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Gaza Nguni people (Mozambique), 83 -4, 121 , 260 -62

Gazankulu (Bantustan), 106 -9

Genootskap van Regte Afrikaners (Fellowship of True Afrikaners), 34

German Lutheran missionaries, 91 -2

Gondwe, Chilongozi, 155 , 159 , see also Chikulainayembe

Gondwe, John, 159 , see also Chikulainayembe

Gramsci, A., 65 , 76

Great Trek of 1835-38, 22 , 36 , 76

Greeley, Rev. E.H., 26 -28

Grêmio Africano, 256 -7, 260 , 268 -72, 275 , 280 , 287 n

Gumede, J.T., 299

Gwamba language, 86 -8, 90

Gwede, Focus, 151

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