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Chapter Thirty-Two Cambridge and Pawtucket

1. Lattimore to Piels, February 23, 1981, Piel private papers; Lattimore to author, February 23, 1980. [BACK]

2. Lattimore to author, August 16, 1980.

3. Ibid. [BACK]

2. Lattimore to author, August 16, 1980.

3. Ibid. [BACK]

4. Lattimore to Piels, April 8, 1980, Piel private papers; Lattimore to author, August 16, 1980. [BACK]

5. Lattimore to Piels, December 25, 1980, Piel private papers. [BACK]

6. Lattimore to author, October 12, 1981. [BACK]

7. This and all subsequent references to the 1981 trip are from a telephone conversation with Maria Lattimore, January 10, 1988, and her letter to author, July 10, 1988. [BACK]

8. Martin, "Lattimore, Disagreeing with U.S. Views, Revisits China at Eighty," Baltimore Sun , July 8, 1981.

9. Ibid. [BACK]

8. Martin, "Lattimore, Disagreeing with U.S. Views, Revisits China at Eighty," Baltimore Sun , July 8, 1981.

9. Ibid. [BACK]

10. Lattimore to author, October 12, 1981. [BACK]

11. Lattimore to Piels, February 9, 1982, Piel private papers. [BACK]

12. Lattimore to author, August 12, 1983. [BACK]

13. Lattimore to Nets, August 29, 1982, Net private papers. [BACK]

14. Spencer, "Scholar Says He Doesn't Mind Loss of Notoriety," Kansas City Times , October 23, 1982. [BACK]

15. Lattimore to Piels, April 5, 1983, Piel private papers. [BACK]

16. Lattimore to Piels, August 22, 1983, Piel private papers; Lattimore to author, August 12, 1983. [BACK]

17. Author interview with David Lattimore, January 25, 1988; Lattimore to author, December 3, 1985. [BACK]

18. Lattimore to author, April 4, 1986. [BACK]

19. Association of American Geographers, Newsletter , 1986. [BACK]

20. Lattimore, "Mongolia as a Leading State," 16-17. [BACK]

21. Lattimore to author, August 2, 1986. [BACK]

22. "U.S. and Mongolia in Ceremony Establishing Diplomatic Relations," New York Times , January 28, 1987; Lattimore to author, February 20, 1987. [BACK]

23. Lattimore to Piels, June 2, 1987, Piel private papers. [BACK]

24. Lattimore to author, February 6, 1987. [BACK]

25. Cotton, Asian Frontier Nationalism , 148-49. [BACK]

26. Watkins, Enough Rope , ix. [BACK]

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