Impure Science


 expand sectionIntroduction  Controversy, Credibility, and the Public Character of Aids Research

 collapse sectionPart 1  The Politics of Causation
 expand sectionChapter 1  The Nature of a New Threat
 expand sectionChapter 2  HIV and the Consolidation of Certainty
 expand sectionChapter 3  Reopening The Causation Controversy
 expand sectionChapter 4  The Debate That Wouldn't Die

 collapse sectionPart 2  The Politics of Treatment
 expand sectionChapter 5  Points of Departure
 expand sectionChapter 6  "Drugs Into Bodies"
 expand sectionChapter 7  The Critique of Pure Science
 expand sectionChapter 8  Dilemmas and Divisions in Science and Politics
 collapse sectionChapter 9  Clinical Trials and Tribulations
 expand sectionThe Search for New Directions (1992–1993)
 expand sectionLiving with Uncertainty (1993–1995)
 expand sectionConclusion  Credible Knowledge Hierarchies of Expertise, and the Politics of Participation in Biomedicine

 expand sectionNotes
 expand sectionMethodological Appendix
 expand sectionIndex

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