Labotsibeni, Queen Regent of Swaziland, 294 -6
labour migrancy, 8 -10, 14 -16, 102 -3, 107 , 137 -41, 156 , 158 -9, 161 , 163 , 176 -7, 226 , 228 -9, 262 , 264 , 292 , 294 , 300 , 305 , 315 , 329 -30, 381 -2
labour recruitment, forced, see forced labour
labour tenancy, 93 -5, 97 , 104 , 291 , 293 , see also thangata
Lake Tanganyika, 194 , 196 -8, 200 , 202 , 204
Lakeside Tonga people (Malawi), 152 -4, 156 -7
Lamba language, 364
Lamba people (Zambia), 350 -66
Land Speculation Act (1971) (Swaziland), 306
language, 4 , 11 -13, 34 , 333 ;
policy, 164 -6;
research, 129 -33,
see also names of individual languages
Lavigerie, Cardinal, 197 , 200 -1
Lebowa (Bantustan), 106
Lechaptois, Msgr., 200
Lebombo mountains (South Africa), 83 , 93 , 291
legislation, Malawi :
Malawi Land Act, (1965), 181 ;
Mozambique:Regulamento de Serviçais e Trabalhadores Indigenas (1904), 273 -4;
Nyasalasd : Credit Trade With Natives Ordinance, 175 ;
District Administration (Natives) Act (DANO) (1912), 158 , 162 , 169 -71;
Native Foodstuffs Ordinance, 175 ;
South Africa : Bantu Administration Act (1951), 305 ;
Bantu Authorities Act (1951), 103 -4, 398 ;
Bantu Homelands Citizenship Act (1970), 106 , 314 ;
Native Administration Act (1927), 218 , 290 , 297 ;
Natives Land Act (1913), 16 , 94 , 222 , 295 , 298 ;
Native Service Contract Act (1932), 297 ;
Native Trust and Land Act (1936), 98 , 303 , 309 ;
Proclamation R143 (1968), 397 , 399 ;
Promotion of Bantu Self-Government Act (1959), 104 -5, 396 ;
Riotous Assemblies (Amendment) Act (1930), 218 ;
Urban Areas Act (1923), 227 ;
Union of South Africa Act (1909), 72 , 76 , 293 -4;
Wine and Spirits Control Act (1924), 45 ;
Swaziland : Land Speculation Act (1971), 306
Leihlo lo Babatsho (newspaper), 100 -1
Lemana college, 100
Lewanika, King of the Lozi (Zambia), 352 , 377 , 392 n
liberal tendency, in Cape Colony intellectual life, 27 -8
Linden, Ian, 182
Livingstonia Mission (Malawi), 153 -7, 159 -60, 162 -6
lobola, see bridewealth
Lomwe people (Malawi), 167 -73, 180 , 182 -3, 191 n, see also Nguru people
Lourenço-Marques (Maputo), 255 -81
Lovedale School (Ciskei), 396 , 401 , 404
Lozi people (Zambia), 352
Luanshya (Zambia), 354 , 356 , 358 -60, 363 , 365
Luapula area (Zambia), 194 -5
Luba people (Zaire and Zambia), 324 -42
Luchazi people (Angola and Zambia), 372 , 375 , 379 , 384 , 390
Lukhele, David, 308 , 310 -11, 313 -4, 316 , 323 n
Luluabourg mutiny (1944) (Zaire), 338
Lunda language, 384
Lunda people (Zaire and Zambia), 330 , 372 -90
Luso-Africans (Mozambique), 9 , 255 -81
Lutherans, see German Lutheran missionaries
Luthuli, Albert, 217 , 222 -4, 235 n, 237 n, 316
Luvale people (Zambia), 372 -90