Preferred Citation: Weiner, Douglas R. A Little Corner of Freedom: Russian Nature Protection from Stalin to Gorbachev. Berkeley, Calif:  University of California Press,  c1999 1999.


Chapter Two— Archipelago of Freedom

1. Gerovich and Struchkov, "Epilogue," 487.

2. For extensive background on the formative period of Russian nature protection, see Weiner, Models ; Shtil'mark, Istoriografiia ; and Boreiko, Askania-Nova .

3. See Weiner, Models , especially chapters 1 and 6.

4. Ibid., chapter 7.

3. See Weiner, Models , especially chapters 1 and 6.

4. Ibid., chapter 7.

5. Gor'kii, "Iz stat'i 'O biblioteka Poeta'," 56-57. break

6. Weiner, Models , chapter 10 and passim .

7. Gerovich and Struchkov, "Epilogue," 488-89. On the theme of retreat from Stalinist realities as a journey to Kitezh, see also Turbin, "Kitezhane"; and Anna Akhmatova's 1940 poem, "Kitezhanka."

8. Vorontsov, "Nature Protection," 372ff.

9. Sepp, "Neobkhodimo reorganizovat' nauchnye obshchestva," 20.

10. Until 1933 the Main Administration was subordinated to the Science Sector of the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Education. In September 1933 it was directly subordinated to VTsIK, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR Congress of Soviets. Later, in 1938 it was transferred to the aegis of the RSFSR Council of People's Commissars (which soon became the RSFSR Council of Ministers).

11. A zemstvo is a local, elective organ of self-government with responsibility for education, among other matters.

12. Biographical information is from V. N. Makarov, "Avtobiografiia" (typed and signed), April 19, 1938, and from "Avtobiografiia" (handwritten and signed), October 15, 1950, both from his personal archives. Courtesy of Feliks Robertovich Shtil' mark.

13. Makarov, 1938 "Avtobiografiia" and 1950 "Avtobiografiia." See the 1911 farewell poem from the first through third graders of the Kostroma First Four-Year School, entitled "Proshchal'nyi privet," and the farewell letter, dated September 28, 1913, from fourth-year students of the City School attached to the Moscow Teachers' Institute.

14. Makarov, 1938 "Avtobiografiia" and 1950 "Avtobiografiia."

15. See Weiner, Models , chapter 9.

16. See ARAN f. 1593, op. 1, d. 191, listy 1-130. "Stenogramma Vsesoiuznoi faunisticheskoi konferentsii."

17. See Weiner, Models , 141ff.

18. Ibid., 135.

17. See Weiner, Models , 141ff.

18. Ibid., 135.

19. From V. N. Makarov, letter to the Head of the Scientific Sector of Narkompros RSFSR and to its Party Collective, TsGA f. 404, op. 1, d. 1, listy 9-18. Emphasis in original.

20. Ibid., list 11, quoted from Kol'man, "Sabotazh v nauke," 75.

19. From V. N. Makarov, letter to the Head of the Scientific Sector of Narkompros RSFSR and to its Party Collective, TsGA f. 404, op. 1, d. 1, listy 9-18. Emphasis in original.

20. Ibid., list 11, quoted from Kol'man, "Sabotazh v nauke," 75.

21. Makarov, letter to the Head of the Scientific Sector, listy 9-10.

22. Although Oleg V. Khlevniuk, in In Stalin's Shadow , 58-60, points to the readiness of some leading factory managers as late as autumn 1933 to stand up to the USSR Prosecutor-General and even to use their private police forces to prevent entry by the state's law enforcement agents, the situations are not exactly comparable.

23. See especially Boreiko's series "Istoriia boli i geroizma" and Shtil'mark, Istoriografiia .

24. The most prominent of these were Dmitrii Evstaf'evich Beling, Evdokiia Grigor'evna Bloshenko, Aleksei Feodos'evich Vangengeim, Pëtr Evgen'evich Vasil'kovskii, Vladimir Georgievich Geptner, Aleksandr Pavlovich Gunali, Iurii Andreevich Isakov, Vladimir Emmanueloxich Martino, Sergei Ivanovich Medvedev, Vasilii Petrovich Nalimov, Mikhail Nikolaevich Poloz, Boris Evgen'evich Raikov, Pëtr Petrovich Smolin, Vladimir Vladimirovich Stanchinskii, Nikolai Mikhailovich Fëdorovskii, Boris Konstantinovich Fortunatov, Khachatur (Khristofor) Georgievich Shaposhnikov, Frants Frantsevich Shillinger, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Shummer, and Aleksandr continue

Aloizevich Ianata. From Vladimir Evgen'evich Boreiko, "Razgrom prirodookhrany v SSSR (1929-1939)," in his Belye piatna istoii , 161. Boreiko includes a few more names than I have listed here but even his list is surely incomplete.

25. When I first described these events in a previous book, much of my account was inferred from published speeches and journal articles, which were the only sources available then. In the intervening period many more sources about Stanchinskii and Askania-Nova have come to light through the efforts of Ukrainian researcher Vladimir Evgen'evich Boreiko and me, generally confirming the broad flow of events.

26. This question will be taken up in detail in my forthcoming biography of Vladimir Vladimirovich Stanchinskii, in collaboration with Vladimir Evgen'evich Boreiko.

27. Boreiko, Askania-Nova , 91. On Stanchinskii and Askania-Nova, see also Weiner, Models ; Gramma, "Eretiki i buntari"; and Boreiko, Populiarnyi biografo-bibliograficheskii , 2:1 19-27. The last includes a bibliography about Stanchinskii's life and work.

28. Encouragingly, Bukharin's deputy editor on the staff of Izvestiia , Kantorovich, paid a visit to the Kavkazskii zapovednik and wrote up the trip in the paper. Interview with Andrei Aleksandrovich Nasimovich, April 16, 1980.

29. Letter of F. F. Shillinger, no date cited, ARAN f. 445, op. 4, d. 190, listy 111-12. Cited in Boreiko, "Frants Frantsevich Shillinger," 204-5. Another letter, to the academician N. M. Kulagin and dated November 7, 1937, which contains almost the same language and was probably written at the same time, is cited by Shtil'mark, Istoriografiia , 80, in ARAN f. 1674, op. 1, d. 339 (no listy cited).

30. Ol'ga Borisovna Lepeshinskaia, "Dokladnaia zapiska nauchnomu otdelu TsK VKP(b) o rezul'tatakh obsledovaniia zapovednikov v RSFSR. Zametki. Otpusk," nine pages of two-sided typed carbons plus longhand, penciled notes in a small notebook, listy 10-102, in ARAN, f. 1588, op. 1, d. 102, listy 1-102. The author is the same Olga Lepeshinskaia who in the late 1940s and early 1950s became one of the most notorious scientific cranks with her claim that she could produce living beings from albumin.

31. Shtil'mark, Istoriografiia , 80. See ARAN f. 445, op. 4, d. 19, listy 76-80.

32. Ibid., list 1 rev.

33. Ibid., listy 2 rev., 4 . She implied that in 1922 Shillinger planned the creation of the Crimean reserve to promote a White landing ("Snaipery. Bloshenko, Shelinger [sic]. Ideia o sozdaniia zapovednika na beregu Kryma v 22 godu," list 4).

34. Ibid., list 25. These allegations were totally without evidence and have been denied by Adela Frantsevna Shillinger, the activist's daughter, who still lives in Moscow.

35. Ibid., list 3.

36. Ibid.

37. Ibid., listy 5 and 7 rev.

38. Ibid., list 5.

39. Ibid., list 27.

40. Ibid., list 26 rev.

41. Ibid., list 16 rev. Lepeshinskaia blames Gorbunov and Krylenko for recommending these politically suspect individuals. break

42. Ibid., list 28 rev.

43. Ibid., list 7 rev.

44. Ibid., list 8.

45. Ibid., listy 9, 37 rev., and 39.

31. Shtil'mark, Istoriografiia , 80. See ARAN f. 445, op. 4, d. 19, listy 76-80.

32. Ibid., list 1 rev.

33. Ibid., listy 2 rev., 4 . She implied that in 1922 Shillinger planned the creation of the Crimean reserve to promote a White landing ("Snaipery. Bloshenko, Shelinger [sic]. Ideia o sozdaniia zapovednika na beregu Kryma v 22 godu," list 4).

34. Ibid., list 25. These allegations were totally without evidence and have been denied by Adela Frantsevna Shillinger, the activist's daughter, who still lives in Moscow.

35. Ibid., list 3.

36. Ibid.

37. Ibid., listy 5 and 7 rev.

38. Ibid., list 5.

39. Ibid., list 27.

40. Ibid., list 26 rev.

41. Ibid., list 16 rev. Lepeshinskaia blames Gorbunov and Krylenko for recommending these politically suspect individuals. break

42. Ibid., list 28 rev.

43. Ibid., list 7 rev.

44. Ibid., list 8.

45. Ibid., listy 9, 37 rev., and 39.

31. Shtil'mark, Istoriografiia , 80. See ARAN f. 445, op. 4, d. 19, listy 76-80.

32. Ibid., list 1 rev.

33. Ibid., listy 2 rev., 4 . She implied that in 1922 Shillinger planned the creation of the Crimean reserve to promote a White landing ("Snaipery. Bloshenko, Shelinger [sic]. Ideia o sozdaniia zapovednika na beregu Kryma v 22 godu," list 4).

34. Ibid., list 25. These allegations were totally without evidence and have been denied by Adela Frantsevna Shillinger, the activist's daughter, who still lives in Moscow.

35. Ibid., list 3.

36. Ibid.

37. Ibid., listy 5 and 7 rev.

38. Ibid., list 5.

39. Ibid., list 27.

40. Ibid., list 26 rev.

41. Ibid., list 16 rev. Lepeshinskaia blames Gorbunov and Krylenko for recommending these politically suspect individuals. break

42. Ibid., list 28 rev.

43. Ibid., list 7 rev.

44. Ibid., list 8.

45. Ibid., listy 9, 37 rev., and 39.

31. Shtil'mark, Istoriografiia , 80. See ARAN f. 445, op. 4, d. 19, listy 76-80.

32. Ibid., list 1 rev.

33. Ibid., listy 2 rev., 4 . She implied that in 1922 Shillinger planned the creation of the Crimean reserve to promote a White landing ("Snaipery. Bloshenko, Shelinger [sic]. Ideia o sozdaniia zapovednika na beregu Kryma v 22 godu," list 4).

34. Ibid., list 25. These allegations were totally without evidence and have been denied by Adela Frantsevna Shillinger, the activist's daughter, who still lives in Moscow.

35. Ibid., list 3.

36. Ibid.

37. Ibid., listy 5 and 7 rev.

38. Ibid., list 5.

39. Ibid., list 27.

40. Ibid., list 26 rev.

41. Ibid., list 16 rev. Lepeshinskaia blames Gorbunov and Krylenko for recommending these politically suspect individuals. break

42. Ibid., list 28 rev.

43. Ibid., list 7 rev.

44. Ibid., list 8.

45. Ibid., listy 9, 37 rev., and 39.

31. Shtil'mark, Istoriografiia , 80. See ARAN f. 445, op. 4, d. 19, listy 76-80.

32. Ibid., list 1 rev.

33. Ibid., listy 2 rev., 4 . She implied that in 1922 Shillinger planned the creation of the Crimean reserve to promote a White landing ("Snaipery. Bloshenko, Shelinger [sic]. Ideia o sozdaniia zapovednika na beregu Kryma v 22 godu," list 4).

34. Ibid., list 25. These allegations were totally without evidence and have been denied by Adela Frantsevna Shillinger, the activist's daughter, who still lives in Moscow.

35. Ibid., list 3.

36. Ibid.

37. Ibid., listy 5 and 7 rev.

38. Ibid., list 5.

39. Ibid., list 27.

40. Ibid., list 26 rev.

41. Ibid., list 16 rev. Lepeshinskaia blames Gorbunov and Krylenko for recommending these politically suspect individuals. break

42. Ibid., list 28 rev.

43. Ibid., list 7 rev.

44. Ibid., list 8.

45. Ibid., listy 9, 37 rev., and 39.

31. Shtil'mark, Istoriografiia , 80. See ARAN f. 445, op. 4, d. 19, listy 76-80.

32. Ibid., list 1 rev.

33. Ibid., listy 2 rev., 4 . She implied that in 1922 Shillinger planned the creation of the Crimean reserve to promote a White landing ("Snaipery. Bloshenko, Shelinger [sic]. Ideia o sozdaniia zapovednika na beregu Kryma v 22 godu," list 4).

34. Ibid., list 25. These allegations were totally without evidence and have been denied by Adela Frantsevna Shillinger, the activist's daughter, who still lives in Moscow.

35. Ibid., list 3.

36. Ibid.

37. Ibid., listy 5 and 7 rev.

38. Ibid., list 5.

39. Ibid., list 27.

40. Ibid., list 26 rev.

41. Ibid., list 16 rev. Lepeshinskaia blames Gorbunov and Krylenko for recommending these politically suspect individuals. break

42. Ibid., list 28 rev.

43. Ibid., list 7 rev.

44. Ibid., list 8.

45. Ibid., listy 9, 37 rev., and 39.

31. Shtil'mark, Istoriografiia , 80. See ARAN f. 445, op. 4, d. 19, listy 76-80.

32. Ibid., list 1 rev.

33. Ibid., listy 2 rev., 4 . She implied that in 1922 Shillinger planned the creation of the Crimean reserve to promote a White landing ("Snaipery. Bloshenko, Shelinger [sic]. Ideia o sozdaniia zapovednika na beregu Kryma v 22 godu," list 4).

34. Ibid., list 25. These allegations were totally without evidence and have been denied by Adela Frantsevna Shillinger, the activist's daughter, who still lives in Moscow.

35. Ibid., list 3.

36. Ibid.

37. Ibid., listy 5 and 7 rev.

38. Ibid., list 5.

39. Ibid., list 27.

40. Ibid., list 26 rev.

41. Ibid., list 16 rev. Lepeshinskaia blames Gorbunov and Krylenko for recommending these politically suspect individuals. break

42. Ibid., list 28 rev.

43. Ibid., list 7 rev.

44. Ibid., list 8.

45. Ibid., listy 9, 37 rev., and 39.

31. Shtil'mark, Istoriografiia , 80. See ARAN f. 445, op. 4, d. 19, listy 76-80.

32. Ibid., list 1 rev.

33. Ibid., listy 2 rev., 4 . She implied that in 1922 Shillinger planned the creation of the Crimean reserve to promote a White landing ("Snaipery. Bloshenko, Shelinger [sic]. Ideia o sozdaniia zapovednika na beregu Kryma v 22 godu," list 4).

34. Ibid., list 25. These allegations were totally without evidence and have been denied by Adela Frantsevna Shillinger, the activist's daughter, who still lives in Moscow.

35. Ibid., list 3.

36. Ibid.

37. Ibid., listy 5 and 7 rev.

38. Ibid., list 5.

39. Ibid., list 27.

40. Ibid., list 26 rev.

41. Ibid., list 16 rev. Lepeshinskaia blames Gorbunov and Krylenko for recommending these politically suspect individuals. break

42. Ibid., list 28 rev.

43. Ibid., list 7 rev.

44. Ibid., list 8.

45. Ibid., listy 9, 37 rev., and 39.

31. Shtil'mark, Istoriografiia , 80. See ARAN f. 445, op. 4, d. 19, listy 76-80.

32. Ibid., list 1 rev.

33. Ibid., listy 2 rev., 4 . She implied that in 1922 Shillinger planned the creation of the Crimean reserve to promote a White landing ("Snaipery. Bloshenko, Shelinger [sic]. Ideia o sozdaniia zapovednika na beregu Kryma v 22 godu," list 4).

34. Ibid., list 25. These allegations were totally without evidence and have been denied by Adela Frantsevna Shillinger, the activist's daughter, who still lives in Moscow.

35. Ibid., list 3.

36. Ibid.

37. Ibid., listy 5 and 7 rev.

38. Ibid., list 5.

39. Ibid., list 27.

40. Ibid., list 26 rev.

41. Ibid., list 16 rev. Lepeshinskaia blames Gorbunov and Krylenko for recommending these politically suspect individuals. break

42. Ibid., list 28 rev.

43. Ibid., list 7 rev.

44. Ibid., list 8.

45. Ibid., listy 9, 37 rev., and 39.

31. Shtil'mark, Istoriografiia , 80. See ARAN f. 445, op. 4, d. 19, listy 76-80.

32. Ibid., list 1 rev.

33. Ibid., listy 2 rev., 4 . She implied that in 1922 Shillinger planned the creation of the Crimean reserve to promote a White landing ("Snaipery. Bloshenko, Shelinger [sic]. Ideia o sozdaniia zapovednika na beregu Kryma v 22 godu," list 4).

34. Ibid., list 25. These allegations were totally without evidence and have been denied by Adela Frantsevna Shillinger, the activist's daughter, who still lives in Moscow.

35. Ibid., list 3.

36. Ibid.

37. Ibid., listy 5 and 7 rev.

38. Ibid., list 5.

39. Ibid., list 27.

40. Ibid., list 26 rev.

41. Ibid., list 16 rev. Lepeshinskaia blames Gorbunov and Krylenko for recommending these politically suspect individuals. break

42. Ibid., list 28 rev.

43. Ibid., list 7 rev.

44. Ibid., list 8.

45. Ibid., listy 9, 37 rev., and 39.

31. Shtil'mark, Istoriografiia , 80. See ARAN f. 445, op. 4, d. 19, listy 76-80.

32. Ibid., list 1 rev.

33. Ibid., listy 2 rev., 4 . She implied that in 1922 Shillinger planned the creation of the Crimean reserve to promote a White landing ("Snaipery. Bloshenko, Shelinger [sic]. Ideia o sozdaniia zapovednika na beregu Kryma v 22 godu," list 4).

34. Ibid., list 25. These allegations were totally without evidence and have been denied by Adela Frantsevna Shillinger, the activist's daughter, who still lives in Moscow.

35. Ibid., list 3.

36. Ibid.

37. Ibid., listy 5 and 7 rev.

38. Ibid., list 5.

39. Ibid., list 27.

40. Ibid., list 26 rev.

41. Ibid., list 16 rev. Lepeshinskaia blames Gorbunov and Krylenko for recommending these politically suspect individuals. break

42. Ibid., list 28 rev.

43. Ibid., list 7 rev.

44. Ibid., list 8.

45. Ibid., listy 9, 37 rev., and 39.

31. Shtil'mark, Istoriografiia , 80. See ARAN f. 445, op. 4, d. 19, listy 76-80.

32. Ibid., list 1 rev.

33. Ibid., listy 2 rev., 4 . She implied that in 1922 Shillinger planned the creation of the Crimean reserve to promote a White landing ("Snaipery. Bloshenko, Shelinger [sic]. Ideia o sozdaniia zapovednika na beregu Kryma v 22 godu," list 4).

34. Ibid., list 25. These allegations were totally without evidence and have been denied by Adela Frantsevna Shillinger, the activist's daughter, who still lives in Moscow.

35. Ibid., list 3.

36. Ibid.

37. Ibid., listy 5 and 7 rev.

38. Ibid., list 5.

39. Ibid., list 27.

40. Ibid., list 26 rev.

41. Ibid., list 16 rev. Lepeshinskaia blames Gorbunov and Krylenko for recommending these politically suspect individuals. break

42. Ibid., list 28 rev.

43. Ibid., list 7 rev.

44. Ibid., list 8.

45. Ibid., listy 9, 37 rev., and 39.

31. Shtil'mark, Istoriografiia , 80. See ARAN f. 445, op. 4, d. 19, listy 76-80.

32. Ibid., list 1 rev.

33. Ibid., listy 2 rev., 4 . She implied that in 1922 Shillinger planned the creation of the Crimean reserve to promote a White landing ("Snaipery. Bloshenko, Shelinger [sic]. Ideia o sozdaniia zapovednika na beregu Kryma v 22 godu," list 4).

34. Ibid., list 25. These allegations were totally without evidence and have been denied by Adela Frantsevna Shillinger, the activist's daughter, who still lives in Moscow.

35. Ibid., list 3.

36. Ibid.

37. Ibid., listy 5 and 7 rev.

38. Ibid., list 5.

39. Ibid., list 27.

40. Ibid., list 26 rev.

41. Ibid., list 16 rev. Lepeshinskaia blames Gorbunov and Krylenko for recommending these politically suspect individuals. break

42. Ibid., list 28 rev.

43. Ibid., list 7 rev.

44. Ibid., list 8.

45. Ibid., listy 9, 37 rev., and 39.

31. Shtil'mark, Istoriografiia , 80. See ARAN f. 445, op. 4, d. 19, listy 76-80.

32. Ibid., list 1 rev.

33. Ibid., listy 2 rev., 4 . She implied that in 1922 Shillinger planned the creation of the Crimean reserve to promote a White landing ("Snaipery. Bloshenko, Shelinger [sic]. Ideia o sozdaniia zapovednika na beregu Kryma v 22 godu," list 4).

34. Ibid., list 25. These allegations were totally without evidence and have been denied by Adela Frantsevna Shillinger, the activist's daughter, who still lives in Moscow.

35. Ibid., list 3.

36. Ibid.

37. Ibid., listy 5 and 7 rev.

38. Ibid., list 5.

39. Ibid., list 27.

40. Ibid., list 26 rev.

41. Ibid., list 16 rev. Lepeshinskaia blames Gorbunov and Krylenko for recommending these politically suspect individuals. break

42. Ibid., list 28 rev.

43. Ibid., list 7 rev.

44. Ibid., list 8.

45. Ibid., listy 9, 37 rev., and 39.

31. Shtil'mark, Istoriografiia , 80. See ARAN f. 445, op. 4, d. 19, listy 76-80.

32. Ibid., list 1 rev.

33. Ibid., listy 2 rev., 4 . She implied that in 1922 Shillinger planned the creation of the Crimean reserve to promote a White landing ("Snaipery. Bloshenko, Shelinger [sic]. Ideia o sozdaniia zapovednika na beregu Kryma v 22 godu," list 4).

34. Ibid., list 25. These allegations were totally without evidence and have been denied by Adela Frantsevna Shillinger, the activist's daughter, who still lives in Moscow.

35. Ibid., list 3.

36. Ibid.

37. Ibid., listy 5 and 7 rev.

38. Ibid., list 5.

39. Ibid., list 27.

40. Ibid., list 26 rev.

41. Ibid., list 16 rev. Lepeshinskaia blames Gorbunov and Krylenko for recommending these politically suspect individuals. break

42. Ibid., list 28 rev.

43. Ibid., list 7 rev.

44. Ibid., list 8.

45. Ibid., listy 9, 37 rev., and 39.

46. Shtil'mark, Istoriografiia , 80.

47. Boreiko, "Frants Frantsevich Shillinger," 206.

48. TsGA f. 404, op. 1, d 54, list 37.

49. TsGA f. 404 op. 1, d. 1, listy 3-4.

50. Ibid., listy 24 - 25 rev. "Protokol No. 1 zasedaniia Komissii VOOP po Kavkazu ot 26 fevralia 1937 g."

49. TsGA f. 404 op. 1, d. 1, listy 3-4.

50. Ibid., listy 24 - 25 rev. "Protokol No. 1 zasedaniia Komissii VOOP po Kavkazu ot 26 fevralia 1937 g."

51. TsGA, f. 404, op. 1 d. 56, list 85.

52. TsGA, f. 404, op. 1, d. 54, list 9.

53. TsGA, f. 404, op. 1 d. 56, list 12.

54. TsGA, f. 404. op. 1, d. 53, listy 50, 13.

55. Ibid., listy 16-17.

56. Ibid., list 25.

57. Ibid., list 26-27.

54. TsGA, f. 404. op. 1, d. 53, listy 50, 13.

55. Ibid., listy 16-17.

56. Ibid., list 25.

57. Ibid., list 26-27.

54. TsGA, f. 404. op. 1, d. 53, listy 50, 13.

55. Ibid., listy 16-17.

56. Ibid., list 25.

57. Ibid., list 26-27.

54. TsGA, f. 404. op. 1, d. 53, listy 50, 13.

55. Ibid., listy 16-17.

56. Ibid., list 25.

57. Ibid., list 26-27.

58. TsGA, f. 44. Op. 1, d. 56, list 17.

59. Ibid., listy 28-32.

58. TsGA, f. 44. Op. 1, d. 56, list 17.

59. Ibid., listy 28-32.

60. TsGA 404, op. 1, d. 53, list 55.

61. Ibid., list 35 Eventually, VOOP's president Komarov wrote to Soviet premier V. M. Molotov, who then apparently remanded the Division of Nonresidential Housing of the Moscow Soviet to provide premises for the Society. When Molotov's injunction was ignored, Komarov wrote again to the premier. Although the letter is undated, we may surmise it was written in 1938 or 1939. TsGA, f. 404, op. 1, d. 1, list 2.

62. Ibid., list 39.

60. TsGA 404, op. 1, d. 53, list 55.

61. Ibid., list 35 Eventually, VOOP's president Komarov wrote to Soviet premier V. M. Molotov, who then apparently remanded the Division of Nonresidential Housing of the Moscow Soviet to provide premises for the Society. When Molotov's injunction was ignored, Komarov wrote again to the premier. Although the letter is undated, we may surmise it was written in 1938 or 1939. TsGA, f. 404, op. 1, d. 1, list 2.

62. Ibid., list 39.

60. TsGA 404, op. 1, d. 53, list 55.

61. Ibid., list 35 Eventually, VOOP's president Komarov wrote to Soviet premier V. M. Molotov, who then apparently remanded the Division of Nonresidential Housing of the Moscow Soviet to provide premises for the Society. When Molotov's injunction was ignored, Komarov wrote again to the premier. Although the letter is undated, we may surmise it was written in 1938 or 1939. TsGA, f. 404, op. 1, d. 1, list 2.

62. Ibid., list 39.

63. A full financial report was presented by A. G. Giller, who traced the Society's funds from its inception in 1924. In that year, its subsidy from Narkompros amounted to 1,000 rubles, which was increased the following year to 4,000. Despite inflation as well as the growth of the Society, funding levels remained static until 1933, when they were doubled. VTsIK was more generous. In 1935 it contributed 15,000 rubles; in 1936, 20,000; in 1937, 25,000; and 40,000 was promised in 1938. Additionally, the Society received juridical members' dues and contracts worth 30,000 rubles in 1935; 11,000 in 1936; 12,000 in 1937 and 35,000 in 1938. On the outflow side, publications, staff, and operations each consumed about one-third of the budget. Ibid., listy 49-51.

64. TsGA, f. 404, op. 1 d. 52, list 11, in pen, at bottom of typed page.

65. TsGA, f. 404, op. 1 , d. 56, list 55.

66. Ibid., list 7.

67. Ibid., list 52.

65. TsGA, f. 404, op. 1 , d. 56, list 55.

66. Ibid., list 7.

67. Ibid., list 52.

65. TsGA, f. 404, op. 1 , d. 56, list 55.

66. Ibid., list 7.

67. Ibid., list 52.

68. Barishpol and Larina, U prirody druzei milliony , 40.

69. Ibid., 44.

68. Barishpol and Larina, U prirody druzei milliony , 40.

69. Ibid., 44.

70. TsGA, f. 404, op. 1, d. 78, list 1. "Otchet TsS VOOP o rabote obshchestva za 1939 god." 27 listy. Typed. By Susanna N. Fridman.

71. Ibid.

72. Ibid., list 7. break

70. TsGA, f. 404, op. 1, d. 78, list 1. "Otchet TsS VOOP o rabote obshchestva za 1939 god." 27 listy. Typed. By Susanna N. Fridman.

71. Ibid.

72. Ibid., list 7. break

70. TsGA, f. 404, op. 1, d. 78, list 1. "Otchet TsS VOOP o rabote obshchestva za 1939 god." 27 listy. Typed. By Susanna N. Fridman.

71. Ibid.

72. Ibid., list 7. break

73. See TsGA f. 404, op. 1, d. 1, listy 30-31. Dogovor, August 26, 1938. This agreement between VOOP and the Committee for Zapovedniki provided for 4,000 rubles of funding from the Committee and a contribution of 1,157 rubles by the Society. Field research included a desman census in September-October 1938 along the basin of the Tsna, Chelovaia, and Stanovaia Riasa rivers in Tambov and Voronezh provinces.

74. Ibid., list 9.

75. Ibid., listy 11-12.

73. See TsGA f. 404, op. 1, d. 1, listy 30-31. Dogovor, August 26, 1938. This agreement between VOOP and the Committee for Zapovedniki provided for 4,000 rubles of funding from the Committee and a contribution of 1,157 rubles by the Society. Field research included a desman census in September-October 1938 along the basin of the Tsna, Chelovaia, and Stanovaia Riasa rivers in Tambov and Voronezh provinces.

74. Ibid., list 9.

75. Ibid., listy 11-12.

73. See TsGA f. 404, op. 1, d. 1, listy 30-31. Dogovor, August 26, 1938. This agreement between VOOP and the Committee for Zapovedniki provided for 4,000 rubles of funding from the Committee and a contribution of 1,157 rubles by the Society. Field research included a desman census in September-October 1938 along the basin of the Tsna, Chelovaia, and Stanovaia Riasa rivers in Tambov and Voronezh provinces.

74. Ibid., list 9.

75. Ibid., listy 11-12.

76. bid., listy 13-17.

77. Ibid., list 4 rev.

76. bid., listy 13-17.

77. Ibid., list 4 rev.

78. TsGA f. 404, op. 1, d. 130a, list 3 rev. ''Otchet o rabote VOOP za 1938-1947 gg." 8 listy.

79. Ibid., list 7.

78. TsGA f. 404, op. 1, d. 130a, list 3 rev. ''Otchet o rabote VOOP za 1938-1947 gg." 8 listy.

79. Ibid., list 7.

80. The environmental consequences of World War II are discussed in Noskov, "Environmental Devastation in the USSR."

81. TsGA, f. 404, op. 1, d. 1, listy 27-28. "Novye zadachi zapovednikov i okhrany," n.d. [c. 1944], typed, carbon.

82. Interview with Nikolai Sergeevich Dorovatovskii, Moscow, January 3, 1980.

83. Ibid.

84. Ibid.

85. Ibid.

82. Interview with Nikolai Sergeevich Dorovatovskii, Moscow, January 3, 1980.

83. Ibid.

84. Ibid.

85. Ibid.

82. Interview with Nikolai Sergeevich Dorovatovskii, Moscow, January 3, 1980.

83. Ibid.

84. Ibid.

85. Ibid.

82. Interview with Nikolai Sergeevich Dorovatovskii, Moscow, January 3, 1980.

83. Ibid.

84. Ibid.

85. Ibid.

86. TsGA RSFSR 404, op. 1, d. 115a, listy 6-7.

87. Medvedev and Nechaeva, "Pamiati V. V. Stanchinskogo," 113.

88. Ramensky, "Basic Regularities of Vegetation Cover," 12.

89. Ramenskii, "Klassifikatsiia zemel' po rastitel'nomu pokrovu," 484.

90. Interview with Iakov Mikhailovich Gall, Leningrad, May 20, 1986. Sukachëv's observation will appear in a new volume of his works now being prepared for publication.

91. A similar argument is made by Robert Hunt Sprinkle in Profession of Conscience , who includes in this moral community doctors, molecular geneticists, and other life scientists.

92. Quoted in Struchkov, "Nature Protection as Moral Duty," 428.

93. Shtil'mark, "S drugogo berega," 379.

94. RGAE f. 59, op. 1, d. 96, list 1. Letter ofV. N. Makarov to G. P. Dement'ev, August 19, 1934.


Preferred Citation: Weiner, Douglas R. A Little Corner of Freedom: Russian Nature Protection from Stalin to Gorbachev. Berkeley, Calif:  University of California Press,  c1999 1999.