Preferred Citation: Hall, Edwin. The Arnolfini Betrothal: Medieval Marriage and the Enigma of Van Eyck's Double Portrait. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1994 1994.




Accursius, 68

Affectio maritalis,14

Alexander III, 59 , 142 n.29, 151 n.21

Alfonso of Naples, 125

Aliénor de Poitiers, Les honneurs de la cour,84 , 85

Altieri, Marco Antonio:

domestic ring ceremony as a sacramental rite, 57 ;

on Italian betrothal gestures, 68 ;

on Italian marriage ceremony, 53 , 55 , 56 , 150 n.12

Andreae, Johannes, Novella (Plate 7), 55

Angelico, Fra, 35

Anselm of Laon, 149 n.5

Anthonisz., Cornelis (?), The Wise Man and the Wise Woman (Fig. 60), 122 , 123

Antoninus of Florence:

betrothal gestures described, 69 -70, 155 n. 51 ;

on clandestine marriage, 27 , 142 n.36, 143 n.47;

on dowry law, 158 n.80;

fides as a betrothal oath, 64 , 83 , 152 n.29;

four ways to contract sponsalia,152 nn.27, 29;

on marriage ritual, 55 , 150 n.13;

reasons for dissolving a betrothal, 152 n.27;

sequence of actions in contracting matrimony, 149 n.4

Apelles, 128 -29

Aquinas, Thomas:

on clandestine marriage, 27 , 28 ;

sacral touching in swearing a corporal oath, 156 n.63;

ways to contract sponsalia,152 n.29;

words of consent as form of the sacrament of matrimony, 144 n.58

Aristotle, 32

Arles, pseudo-canon of, 17 , 24

Arnolfini, Giovanni di Arrigo:

career and family of, 4 -5, 93 -94;

unlikely candidate for clandestine marriage, 31 ;

variant spellings of surname of, 4 , 7 , 137 n.4

Arnolfini double portrait:

disguised symbolism and methodological problems of interpretation, xvii , xviii , xix , 9 -10, 95 -96, 101 -5, 114 , 119 , 135 n.2, 160 -61 n.20, 161 -62 n.24;

gestures in, xviii -xix, xx , 7 , 9 , 10 -11, 31 , 49 , 68 -69, 70 , 75 , 77 , 79 , 81 ,


Arnolfini double portrait,

83 , 102 , 103 , 104 -5, 139 nn.25, 26 ;

historical alienation of, xvii -xix, 5 -9, 101 -4

—interpretations of:

as acknowledgment of paternity, 6 , 7 ;

as betrothal portrait, 49 , 83 , 94 ;

as chiromancy, 6 ;

as clandestine marriage, xvii , xxi , 8 -9, 29 , 49 , 60 ;

as marriage portrait, 5 -6, 7 , 64 -65, 138 n.23, 139 n.26;

as morganatic marriage, 139 n.26;

as pictorial marriage certificate, 9 , 89 , 161 n.24;

as sacramental marriage rite, xviii , 9 ;

as self-portrait with wife, 7 -8, 138 n.23

—inventory descriptions of, 2 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 29 , 68 -69, 83 , 105 , 137 nn.4, 9

—signature inscription on, xix , 2 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 60 , 89 , 122 , 129 , 138 n.21, 162 n.24

—sitters in:

clothing of, 91 -92, 102 , 106 , 126 ;

identification of, 4 , 137 n.4.

See also Beds; Candles; Chairs; Clogs; Dogs; Mirrors

Arrha :

as betrothal gift, 61 -62, 92 ;

as betrothal ring, 17 , 24 , 52 , 63 ;

as pledge to fulfill promise of future marriage, 15 , 17 , 52 , 61 -62

Arsenal Decameron (Figs. 29, 30, 31, 32, 52), 70 -77, 108 -10

L'Art de bien vivre (Plate 5), 43 -44, 147 n.73

Aubert, David, 112 , 113 , 116

Auctions by chandelle éteinte,162 n.24

Augustine, Saint:

Christian marriage as indissoluble, 14 ;

fides, proles, and sacramentum in marriage, 14 , 65 ;

sacrament, definition of, 32 .

See also Pseudo-Augustine


Baldass, Ludwig, 126 , 136 n.7, 139 n.26, 157 n.72

Baldwin, Robert, 101

Beatrix, queen of the Netherlands, 83

Beds, 83 -88, 102 , 103 , 106 , 113 , 125 , 157 nn.73, 76

Bedaux, Jan Baptist, 102 , 138 n.23, 146 n.65, 147 n.73, 159 -60 n.16, 162 n.24

Bernauer, Agnes, 28

Bernulfus Gospels (Plate 4), 39


confirmed by an oath, 64 , 89 -90;

hand gestures used in contracting, 67 -79, 83 , 154 n.44;

reasons for and ways to dissolve, 61 , 152 n.27;

ring in context of, 63 , 91 , 152 n.29;

ways to contract, 50 -51, 61 , 152 n.29

—in ancient Roman society, 15

—in barbarian law:

dowry in, 16 -17;

transfer of mundium in, 15 -16

—in Italy:

concluded in a church and before a priest, 53 , 67 , 89 -90;

corporal oath in, 79 ;

kiss in, 92 -93

—in northern Europe:

contract redacted by a notary, 67 ;

concluded before a priest, 64 , 67 , 70 , 155 n.54;

confirmed by arrha,61 -62;

confirmed by ring, 62 -64

Betrothal contract for the marriage of Jehan d'Argenteau and Marie de Spontin (Fig. 28), 67


Apocalypse 10:5-6, 80 ;

1 Corinthians 6, 121 ;

Ephesians 5:22-33, 13 , 121 ;

Genesis 2:22-24, 13 ;

Psalm 38, 40 -41;

Psalm 80, 41 -42;

Tobit 7:15, 18 , 20 , 33 , 39 , 145 n.63, 146 -47 n.71;

Wisdom 7:26, 119

Boccaccio, Giovanni, Decameron :

betrothal gestures in Franco-Flemish manuscripts of, 70 -77;

usage of betrothal and marriage terminology in, 155 n.54

Boene, Catherine, 30 , 64

Borch, Gerard ter, Ratification of the Treaty of Münster (Fig. 35), 81 , 83 , 157 n.68

Bosch, Hieronymus, 111

Bosshard, Emil, 128

Boucicaut Master, 157 n.73

Bouts, Dieric, 116


Branca, Vittore, 155 n.54

Brandileone, Francesco, 149 nn.7, 8, 10, 150 nn.16, 17, 151 n.24

Brooch, Flemish betrothal (Fig. 26), xxi , 61 -62, 70

Brooke, Christopher, xviii , 101 , 135 n.1,143 n.41

Brucker, Gene, 59 -60, 135 n.1, 158 n.87

Busti, Bernardinus de, 119 , 165 n.49


Caepolla, Bartholomaeus, Consilia addiversas materias,67 -68, 154 n.43

Campbell Lorne, xviii (quoted), 139 n.25

Campin, Robert, Marriage of theVirgin (Plate 6), 44 ;

Mérode Annunciation Triptych (Fig. 47), xvii -xviii, xix -xx, 96 , 99 , 100 , 109 , 114 , 116 ;

Virgin and Child in anInterior (Plate 15), 116

Candle, 2 , 6 , 102 , 114 , 116 -17, 162 n.24,164 n.36, 164 -65n.41

Carrier, David, 135 n.2

Castiglione, Baldassare, 150 n.15

Catherine of Cleves, Hours of, 115

Cavalcaselle, G. B., 4 , 7

Cenami, Giovanna:

family background of,4 -5, 90 , 93 -94

Chairs, 83 -85, 113 , 157 n.74


marriage legislation of, 22 , 141 n.26

Charles V, emperor, 2 , 5

Charles VI, king of France, 77 -78

Charles the Bold, 4 , 110 , 112 ;

as count of Charolais, 111

Chelles, Jehan de, 122

Christine de Pisan, Le livre destrois vertus,106

Christus Petrus, 167 n.70;

Annunciation,157 n.76;

Holy Family in a Domestic Interior (Fig. 40), 87 , 116 ;

Nativity, 107

Chroniques de Hainaut (Figs. 20, 53), 43 , 111

Cité des Dames Master, Vatican Palatinus Decameron (Plate 10), 70 -71, 77 , 155 n.53

Clandestine marriage:

in Boccaccio's Decameron,28 , 155 n.54;

documented cases of, 27 -31, 143 n.43,143 -44n.52;

how and why contracted, 27 , 28 ,143 n.42, 155 n.54,

legal disabilities resulting from, 27 , 28 ,144 n.52;

prohibitions against, 8 , 23 , 24 -27,142 nn.30, 33, 36, 142 -43n.38;

reasons for ecclesiastical objection to, 26

Clogs, 88 , 102 , 103 , 106 -12, 126 , 163 n.30

Codex, of Justinian, 140 nn.5, 8

Codex Manesse (Plate 9), 69 , 72

Concordia :

associated withmarriage, 19 -22, 37 , 53 , 56 , 112 -13, 140 nn.20, 22

Constantine, 15

Council of Trent, 8 , 25 , 26 , 33 , 34 ,143 n.38

Crowe, J. A., 4 , 7

Crowns, bridal (Plate 6, Figs. 20, 21,23), 17 , 53 , 56 , 60 , 155 n.54


Decretales of Gregory IX, 28 , 42 , 51 , 52 , 55 , 57 , 65 , 142 nn.29, 36, 143 n.45, 151 n.21;

illustrations of, 146 -47n.71, Figs. 12,13, 19, 25

Decretum of Gratian, 23 , 24 -25, 26 , 51 , 56 , 57 , 140 n.16, 141 n.24, 142 n.32;

illustrations of, 146 n.68, Figs. 15, 17, 23, 24

Dextrarum iunctio :

ancient gesture misinterpreted as medieval marriage gesture, xxi , 21 -22, 33 , 36 -37, 56 , 145 -46n.65, 153 n.37;

associated with marriage in antiquity,18 -21, 39

Dhanens, Elisabeth, 101 , 137 n.9, 159 n.9,162n.24

Digest, 14 , 68 , 140 n.6, 142 n.34,151n.26

Disguised symbolism. See Arnolfini double portrait; Panofsky, Erwin

Dogs, 113 , 114 -16, 126 , 164 n.36

Donatio ante nuptias,15 , 53


Dos. See Dowry

Double portraits (Plates 1, 14, Figs.2-5, 43), 10 , 91 -92, 139 n.25, 164 n.36. See also Arnolfini double portrait

Dowry, 15 -17, 25 , 53 , 67 , 75 , 90 -91, 103 -4, 158 n.80. See also Monte delle doti

Dress, status connotations of, 106 , 108 -12, 126 , 163 nn.27, 30

Duns Scotus, John, 32 -33

Durantis, Guillelmus, 59 , 148 n.3, 152 n.29, 158 n.80

Dürer, Albrecht, Apocalypse (Fig. 37), 81 -83;



Eastlake, Charles, 7 , 8

Erasmus, 2

Eyck, Jan van:

dates on his paintings, 136 n.10;

houses of, in Bruges and Lille, 161 n.24;

illusionism in works of, 126 -29;

inscriptions on his works, 2 , 99 , 125 , 136 n.2, 137 n.4, 159 n.7;

intellectual culture of, 124 -25, 167 n.62;

methodological problems ininterpretating the works of, 99 -104;

motto of, 129 ;

pentimenti in paintings of (Figs. 22, 62), 47 , 126 -28, 139 n.25, 167 n.72;

works other than the Arnolfini doubleportrait:

Annunciation Diptych (Plate 16), 128 ;

The Birth of John the Baptist (Turin-Milan Hours) (Fig. 41), 87 , 112 ;

Dresden Triptych (Fig. 48), 99 , 105 , 128 ;

Ghent Altarpiece (Fig. 44), 96 -97, 99 , 103 , 116 , 119 , 125 ;

Lucca Madonna, 116 ;

Madonna of Chancellor Rolin,128 ;

Madonna of Canon van der Paele (Fig. 45), 93 , 97 -99, 103 , 122 -23;


Dresden drawing of theso-called Cardinal Albergati, 89 ;

Man in a Red Turban,138 n.23;

Portrait of GiovanniArnolfini,137 n.4;

Portrait of Jan de Leeuw (Fig.61), 123 , 124 , 137 n.4;

Portrait of Margaret van Eyck,8 ;

"Timotheos" Portrait (Fig. 1), 2 , 136 n.2, 137 n.4.

See also Panofsky, Erwin


Fazio, Bartolomeo, 125 , 128 , 129 , 167 n.62

Ferraris, F. Lucius, Promptabibliotheca,70 , 155 n.52

Fides :

as betrothal oath, 64 , 152 n.29;

as betrothal promise of future marriage, 64 , 70 ;

bona fides as good faith in Roman law, 51 ;

as fidelity of spouses to one another, 14 ;

fides pactionis (betrothal promise of future marriage) distinguished from fides consensus (matrimonial consent), 51 , 65 , 68 , 149 n.5, 153 n.32, 154 n.39;

gestures used in giving betrothal fides,67 , 69 -70, 77 , 145 n.60;

other medieval meanings of fides,65 .

See also Mander, Karel van; Panofsky, Erwin; Vaernewyck, Marcus van

Fierens-Gevaert, Hippolyte, 138 n.21

Fourth Lateran Council, marriage legislation of, 25 , 26 , 29 , 30

Freud, Sigmund, 123 -24

Friedländer, Max:

on gestures in the Arnolfini double portrait, 47 ;

on signature inscription in the Arnolfini double portrait, 8 ;

as a source for Panofsky's theory of disguised symbolism, 95 , 124 , 159 n.2

Froissart, Jean, Chroniques (Fig. 33), 77 -79, 156 nn.58-60

Froment, Nicolas, The Burning Bush,119

Furniture of estate, 83 -85, 87 -88, 113 , 125 , 157 n.73


Ghirlandaio, Domenico, The Marriage of the Virgin (Plate 3), 35

Giotto, 35

Girart de Roussillon, Vienna manuscript of, 121 , 163 nn.27, 32

Gislebertus, 122


Giunta, Lucantonio, Decretum, Decretales, Liber sextus decretalium, Venice, 1514 (Figs. 12,13, 25), 35

Goes, Hugo van der, Nativity (Berlin), 108 ;

Portinari Altarpiece, 107

Goffredus de Trano, 152 n.29

Gombrich, E. H., xx

Gospels of Otto III (Fig. 14), 37 -39


distinction between "initiated"and "ratified" marriage, 51 ;

marriage as "legitimate" or "notlegitimate," 25 , 142 n.33.

See also Decretum of Gratian

Greilsammer, Myriam, 101

Grimani Breviary, 111 , 121

Guevara, Don Diego de, 2 -4, 5

Guido de Monte Rochen, Manipulus curatorum :

on clandestine marriage, 142 n.33;

ways to contract sponsalia,152 n.29;

ways to dissolve a betrothal, 151 n.27

Guillebert de Mets Master, 70 , 163 n.30. See also Arsenal Decameron

Guillelmus Parisiensis, Dialogus de septem sacramentis,152 n.29


Hagia Sophia, narthex mosaic in (Fig.46), 97 -98

Hand gestures. See Arnolfini double portrait; Betrothal; Fides ; Friedländer, Max; Marriage ceremonies; Nicholas I; Oath; Traditio

Harbison, Craig, xviii -xix (quoted), 102 -3

Hay, Major General James, 6

Horenbout, Gerard, Spinola Hours (Plate13), 87


betrothals classified as nuda et simplex or firmata et duplex, 61 , 65 , 72 ;

on clandestine marriage, 142 nn.33, 36 ;

fides as a betrothal oath, 64 , 152 n.29;

ways to dissolve a betrothal, 152 n.27

Hugh of St. Victor, 149 n.5


Immixtio manuum gesture (Fig.14), 39 , 146 n.67

Innocent III, marriage legislation of, 25 -26, 142 n.36

Isabelle of France, 77 -79, 156 n.60

Isabel of Portugal:

dowry of, 90 -91, 158 n.80;

marriage of, 79

Iuramentum corporale. See Oath,corporal

Ives of Chartres, 149 n.5


Jean de Berry, 70 , 115

John the Fearless, 70

Jonas of Orleans, 141 n.26

Jongh, E. de, 135 n.2, 164 n.36

Justinian, 14 , 52 . See also Codex of; Digest


Kerver, Thielman, Heures à l'usage de Rome (Fig. 59), 119

Klapisch-Zuber, Christiane, 149 nn.7, 11, 150 n.12, 151 nn.17, 24, 154 n.44, 158 nn.78, 85, 87


Laborde, Léon de, 6 , 7

Larivey, Pierre de, La Constance,68 -69

Liber sententiarum of Brussels, marriage case in, 29 -31, 64

Liédet, Loyset (Fig. 54), 112

Limbourg Brothers, The Martyrdom of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Belles Heures (Fig. 49), 106 , 107 ;

Très Riches Heures,115

Lombard, Peter, 32 , 149 n.5

Louis XI, king of France, 4 , 5

Louis XIV, king of France, 110

Louis d'Orléans, 90


Mâle, Emile, 114 , 164 n.36

Mander, Karel van, 5 -6

Mansel Master, 70 . See also Arsenal Decameron


Margaret of Austria, 2 , 7 , 8 ;

inventory of 1516, 4 ;

inventory of 1523/24, 4 , 47 , 68 -69, 83


in barbarian law and society, 15 -17, 25 ;

consanguinity as impediment to, 23 , 25 -26, 27 ;

consummation of, 16 , 25 , 51 , 104 , 144 n.58, 149 -50n.12;

contracted by consent of spouses, xxi , 14 -15, 16 , 17 , 23 , 25 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 50 -55, 59 , 60 , 144 n.58, 149 nn.4, 11 , 150 n.13, 154 n.43;

iconography of, 37 -45;

presumptive marriage, 29 , 31 ;

in Roman law and society, 14 -15, 17 , 18 , 19 -20, 25 , 140 n.5;

as a sacrament (Plate 5, Fig. 21), xx -xxi, 13 , 23 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 37 , 43 , 44 , 46 , 50 , 52 , 54 , 55 , 57 , 60 , 139 n.1, 144 n.58, 150 n.13.

See also Sponsalia de praesenti

Marriage ceremonies:

late Roman and early European development of, 17 -23, 37 -39, 54

—later Italian rites:

bestowal of a kiss in, 56 ;

bestowal of a ring as characteristic hand gesture (Plates 3, 7, 8, Figs. 11-13, 24, 25), 34 -37, 52 -59, 71 , 75 , 145 n.63, 149 n.11, 150 -51n.17, 160 n.16;

consent given before a notary, xxi , 34 , 52 , 53 , 54 -56, 57 , 59 , 90 , 103 -4, 131 -33, 151 n.21, 160 n.16;

consent given before a priest, 57 , 59 -60, 151 n.24

—later northern European rites:

before a priest in facie ecclesiae (Fig. 20), xx -xxi, 23 -24, 33 -34, 43 , 142 n.29, 143 n.45, 144 -45n.60;

joining of right hands (Plates 2, 5, Figs. 17-19), 34 , 42 -44, 145 n.60, 146 -47n.71;

nuptial blessing beneath a veil (Fig. 15), 38 , 39 ;

right hands bound by priest's stole (Plate 6, Figs. 20, 21), 44 , 147 n.76;

traditio gestures in, 33 -34, 39 -40, 144 -45n.60


edited by Martène, 34 , 44 , 141 -42n.28, 145 n.61, 147 nn.71, 74 , 151 n.25, 153 nn.31, 33 , 37 , 154 n.42, 155 n.54;

edited by Molin and Mutembe, 33 -34, 144 -45n.60, 145 n.61, 148 n.79, 152 n.30, 153 n.37, 154 n.39;

Ghent rituale of 1576, 44 , 64 , 147 n.76, 151 n.25, 153 n.32;

Matrimonium vulgare before a notary, 54 -55, 131 -33, 149 n.11;

Rituale romanum of 1487, 149 n.9;

Tournai rituale of 1591, 44 , 147 n.76.

See also Nuptial mass; Traditio

Marrow, James, 126 (quoted), 138 n.24, 166 n.53

Mary of Burgundy, 2

Mary of Hungary, 2 , 5

Master of the Landauer Altar, Double Portrait (Fig. 43), 91

Master of the Prado Adoration of the Magi, Presentation in the Temple, 107

Master of the Saint Bertin Altarpiece, 166 n.54

Meckenem, Israhel van, The Marriage of the Virgin (Fig. 50), 34 , 106 , 108 , 122

Meditationes vitae Christi (Fig. 11), 35

Memling, Hans, Bathsheba,115 -16;

Shrine of St. Ursula, 115 ;

Vanitas (Fig. 56), 115

Michelangelo, 122

Mirrors, xix , 5 , 60 , 89 , 101 , 113 , 114 , 117 -23, 125 , 129 , 139 n.25, 161 -62n.24, 165 n.47

Molanus, Joannes, 99 -100

Monte delle doti,104 , 150 n.12

Morgengabe, 16

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus:

Don Giovanni and clandestine marriage, 29

Mundium, 16 , 54


Niccolò di Buonaccorso, The Marriage of the Virgin (Plate 8), 57 -59, 60

Nicolò da Bologna, Marriage miniature (Plate 7), 55 -56, 57 , 60

Nicholas I:

marriage customs as described in the Bulgarian response, 17 -18, 23 , 24 , 34 , 53 ;

matrimonial linking of right hands not


mentioned, 32 ;

religious marriage rites not necessary, 17 , 25 , 55 ;

ring as betrothal arrha,17 , 52

"Nights of Tobias," 23 , 25 , 53 , 141 n.27

Notary, medieval:

as persona publica,59 -60;

as redactor of betrothal contracts, 53 , 67 .

See also Marriage ceremonies, later northern European rites

Nozze,53 , 56 , 71 , 74 , 75 , 104 , 150 n.12, 155 n.54, 160 n.16

Nuptial mass, 17 , 23 , 24 , 53 , 54 , 55 , 121



corporal, 79 -81, 90 , 156 nn.63, 65 , 157 n.68;

mixed, 156 n.62;

promissory, 79 ;

solemn, gestures used in swearing, 79 -83, 156 n.67, 157 nn.68, 69;

verbal, 79

Osculum, 15 , 56 , 150 n.16

Ovid, 6 , 137 n.9


Pacher, Michael, The Marriage of the Virgin (Plate 2), 34

Pamphilus, 167 n.62

Panofsky, Erwin:

disguised symbolism, theory of, xviii , 9 -10, 95 -96, 99 , 101 -2, 106 -8, 114 , 116 , 118 -19, 135 -36n.6, 165 n.46;

on double portrait as clandestine marriage, xvii , 1 , 8 , 64 -65, 94 ;

on fides levata and fides manualis,9 , 65 , 153 n.37, 155 n.49;

interpretations of, criticized, xx , xxi , 11 , 40 , 46 -47, 50 , 102 , 135 n.2, 138 n.23, 138 -39n.24, 158 -59n.1, 159 nn.2, 11 , 164 n.36, 164 -65n.41;

on Van Eyck's presumed erudition, 123 , 124 -25, 167 n.63

Passe the Elder, Crispijn van de, Concordia (Fig. 55), 112 -13

Paston Letters, 27 -28, 143 n.43

Pattens. See Clogs

Paur, Hans, Betrothal woodcut (Fig. 27), 62 -63, 91 , 99 , 121

Pepys, Samuel, 162 n.24

Philip II, king of Spain, 5

Philip the Good, 4 , 70 , 79 , 90 , 110 -11, 121 , 124 -25, 163 n.32

Pisano, Giovanni, 122

Pliny, Natural History,125 , 128 -29

Premierfait, Laurent de, Le livre cameron,70 , 71 , 75

Protogenes of Rhodes, 128 -29


matrimonial consent by words and intent, 22 , 141 n.24, 144 n.57, 149 n.5, 153 n.37

Pseudo-Isidorian forgeries, 23 , 24 -25, 142 n.32

Puyvelde, Leo van, 138 -39n.24


Raphael, Sposalizio,35 , 151 n.17

Raymond of Peñafort:

betrothal gestures, 69 , 155 n.50;

matrimonium, not sponsalia de praesenti, as proper word for marriage, 51 -52, 149 n.6

Recceswinth, Visigothic king, 17

Reims, provincial council of 1304, 26 , 148 n.3

René of Anjou, 115

Richard II, king of England, 77 -79, 91 , 156 n.60

Rituale romanum of Paul V, 34

Roskill, Mark, xviii , 160 n.16

Roubaix, Jehan de, 79

Ruskin, John, 7


Sacramentum, 14 , 32

Sandler, Lucy Freeman, 146 n.65

Schapiro, Meyer, 114

Schenk von Schenkenstein, Wilhelm and Agnes von Werdenberg, double portrait of (Plate 14), 91 -92

Scherhauff, Lienhard, The Marriage of the Virgin,145 n.63


Seidel, Linda, xviii , 102 , 103 -4, 161 n.22, 161 -62n.24

Shakespeare, William, Henry V, betrothal gestures in, 68

Sixtus IV, 119

Smith, Alistair, xix (quoted), 136 nn.9-10

Sponsalia :

in Italian practice, 89 -90, 92 -93;

in Roman law, 15 , 16 , 18 ;

usage of related words in Germanic and Romance languages, 49 -50, 64 -65, 71 , 83

Sponsalia de futuro (verba de futuro ), distinguished from sponsalia de praesenti (verba de praesenti ), 50 , 52 , 61 , 149 n.4, 154 n.43. See also Betrothal

Sponsalia de praesenti, meaning marriage, 52 , 59 , 60 , 71 , 75 . See also Marriage

Subarrhatio (subarrhatio anuli ), 15 , 18 , 52 , 56 , 57 , 63 , 152 n.29. See also Betrothal, ring in context of


Traditio :

as consent gesture signifying mutual donation of the spouses to each other, 32 , 33 , 34 , 37 , 56 , 144 n.57;

as transfer of bride's guardianship from father to groom, 16 , 32 , 33 , 35 , 37 , 39 , 54 , 55 , 144 -45n.60;

as transfer of property in Roman law, 144 n.57


Vacarius, 144 n.57

Vaernewyck, Marcus van, 5 -6, 64 -65, 83 , 157 n.71

Verba de futuro . See Sponsalia de futuro

Verba de praesenti . See Sponsalia de praesenti

Vergil, Aeneid,125

Verneuil, synod of, 24

Viardot, Louis, 6

Virgin and Child, anonymous, Turin (Plate 12), 87 , 157 n.75, 167 n.70

Visscher, Claes Jansz., Prayer before a Meal (Fig. 42), 88


Waagen, Gustav Friedrich, 7 -8

Weale, W. H. James, 8 , 47

Weyden, Rogier van der, Annunciation (Fig. 57), 116 , 117 ;

Bladelin Altarpiece, 107 -8;

Columba Altarpiece, 107 , 166 n.58;

Pietà (London), 108 ;

Saint John the Baptist Altarpiece, 157 n.76;

Seven Sacraments Altarpiece (Figs. 21, 51), 44 , 105 -6, 108 , 109 , 116

William of Auvergne, 32


Preferred Citation: Hall, Edwin. The Arnolfini Betrothal: Medieval Marriage and the Enigma of Van Eyck's Double Portrait. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1994 1994.