [BACK]
11. See Acheson, Present at the Creation , chap. 34; Cochran, Harry Truman , chap. 15; Goldman, Crucial Decade , 83-90; and Rogin, Intellectuals and McCarthy , chap. 8. [BACK]