Back Street (1941, 1961), 332
Back to the Beach (1987), 134
Bacon, Francis, 132
Badham, John. See Dracula (1979, Badham)
Bailey, John, 142
Bailey, Pearl, 109
Bakhtin, Mikhail, 2 –3
Barbieri, Daniele, 280 –81
Barbow, John, 241
Barks, Carl, 286
Barrymore, Lionel, 29 , 127 n4
Barthes, Roland, 125 , 132 , 281
Basic Instinct (1992), 7 , 37 –38
Bass, Saul, 40
Bassnett-McGuire, Susan, 285
Batman (1988), 279 , 289 , 290
Batman myth, 289
The Battleship Potemkin (1925), 138
Baudelaire, 133
Baudrillard, Jean, 204 , 212 , 213
Baudry, Jean-Louis, 258
Beatty, Warren, 285 –86
Beauty and the Beast (1946), 273 n4
Bell-Mettereau, Rebecca, 206
Bellour, Raymond, 96 , 175 , 178
Belmondo, Jean-Paul, 151 , 151 fig.
Belton, John, 6
Ben Hur (1926, 1959), 28
The Benny Goodman Story (1955), 95 , 107 –9, 111 , 112 –13n8
Bergman, Ingmar, 8 , 162 , 164 , 202 , 249 n1. See also The Virgin Spring
Bernstein, Elmer, 40
Besson, Luc, 29
The Best Years of Our Lives (1946), 104
A Better Tomorrow (1986), 193
Biermann, Wolf, 133
The Big Sleep (1946, 1978), 29 , 30
The Birds (1963), 193
Biskind, Peter, 21
Bissell, Whit, 22
Black Cat (1992), 29
Black culture. See African-American culture
in The Jazz Singer remakes, 105 , 112 n7;
in The Jolson Story,106 –7
Black Like Me (1964), 112 n7
Blackmail (1929), 53
Black Narcissus (1946), 218 ;
and Damned If You Don't,226 –28;
exotic/ethnic presentation of, 225 –26, 234 nn26–28;
Friedrich's acknowledgement of, 224 ;
racist title of, 225 , 234 n29
Bloodworth, Linda, 320
Blow-up (1966), 30
The Blue Lagoon (1949, 1980), 30
Blue Velvet (1986), 168
Body Double (1984), 29
Boichel, Bill, 291 n4
Bolland, Brian, 290
Bond, Ward, 116 , 116 fig., 296 , 301
Bonnie and Clyde (1967), 317
Boorman, John, 10
Bordwell, David, 182
Bose, Miguel, 201
Boudu Saved from Drowning (1932), 191
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992, Coppola), 9 , 240 , 252 fig., 262 , 273 nn 1,2;
anthropological reading of, 271 –72;
cinematic allusions in, 253 , 255 , 273 n4;
comic book adaptation of, 281 , 282 fig., 283 , 292 n 8;
dream quality of, 252 –53, 256 –57;
novel's adaptation of, 292 n11;
perception/representation confusion of, 258 ;
universal Dracula themes of, 264 , 265 –66, 267 , 268 –69, 270 ;
weakness/strength of, 251
Bram Stoker's Dracula (Hart and Saberhagen), 292 n11
Brando, Marlon, 175 fig., 188 –89n4
Brashinsky, Michael, 8
Brazilian cinema, 191 –92
The Breakfast Club (1985), 1
"Break It Up" (song), 229
"Breathless" (song), 158
Breathless (1959). See A bout de souffle
Breathless (1983), 29 , 152 fig., 329 ;
chiastic climax of, 158 ;
cinematic references in, 153 ;
as compromise, 150 –51;
departures from original in, 152 –53, 160 n3;
linguistic transpositions/inversions of, 155 –57;
musical subtext of, 157 –58;
plot line of, 151 –52
Breen, Joe, 19
The Bride (1985), 30
The Bride of Frankenstein (1975), 30
Broadcast News (1987), 117
Brooks, Richard, 29
Brown, Gilbert John and Lesley, 27
Brown, Joe E., 202
Brown, Judith, 229
Brown, Timothy, 313
Browning, Tod. See Dracula (1931, Browning)
Buckley, William F., 323
Buffy the Vampire Killer (1992), 240
Bukatman, Scott, 112 n6
Buñuel, Luis, 29 , 178 , 180 , 218
Buscombe, Edward, 295
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969), 9 , 10 , 137
Butterfly Murders (1979), 193
Byrne, John, 280
Byron, Kathleen, 226