Chapter Twelve Cold War Declared
1. ONA dispatch in York Gazette and Daily , January 17, 1947. Subsequent ONA dispatches identified in text by date only. [BACK]
2. Eastman, "Who Lost China?" 658-60. For the most complete discussion of why Mao triumphed, see Pepper, Civil War In China . [BACK]
3. Salisbury, "Amerasia Papers." [BACK]
4. Discussion Meeting Report, Far Eastern Affairs, March 5, 1947, CFR Archives.
5. Ibid. [BACK]
4. Discussion Meeting Report, Far Eastern Affairs, March 5, 1947, CFR Archives.
5. Ibid. [BACK]
6. Lattimore to Choibalsan, February 11, 1947, LP; Lattimore to Novikov, February 11, 1947, LP. [BACK]
7. Undated mimeographed paper titled "Owen Lattimore," J. B. Matthews Papers, Liberty University Library. [BACK]
8. FBI/OL, 173. [BACK]
9. FBI/OL, 454. [BACK]
10. Thomas, Institute of Pacific Relations , 41-44. [BACK]
15. For the story of Vincent's struggle, and Clare's contemptible role in it, see May, China Scapegoat . An equally chilling report on Clare's bias and incompetence is in Kimball, The File . [BACK]