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Pennevis, A., 33 -4

Pelly, Douglas, 125 , 130 -32

Peregrino, F.Z., 248

petty bourgeoisie, 82 , 96 , 100 -1, 108 , 128 -9, 143 , 154 , 156 , 168 -9, 175 -6, 180 -2, 204 , 218 , 222 , 230 , 242 , 244 -8, 250 , 255 -81, 299 -300, 315 , 326 -8, 336 , 396 , see also amakholwa, culture brokers and é.volué.s

Plaatje, Sol, 295

Plymouth Brethren mission, 377 , 380 , 388

poor white problem, 8 -9, 32 -3, 39 , 48 , 56 -76, 78 n, 92 -3, 96 , 246

primordialism, 5 -6, 14 , 82 , 109

Proclamation R143 (1968) (South Africa), 397 , 399

Promotion of Bantu Self-Government Act (1959) (South Africa), 104 -5, 396

prostitution, 23 , 333 , 340 -1, 359 -60, 362 -4

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