Chapter One A Fascination with Central Asia
1. FBI/OL, 3204. [BACK]
2. This and other unattributed quotations derive from the author's conversations with Lattimore. [BACK]
3. Lattimore, Desert Road to Turkestan , 232. [BACK]
4. O'Mahoney MS, 23. [BACK]
5. Lattimore, Studies in Frontier History , 14. [BACK]
6. Lattimore, Desert Road to Turkestan 107, 40, 253.
7. Ibid., 149.
8. Ibid., 83.
9. Ibid., 86.
10. Ibid., 245. [BACK]
6. Lattimore, Desert Road to Turkestan 107, 40, 253.
7. Ibid., 149.
8. Ibid., 83.
9. Ibid., 86.
10. Ibid., 245. [BACK]
6. Lattimore, Desert Road to Turkestan 107, 40, 253.
7. Ibid., 149.
8. Ibid., 83.
9. Ibid., 86.
10. Ibid., 245. [BACK]
6. Lattimore, Desert Road to Turkestan 107, 40, 253.
7. Ibid., 149.
8. Ibid., 83.
9. Ibid., 86.
10. Ibid., 245. [BACK]
6. Lattimore, Desert Road to Turkestan 107, 40, 253.
7. Ibid., 149.
8. Ibid., 83.
9. Ibid., 86.
10. Ibid., 245. [BACK]
11. Lattimore, High Tartary , 85. [BACK]
12. O'Mahoney MS, 5. [BACK]
13. Lattimore and Isono, Diluv Khutagt , 2.
14. Ibid., 3. [BACK]
13. Lattimore and Isono, Diluv Khutagt , 2.
14. Ibid., 3. [BACK]
15. Lattimore, High Tartary , 227. [BACK]
16. The phrase "Slavic Manchukuo" implies that the Soviet Union had control over North China similar m that of Japan when it established the puppet state of Manchukuo. [BACK]
17. Lattimore, High Tartary , 264. To the Mongols, the greatest threat was Chinese overpopulation and the expansion of Chinese farmers onto their grazing lands. The Russian population presented no such threat. For a full exposition of Lattimore's analysis of the extent to which Russian expansion under both czars and Communists incorporated Asian minorities rather than subjecting them, see Studies in Frontier History , 165-79. [BACK]
18. The name of the Chinese capital, "Peking," was changed m "Peiping" in 1928, when the capital was moved south; in 1949 the Communist government restored "Peking," the name used throughout this book for convenience' sake. [BACK]
19. O'Mahoney MS, 7-8. [BACK]
20. Lattimore and Isono, Diluv Khutagt , 10.
21. Ibid., 10-11. [BACK]
20. Lattimore and Isono, Diluv Khutagt , 10.
21. Ibid., 10-11. [BACK]
22. Lattimore, Studies in Frontier History , 438. [BACK]
23. Cotton, "Owen Lattimore and China," 255. [BACK]
24. O'Mahoney MS, 11. [BACK]