"Sabra" (unproduced), 275 , 285
Saint Joan, 150
Sanctuary, 267
San Francisco,223
Sasquatch, 370
Savage Eye, The,160 , 188 -189
"Say It with Music" (unproduced), 84
"Sea Hunt," 265
Search, The,280
Secret Beyond the Door, The,316
Secret of Santa Vittoria, The,191
Seeing Is Believing:
How Hollywood Taught Us to Stop Worrying and Love the Fifties,7
See No Evil:
Life Inside a Hollywood Censor,242
Semi-Tough, 171
Serenade, 98
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers,127
Seven Sweethearts,228
Seventh Sin,137
Shadow in the Sky,177 -178, 191
Shanghai Express,17
Shanghai Gesture, The,17
Shop Around the Corner, The,226
Silhouetten,204 , 219 , 220 , 239
Sinbad the Sailor,98
Sing, Baby, Sing,331
Singin' in the Rain,9 , 73 , 78 , 80 , 81 , 81 ,82 -83, 84 , 85 , 86 -87
Sins of the Children,117
Ski Fever, 267 , 269
Smiling Lieutenant, The,226
Snake Pit, The,129 , 135 -136
So Big, 98
Social Contract, The,99
Some Kind of Nut,91
Something of Value,30 , 51 , 54 -57
Song of Frankenstein,273
Song of Scheherazade,204 , 231 -232, 239
Song of Songs,223
Son of Dracula,257 , 261 -262
South Pacific,186
Spartacus, 4
Spider, The,345
Spirit of St. Louis, The,228
Star Is Born, A (1937), 69
Star Is Born, A (1954), 151
Stars in My Crown,53
Star Wars, 9 , 268
Steps of Age, The,177
Stopover Tokyo,236
Storm Center,310 , 316 , 322 -324
Storm of Strangers,160 , 188
Story of G.I. Joe, The,200
Story of Louis Pasteur, The,343
Story on Page One, The,67
Stranger on the Third Floor,136
Streetcar Named Desire, A,185 , 294
Studs Lonigan,11 , 330 , 359 , 375 , 380
Suez, 40
Summertime, 130 , 147 -148
Summer Wishes, Winter Dreams,275
Sun Also Rises, The,372
Sundowners, The,120
Suspicion, 226
Sweet Bird of Youth,52
Swell Guy, 41 , 42 , 44
"Sybil," 275 , 280
Syncopation,345 , 360 -361